• Member Since 13th Nov, 2014
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


I'm Sheena. I write mostly angsty teen lesbian romantic dramedy, a few AUs, and sometimes porn.


Sunset Shimmer is just trying to have a nice dinner with her friends when it is RUINED by an uninvited guest with an affinity for black goo. She knows what it is, she knows who is responsible, and she is very VERY unhappy with him. And she wants to let him know.


Rated T for exactly one instance of harsh profanity.

I did not expect this to get as popular as it did but I am very glad that people enjoyed it. Thank you all so much for getting featured, 100+ likes, and countless additions to favorites lists! 💜

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer hasn't had the best time readjusting to human society after a series of traumatic experiences from getting caught up in a coup on an unplanned visit to Equestria end up afflicting her with PTSD. Finding a job after graduation was hard enough, but keeping it proved to be just as difficult. She claims it isn't a big deal since the aforementioned job sucked anyway. But that doesn't necessarily make the fallout any easier to handle. Luckily she isn't alone.


Part of my extended Equestria Girls chronology, but is standalone and doesn't require previous knowledge of other fics to read or understand.

Rated for profanity, cannabis use, non-explicit sexual references, and very brief sections containing violence and gore in flashbacks.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash and Spitfire have been dating for a while now, and today is the official sit-down meal with the parents. But Rarity arrives with Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo in tow with upsetting news. Rainbow then decides that it's time to call for an emergency friendship meeting. There, after Rarity unveils a long-held revelation, Sunset (struggling with her ptsd) and Twilight leave the room upset for different reasons. Rainbow and Spitfire then take it upon themselves to decode why, and ensure that their friends are all taken care of...

...but can they do so?


Part of my Extended Equestria Girls Continuity arc.
Sex tag for mention of sexual activity.
Profanity tag for some naughty words.

This was written in 2018 and uploaded in February 2019 but I didn't publish it until now. Happy Pride 2020 🏳️‍🌈
All bigoted comments will be deleted. This is your warning.

Chapters (4)

EDIT 11/7/23: this fic is receiving a high concentration of suspicious and potentially malicious comments that may or may not contain links to some potential virus and/or identity theft hot zones. DO NOT CLICK ON ANY LINKS YOU MAY FIND IN THE COMMENTS, THEY MAY BE UNSAFE. If this pattern continues I will have no choice but to disable comments on this fic.

Twilight wakes up in a strange new world. As a scientist, this fills her with joy! That is, until night falls... That's when the monsters come. Luckily she doesn't turn into zombie food on Night 1, since Rainbow Dash is there to save her. But when the dust settles, one simple fact remains: there is no way out of this endless nightmare. Or is there?


Minecraft crossover with blatantly obvious Resident Evil influences in terms of the zombies. Campy Trad-Horror themes abound. First arc is primarily centered around Twilight and Rainbow, Second arc adds Applejack and Fluttershy, Third arc adds Rarity and Pinkie. No dumb boring romance subplots getting in the way.

Gore tag for zombie guts.
Violence tag for killing zombies.

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy is spending part of the weekend with her best friend, Rainbow Dash. But that's not all that's happening. She has some questions to ask. Rainbow has some answers.

NOTE: takes place before the first Equestria Girls movie


Rated T for some not quite sexual content but for some maybe not kid-friendly content. (They talk about breasts a little bit).

Shameless Flutterdash fluff piece to crack my proverbial knuckles before getting back to my main project. Might make an M rated sequel if people wanna see more of this.

Chapters (1)

[description slightly updated 10/10/22]
What if Applebloom hadn't admitted to being Anon-a-Miss when she did? What if Sunset took the situation to extreme measures? And what if the Crusaders never stopped posting…?

This is the story of the aftermath of what might have happened, Sunset's recovery from the trauma of abandonment and resulting depression, and the road towards healing and forgiveness. This is also the story of why Anon-a-Miss continued to function long after the intended purpose was completed. There will be roadblocks, detours, and maybe even engine troubles, but through friendship, Sunset's wounds may yet be mended. However… as the one behind the wicked veil of anonymity continues to wreak havoc, who else will be hurt due to her desire for vengeance? Why does she seek it, and for what is it sought for? When the collateral damage inevitably collapses under its own weight, Sunset will not be the only one bearing scars.



