Wild Sky YonderBasic training turns into a harrowing adventure for Spitfire and Soarin'.by Mysecsha
61,372 words
· 250 · 4
Spitfire: Parlour TricksIt's Spitfire's day off - what's the worst that could happen? She's Captain of the Wonderbolts, after all.by delicate-danger
2,933 words
· 16 · 0
A Lovely ApologySpitfire decides to make up for an embarrassing mistake by inviting Filthy Rich out for a night on the town.by PresentPerfect
6,194 words
· 176 · 4
Our DaughterTwo families share one unexpected bundle of joy. As celebrities secrets are uncovered and relationships tested, none of the Wonderbolts or the mane six will ever be quite the same.by lillytheomegawolf
94,654 words
· 50 · 4
yep :)
Heh. I had to ask that question because of the two groups you are in that involve Spitfire in those two shippings
Now that’s a hard question
I love both ships but I'm into Soarinfire nowadays
Same here :D
And who do you ship Spitfire with the most: Rainbow Dash or Soarin'?