• Member Since 31st Jul, 2015
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A Somewhat Decent Writer

I mean, it probably depends on your opinion on "decent"

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Hey Y’Know what’s the absolute worst thing Season 9 could do? · 8:17pm Jul 19th, 2019

Making Sparity a thing. Just no. And with the writers supporting it I just…no.

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Comments ( 18 )
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Thank you so much for the kind words! :pinkiehappy:

But at that point, why even try to write a story if you don't care about what makes it good? It ain't cool if the audience doesn't care for what's happening besides yourself. At that point, they're wondering what was going on when said story is being made. I'll admit, there's potential in this story, but you lack the one thing authors need to improve; the ability to take criticism. As such, you can't really improve if you don't acknowledge your faults.

You said it, man! In online works like fanfics, DA artwork, and YouTube vids, your viewers and their feedback are highly valuable to your success (especially for people like us who currently don't have large troves of followers). My work just wouldn't be the same without the feedback I've gotten from others in the past.

I appreciate the follow. Thanks! :twilightsmile:

Thanks for the fave!

Thanks a ton for the fav! Be sure to leave a like if you enjoyed the story, it helps a lot! :pinkiehappy:

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