• Member Since 8th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen 8 hours ago


The second someone favorites your fanfiction, you have a responsibility to finish it. Someone showed faith in your story, show that you are worthy of it.

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Estimated Reading: 19 hours


Midnight Star had befriended Luna. He thought they were friends, he thought things were going well between them, until she transforms into Nightmare Moon yet again. The reason? She found out why he befriended her in the first place.

So I want to try to write a one chapter story as well. I got inspiration for it while watching This amazing video for the hundredth time

Chapters (1)

'Through worlds and sadness and loneliness, we found each other, and if we can be happy together, then maybe it will all have been worth it somehow.' - A man in love.

Jax wakes up in a forest. After a bit of confusion, he decides he wants to live, so he tries to survive.
Survival turns to living as he meets ponies, and although he tries to resist for a while, he finds out that ponies make great friends.
Then things get weird with magic, chaos magic, dark magic - pretty much all sorts of magic. Sombra makes a swipe for revenge, some sinister cult is working in the background, and somehow changelings are involved... or not?
It all leaves Jax pretty vexed. Luckily, he has Princess Luna to make him happy.

*Jax is my original character, he's not from any other fandom.

Events from movies and season 5 have not happened ^^

*Edited by MidnightBlossom from chapter 50 to 60, then preread by DJ7291993 from there and onwards.

Chapters (77)