• Member Since 8th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago


The second someone favorites your fanfiction, you have a responsibility to finish it. Someone showed faith in your story, show that you are worthy of it.


You Probably know what this means... · 4:16pm Nov 16th, 2016

Another blog, another delay. I'm just kind of stressed right now... so I avoid writing, and try to actually do the stuff I need to do.
Sorry to leave you guys hanging. Next chapter we will look a bit more on Sombra's thoughts, affected as they are ^^ hopefully it will be up next Sunday after this one.


Another Blog about chapters · 7:09pm Oct 4th, 2016

I know I probably don't have to write these every time delays happen, but I like to keep you guys informed ^^ and I guess I can some day look back and see how many times I delayed in my schedule?
Anyway, no chapter Sunday, or at least I don't think so. I haven't gotten far with it because of assignments in school, and we haven't even properly started the group stuff :/ I'm gonna get busy... XD
Sorry for the wait, but I have to do this stuff ^^


Yeup... delays · 10:57pm Aug 16th, 2016

So... my mom needed me to help her with work. I thought that I would be able to make it anyway, but I'll have to delay the chapter probably. Unless I get a burst of inspiration, I just ain't gonna make it... I hope I do, but I'm just informing you lovely readers not to... hold your horses XD
Sorry for the delay, and have a good day :)


Chapter being edited · 12:21pm Jun 26th, 2016

Chapter won't be out today because it is still in the editing process. Hopefully I can have it up soon :)


Aaaand back to bad news XD · 3:59pm May 29th, 2016

So I was gonna update today, but stuff came up and it will be delayed for an unknown amount of time. Don't worry, we'll be back on schedule before you know it :) Sorry for the inconvenience, but hey, I've been pretty good at updating regularly otherwise so forgive me XD


Good news! See, I told you I would have good news here at some point XD · 12:30pm Apr 15th, 2016

I finished the chapter in time, it's been sent to my editor so she can look it over and tell me how bad it is XD Depending on what she says, I might have the chapter up in time anyway :) It is going to be short, but I think it's fine. Next chapter (chapter 54), or the chapter after that (55), I'm going back to mainly Jax, but I think using these different perspectives was very interesting and helped with my writing XD


I should make one of these for good news some day. Not this time though · 10:18am Apr 12th, 2016

So, I made the schedule, and I try to follow it as best as i can, otherwise I would never ever EVER have written almost 200k words, but sometimes stuff just happens.
That stuff being my group mate's loading a lot of work my way, not that I mind, I rather like doing this stuff, but it has been very time consuming, and coupled with what I think is a writer's block, I haven't written very much. I'm not going to be able to make it till Sunday. I need more time.

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Exams and Stuff. It's terrible... · 9:51am Jan 5th, 2016

I've never written a blog, so I thought I'd give it a try to inform you guys on my most recent struggles.

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