• Member Since 11th Jul, 2011
  • offline last seen Saturday


Saddlesoap Opera is a Canadian Brony who loves to write and read fiction of nearly all kinds.


Miss Cheerilee lives in the most interesting town in Equestria, and the incredible events unfolding all around her have left her feeling unremarkable in comparison. As fate would have it, however, what’s been missing in her life all along turns out to be yet another epic, history-making heroine …

An entry for the 2022 Crackship Contest (https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/976293/crackship-contest-2022-jan-06-mar-03

This fic takes place after the conclusion of the present-day FiM storyline, but before the ‘distant finale’ era of the epilogue.

Chapters (2)

When a sombre milestone is reached one hot summer day many years hence, Fluttershy pauses to consider things, and soon she’s in a tense discussion with her newest, oldest friend.

A short attempt at an Iceberg Theory style story.

An audio reading can be found here.

Chapters (1)

An enchanted gift from rare sylvan visitors to Equestria gives an aging Rarity renewed vim and vigor. What harm could it do to try and make the lovely thing suit her just a little bit better?

An entry for the Barcast Halloween in April Writing Contest for short works of horror fiction.

Chapters (1)

The Cutie Mark Crusaders and their friends have a mystery on their hooves, and the only clue is a Unicorn mare whose kindness, gentleness and charm seem almost too good to be true. If they can’t discover the truth, all of Ponyville may be in danger.

This story takes place after the My Little Pony Movie, and before the start of Season Eight.

Chapters (6)

Several years have passed. Soarin has achieved fame and success as a Captain of the Wonderbolts. It’s a rank he’s held for a long time. Maybe too long. As the realities of the future ahead of him weigh on his mind, he discovers that he isn’t the only Wonderbolt thinking about what comes next.

Third Place Winner, Mana's Wonderful Wonderbolts Writing Contest

Chapters (3)

Scootaloo has always longed to fly. When she makes use of dangerous magic in pursuit of that dream, all of Ponyville — perhaps even all of Equestria — may have to deal with the consequences.

Chapters (1)

In the closing days of the Pre-Classical Era, at the dawn of the rule of the Royal Pony Sisters, the devastation of Discord’s cruelty hits hard and leaves an open wound. As the young and inexperienced Princesses Celestia and Luna struggle to keep the peace, powerful figures in all three Pony tribes bridle at the upstart Alicorns who so quickly and easily claimed power...

Fic reading with soundtrack can be found here!

Chapters (10)

Sunset Shimmer decides it’s finally time to return to Equestria to confront Princess Celestia and ask some tough questions about the treatment of Her protégés. She isn’t ready for the answers she receives.

Chapters (1)

Ponyville is shaken to its core when everypony's favourite pink party-pony is revealed to be a murderer.

Her friends struggle to deal with the staggering revelation as all of Equestria turns its focus on the little town to learn more about the now infamous Cup Cake Killer...

Winner, 8th Place, Equestria Daily's More Most Dangerous Game contest.

A full-cast reading can be found here.

Chapters (1)

The history of Equestria spans dozens of centuries, and many terrible foes have risen up from the past to threaten the future once more, only to be defeated.

When a vicious and powerful enemy older than any Twilight, her friends, or even the Princesses have faced before returns, they will have to reach out to an ally just as ancient for help... but is she still the heroine she once was?

This story takes place after the end of Season 3.

Honourable Mention: Best Fimfiction, Pony Awards 2013

Full-Cast, Illustrated Audio Drama version by Scribbler Productions can be found here!

Hardcopy editions from Ponyfeather Publishing can be found here!

Chapters (9)