Third person. Present tense (flashbacks are in Past tense). Rated T rather than M as there is no explicit sex or graphic violence. Profanity tag may be pushing the rating a bit (frequency of F bombs was reduced in editing). Sex tag for discussion of sexual activity (both heterosexual and homosexual) and implied nudity. Suicide / Self Harm tag for failed suicide attempts, mentions of past attempts, discussion of cutting, and for descriptions of scars. Contains cannabis mention and implied use (not enough to justify tagging Narcotics but enough to mention). Also contains minor character death (of an OC, in a flashback, off-screen), medical trauma, mental illness, and some depictions of homophobia and the usage of slurs.

TL;DR reader discretion is HIGHLY advised. Feel free to contact me personally if you have any questions about exactly what method of suicide attempts are depicted in case certain types may cause you harm. I don’t want to trigger anyone if I can help to prevent it. (I am using ‘trigger’ here in its medical context.)

It has been pointed out to me that there are some inconsistencies concerning the timeline and canon. I will mention that here to spare you further confusion. This takes place in a light AU I call my EEGC (Extended Equestria Girls Chronology) which consists of multiple fics set in the same universe and timeline. In it I have changed, among other things: Twilight gave Sunset the journal in the events of the first film, the Anon-a-Miss incident occurs within weeks of the first film and long before the second, the OTHER Twilight & Sunset are ‘altered’ and ‘taken care of’ respectively, and the Human World and Limbo are now the same location. These changes were made because the EqG canon is literally impossible otherwise, given the events of the show (and has only grown MORE impossible in time).

Thank you all for getting me featured repeatedly!
Thank you for the likes, comments, and favorites!
Thank you especially for the constructive criticism!

Chapters (18)

Twilight Sparkle is having a regular normal slow Saturday alone because her friends all have plans that don't include her, until she makes the discovery that Rarity and Sunset are having sex. Considering she has unrequited romantic feelings for Sunset and unconfessed romantic feelings for Rarity, this is very upsetting news and suffice it to say... she doesn't take this very well.


Part of my Equestrian Girls chronology.
Preceded by Coming Out.
Followed by []
Rated T for profanity and implied sexual intercourse.
there will be a short spinoff epilogue and following sequel

Chapters (2)

Maud calls for a meeting at Sugarcube Corner among all her friends in Ponyville, except for Trixie who is busy doing something that doesn't matter to the plot. The reason she does so is that Boulder has some very exciting news: he found out who his parents are! The girls are all very glad to hear this. But the best part has yet to come: they've all already met both of the parents.

A heartwarming tale of finding your family despite all odds. After all... stone is thicker than water.

Also, Twilight Sparkle has a very bad day.


A nonsensical little plot bunny I've had since 2012. Science and logic are on vacation. Warning: character death but for comedy. Featuring a small amount of Raridash.

Chapters (1)

Starlight succeeded in her plan for revenge against Twilight Sparkle. She prevented the pivotal sonic rainboom from ever happening, effectively destroying the timeline that lead Twilight on the path to befriending the rest of the Six. Which also kills the three of them. Because Starlight is an idiot blinded by a quest for vengeance. But before Twilight fades away, she tells a slightly younger Princess Celestia and Sunset Shimmer several things they will need to know to have any hopes of keeping Equestria safe from the many countless terrors that await it in the near future.

The story of Celestia and Sunset picking up the pieces of a mirror yet to shatter. Destinies will change. Fates will intertwine. Hearts will break. And forbidden knowledge will eventually come back to bite the Princess in the... Plot adaptation prequel of the original series.


Death: Spike (sad), Starlight (violent), Twilight (eh sorta) but their story counterparts are still alive
Profanity: nothing you won't see on tv
Violence: one particularly brutal scene near the beginning but everything else is pretty mild

AU: takes place in universe with with no sonic rainboom
Drama: focus is on the dramatic dynamics of Celestia and Sunset
Sad: melancholic themes concerning main characters throughout
Tragedy: major canon character deaths at the beginning ONLY
Romance: possibly a romantic subplot or two that isn't the main focus

Primary: Celestia and Sunset
Secondary: Luna and Twilight/Spike
Tertiary: Rainbow Dash and Starlight Glimmer
Supporting Cast: Pinkie/Rarity/Fluttershy, Wind Rider, The Oranges, Maud Pie, Stormy Flare, Firelight/Stellar Flare/Sunburst

Chapters (3)