A story writer and senior high school student who lives in the Fillyppines. His favorite word is "imagination".
My name is Nortes. I'm the owner of Spitfire Films.
Thank you to everyone who reads my stories,comment,and favorite. I appreciate all the support.
An omnivore for anime, cartoon, western, and eastern movies and a sci-fi and fantasy geek.
Oc bio Name Cyehd Vmain Ta Mec / The leader of Third Street Saints
My DeviantArt, I sell arts: http://zilliana1.deviantart.com/
It's one thing to create/throw already-established characters in a story of some kind. It's another thing to develop those characters, regardless of the situation they're in.
If you have any issues with getting your story on the site or any personal issues (eg: depression), PM me. Please don't add me to random Skype groups without asking. Thank you.