• Member Since 22nd Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen January 10th

A Hoof-ful of Dust

You can't see the forest...


The rumours of my death have been greatly exaggerated. · 9:22pm Oct 27th, 2017

So, one, I'm alive. Had an extended stasis period, but I never forgot the fandom, especially the ever-increasing corner at FimFic. Hi. How about that movies, huh? That happened.

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Curtain Call. · 6:32pm Sep 25th, 2015

So, that's it. All of Both Sides Now is posted, so if you're one of the people who tracked it and was waiting for it to be done before reading, you can do that from this point on. It was a fun experience -- hard work, but ultimately very rewarding. Once again, I'd like to thank everyone who made it better than it was to start off with, and also really anyone who read it and liked it. That's why we write, or at least that's why we publish what we write, isn't it? -- to have someone tell

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Fan Service. · 10:53am Sep 12th, 2015

Let's talk about shipping.

I like shipping. It's where I gravitate towards when it comes to fanworks. It's cute and fluffy and, for all the flak that it gets from vehement anti-shippers, has the potential to be deep and meaningful and reveal a lot about the shipped characters and maybe even touch a little on the human condition... but when it doesn't, it's still cute and fluffy.

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Dotting the Is, crossing the Ts. · 7:13pm Aug 25th, 2015

Hey, so... that story I was working on, the one with Twilight and Rarity and the dual perspectives, the first draft is finished. Would anyone want to do me a huge favour and pre-read it? No hurry -- it's 30,000 words, so it's not really a thing for one sitting. There's sex, but not all of it is sex. It's unsubmitted on my account here, but I could put it on Google Docs if that's how you roll (I'm shit at GDocs, though). Give as much or as little feedback as you like. Don't be afraid to be

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We now return to your regularly scheduled programming. · 6:48pm Jul 26th, 2015

So while I was away, I managed to write my 15,000th word of that Twilight/Rarity thing that came up a little while ago; it feels like I'm more than halfway done, but I can't tell just how much more. With short stories that are only a scene or two in length it's difficult for them to drift away from your original idea when you go to write them out (although it does happen), but longer stuff has this habit of wanting to keep

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We'll be right back, after these messages. · 6:36pm Jul 18th, 2015

Show's going on hiatus for a little while, and so am I -- for a week, anyway, give or take. I'll probably miss the next WTG prompt but I'll catch it up even if I don't have anything to submit in time. Did you know there are places you can go in the world with no Internet connection? Weird, huh?

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For sale: baby shoes, never worn. · 8:31pm Jun 4th, 2015

You all know that story, right? You're all connoisseurs of fiction with an Internet connection, you've probably run across it. Attributed to Hemingway, probably erroneously, it paints a whole little tragedy in just six words. For sale: baby shoes, never worn. It's sad. It assumes to imply sad things. So, let me tell you a story about that story.

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Am I doing it right? · 8:32pm Apr 26th, 2015

I don't normally do this, because most of the time when I work on a story I want to get it most of the way done before I even really start talking about it, but I'm starting on something mildly experimental and I want some idea if it's too unworkable or not. I have a first/opening chapter/section done; anyone want to go in cold and warn me I might not be able to write a whole story the way I am?

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The black dog. · 7:53pm Feb 22nd, 2015

Depression is a scummy disease, because what it does to you also makes it really easy to overlook that you have it. You know that quite-apocryphal metaphor about the frog and the slowly heating water? Despite how stupid it is when applied to actual living animals that would in no way survive all of nature's bloody fury were they to actually be unaware enough to let themselves cook slowly, it's a pretty apt way of looking at how your perception of the world is when your perception of the world

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Drink the Kool-Aid. · 6:32pm Sep 30th, 2014

Because why not, have some thoughts about Rainbow Rocks. I'm not going to structure it as a proper review because there's plenty of other people who will do that (or try and miss the mark by spending most of their words recapping the plot, which is like a review cardinal sin). Spoilers, obvs.

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