Donut Joe: a sweetie under his shaggy exterior, or soul struggling with urban ennui? Sunshine Smiles and Moonlight Raven are going to find out, one way or another.
Written for the Writer's Training Grounds '15 #13.
You can't see the forest...
Found 46 stories in 40ms
Total Words: 144,793
Estimated Reading: 9 hours
Donut Joe: a sweetie under his shaggy exterior, or soul struggling with urban ennui? Sunshine Smiles and Moonlight Raven are going to find out, one way or another.
Written for the Writer's Training Grounds '15 #13.
Lyra wants—no, needs—to understand what's making Bon Bon depressed.
Apple Bloom thought scissors meant her cousin was a mane stylist...
Written (retroactively) for the Writer's Training Grounds '15 #11.
This story is a sequel to People Are Strange
Lyra dreams.
Written for the Writer's Training Grounds '15 #10.
Twilight takes Moondancer through "The Chalice of Moonlight" via Haycartes' spell.
Written for the Writer's Training Grounds '15 #9.
Pinkie has drawn up plans for Applejack and Rarity's wedding. They're not even dating. So they say.
Written for the Writer's Training Grounds '15 #8.
Princess Cadance's ability to grow crystals weighs heavily on Spike's young mind.
Written for the Writer's Training Grounds '15 #7.
Bon Bon... er, Special Agent Sweetie Drops has come clean to her very best friend Lyra about her past, but there's one secret she's still keeping.
Written for the Writer's Training Grounds '15 #6.
Fluttershy gets a massage. She doesn't want a massage. She wants the masseur.
Written for the Writer's Training Grounds '15 #5.