• Member Since 30th Apr, 2016
  • offline last seen June 26th


Just a guy who loves to write!

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Well, fuck · 7:10am Jan 7th, 2020

So, I got some bitter news. I have lost all passion for writing. I don't really feel the want to really do much of anything. My imagination is gone. My spark is gone. I just don't have it in me anymore to put out anything. I mean yeah, I can throw together some form an abomination and call it a story. Here's the thing though, I just can't do that.

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Report EldinKaiser · 235 views ·

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Hey everyone, I wanted to go ahead and put this out here in the open for anyone who may be interested in it. I have 4 difference accounts in which you can follow me on.

My Facebook is TheMaliceKiotsu
Tumblr is DinKaiser
DeviantArt is DinKaiser
Twitter is @MaliceKiotsu

If you have questions, if you have anything you want to say, or if you just wanna swing by and say hi, feel free to jump on and message me. I'm always open to talk.

Comments ( 36 )
  • Viewing 32 - 36 of 36

I would offer to help with ideas but I have no idea if that would help your creative flow

Hey, I do plan on jumping back in writing more for Another Chance as well as a few others. Though, I need to be back into the writing mindset. That's where my current problem lies. I have absolutely no motivation to write or anything. When I do get back into the mood though, expect a barrage of chapters being spewed out by me.

Can you please continue another chance?
I love that story.

Yo din Kaiser what you up to

  • Viewing 32 - 36 of 36
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