• Member Since 27th Nov, 2013
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago


Comments ( 7 )
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Thanks a lot for the follow!

Thank you for the fav and follow, dude. :twilightsmile:

thanks for the fav and watch.

852911 One of the parts i like is the romance i am really looking for konrad s choice

when rubi and luna where fighting in the ruins of the old castle,

when apple bloom and konrad hug it was really adorable,

the final battle vs blood hooves i really like it,

i play mass effect 1-3 so the ending of chapter 37 That explains everything.....not, it was really a mind blown

also the oblivon reference was funny.

Oh no, not at all, I always ask a person when they follow me why so I can know what I did to cause them to do so. I like feedback from people pretty much. I'm working on it this weekend since so many delays have hit me. Rest assured I will release them, and now that I have your attention what part of my story do you like?

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