Nightmare Night, the one evening where all your worst dreams come true, is almost over...or is it? With Luna's moon still glimmering over Ponyville, the Apple family gathers together in their storm cellar to exchange scary stories before turning in for the night.
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Entry for HONORABLE MENTION in the Poniverse Nightmare Night Contest
Don't Sit Near the Apple Tree (with Anypony Else but Me) - told by Granny Smith: A young Granny Smith finds a dying apple tree in the orchard. Anypony who goes to chop it down is never seen again.
I See Dead Ponies - told by Apple Bloom: Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle spend the night in a haunted cottage but when their stay becomes miserable, they receive unlikely help.
Fiddlin' Amok - told by Applejack: Fiddlesticks auditions for the Canterlot Chamber Orchestra which soon becomes cursed when she doesn't get in. Contains gore.