Hey · 7:24am Jul 6th, 2016
Hey guys.
Sorry I've been inactive for, like, ever. Probably none of you really care and I don't blame you. Just wanted to have a bit of a talk for a bit.
If you have any issues with getting your story on the site or any personal issues (eg: depression), PM me. Please don't add me to random Skype groups without asking. Thank you.
Hey guys.
Sorry I've been inactive for, like, ever. Probably none of you really care and I don't blame you. Just wanted to have a bit of a talk for a bit.
So, gg me.
I bought a graphics card (this thing) for about 570$ over Christmas (with shipping and stuff). Now, I have to send it back because I don't have the money to buy a proper 750w power supply for it. Once I get my money back (hopefully next week) I'm just going to by a GTX 960 and maybe upgrade my power supply.
I don't know what the hell was going on, but I guess if you try to use paypal without having funds or something it likes to charge a random 45$ every 8 days, so that's cool. I now owe paypal 68$.
Other than that, I got 550$ for christmas + I had a check for 191$ that I have to deposit. I'm going to use the money to buy a new graphics card and play that dank fallout game on them dank graphics these kids rave about.
Anyways, on to updates.
I still try and help people with their story submission problems and the like, but if you're having troubles with your story getting on the site, can you please tell me which story it is first? I can't go digging for the thing and find that all of your stories are approved and that your problem means nothing. If I know the story, I can check it really quick rather than waste time.