• Member Since 13th Nov, 2014
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


I'm Sheena. I write mostly angsty teen lesbian romantic dramedy, a few AUs, and sometimes porn.


i lived bitch · 7:18am January 22nd

I received a PM that asked if I’m ok and I realized oh shit the last update I posted seemed… grim.

well, I’m ok and I even feel better now about the whole dead dad thing.

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Report NightCoreMoon · 336 views ·

update. i am not okay. yet. · 2:51pm Nov 14th, 2023

the autopsy report came.
it was bad news.
the death wasn’t peaceful.

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Report NightCoreMoon · 304 views ·

My Dad is Dead and I am Not Okay (but I think I will be eventually) · 3:41pm Aug 22nd, 2023

a central driving plot point is scootaloo’s inability to process the grief of the death of a parent.

and I awoke this morning to my mom calling me and telling me that my father died last night.

the last few chapters were going to really get deep into this theme, and go into her backstory to explain her motivations in more depth and detail. that was the plan. and now that plan is ruined.

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I Got In A Car Accident But I Am Okay · 3:48pm Jul 25th, 2023

Hey guys so I know I said the next chapter is almost done but it’s gonna be a bit delayed because well read the title. I kinda got in a car accident. A speeding Ford came out of nowhere and slapped my ass and called me sally. and also it destroyed my car. and also it almost destroyed me. the air bag punched me in the sternum and I had to literally crawl my way out of the car. It’s dead. totaled. gone baby gone. I’m gonna need a new car, and a whole lotta bed rest. I’d apologize but there’s

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Report NightCoreMoon · 247 views ·

I hate gen 5... · 10:41pm Sep 25th, 2021

...on principle.

I do not care about the new series. I do not care about the new characters. I will not acknowledge it. I will not reference it. It will never affect anything I write. That is all.

Report NightCoreMoon · 351 views ·

Oh How Time Passes · 8:18am May 28th, 2021

I haven't written a goddamn thing, oopsie

my executive systems have inhibited my ability to write to an absurd degree and further progress probably won't happen until the health insurance I have with my father lapses due to my age and I can pursue it independently and then get a diagnosis for adhd and whatever the hell else I have and actually get help for it. until then, well, idk what to tell everyone.

if you want the sparknotes version of the endings to my fics hit me up on pm.

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Report NightCoreMoon · 322 views ·

Update August 2020 · 9:38am Aug 20th, 2020

Hey all. I've been having trouble surmounting writer's block given the nature of covid quarantine. I got exposed again this month. I think I'm fine but god is it stressful since my health insurance is predicated on my father's heroin sobriety and the mobile app he's developing (a fitness based social networking site if anyone's curious) getting completed and making sales. If I get sick I am FUCKED. Also my boyfriend's been stressed too, and he has ptsd so it's exacerbating that, and I cannot

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Report NightCoreMoon · 350 views ·

EqG Timeline · 9:28am Jun 10th, 2020

Don't wanna read 37 fics just to understand what's happening in my most recent one, sorta like wanting to watch Infinity War without having seen every single other Marvel movie? Here's the timeline of major events interlaid with the films, tv series, and comics.

Comic: My Little Pony Annual 2013
-Rainbow/Fluttershy, Applejack, Rarity, & Pinkie become friends
-Sunset Shimmer enters the portal
Season 1
-Nightmare Moon returns & is defeated
-Grand Galloping Gala
Season 2

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Report NightCoreMoon · 855 views ·

Hiatus Suspended · 10:32am Dec 20th, 2019

I'm better than I was. Still some kinks left to work through but I have health insurance now. I'll get better. And I'll finish everything.

Report NightCoreMoon · 254 views ·

Hiatus · 3:02am Oct 22nd, 2019

A whole bunch of shit happened in a short amount of time and now my mental health is so bad I can barely sleep, eat, bathe, or leave my bed some days. Let alone write anything. So there's not really gonna be much in the way of updates in the near future. I'll have health insurance for the first time in years come December so hopefully I can try antidepressants and hope that they'll help me but for now I just can't bring myself to write anything worth reading. I feel sick. I'm gonna go lay down

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Report NightCoreMoon · 229 views ·