I'm Sheena. I write mostly angsty teen lesbian romantic dramedy, a few AUs, and sometimes porn.
A good story isn't measured by how long it is, but by how long it stays with you.
"Tim, you're just so nice nobody could hate you. We all are secretly in love with you." ~bats
Come what may and test what will, I always find peace in some form of writing. Be it famous, hidden, or simply my own, it is and forever will be a sanctuary.
Fic writer/reader. Humor, romance, drama. You can read stories by me about other fandoms at my ff.net account :) And please support me on patreon! https://www.patreon.com/user?u=319852&u=319852&ty=h
Fillyfooling trans mare with a taste for transpony, SweetieBot, motherhood, sisterhood, and polyamory stories. Also, a cataloger of transpony stories.
I hope that when the world comes to an end, I can breathe a sigh of relief, because there will be so much to look forward to.
I seem to have one job in life. Failing my one job in life.
The pen is mightier than the sword, but the nuclear bomb's got them both beat.
I love to write, and I'll write just about anything. I seem to be most well known for my stupid little comedy pieces though...
There are a few Jakes on this website. I'm the ginger one.
I write emo romance stories about Spike, listen to music that should have died with MySpace and play a lot of Final Fantasy 14. That's about it.
Bringing personal and commission horse words to you over a cup of steaming Earl Gray! I write in many genres, for all audiences. Check my library bookshelves for convenient sorting of my stories.
I write commissions and sometimes write stuff I come up with too. Nuff said.
I have no heart and my avatar makes everything sound sexual. Also, It's pronounced "sam-ee".
While I may look like a human, I am a Velociraptor at heart.
Master of certain tangible things, writer, mandalorian. Commission Info
currently suffering from the curse of improving just enough to hate what i just wrote, then starting over again
I read. I write. I edit. I Twidash. But above all else, I'm just a regular guy. Shoot me a PM if you have a question.