• Member Since 5th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen Yesterday

Sir Hat

Back for one last rodeo


Eureka has to defend her home, and with no options remaining she turns to a black art. She turns to Pyromancy. What followed is recorded as: The Trial of Eureka, The Last Pyromancer. Her last act is to plead her case and try to avoid exile.

Part of Equestrium

Chapters (5)

Humans have been living in Equestria, and while attending school in Manehattan a kid named York makes friend with Babs Seed. Little does he know the mare might want to be more than friends.

Part of Equestrium

Chapters (5)

Glass Work was born in the north. He's lived there his entire life, used to the cold and the quiet. But when he pushes himself to move past it, and try to make a life down where the sun shines and the cold gives way to summer warmth, his plan is completely ruined.

Preread by Mikesnipe

Part of Equestrium

Chapters (26)

After Sweetie Belle gets caught fighting and put into detention, Magnum goes to pick her up. On the way back home, Magnum tells Sweetie a story on fighting, on bullies, and of resolution.

Chapters (1)

The first human in Equestria and the first pony on Earth have a chat, things quickly get a bit awkward when they realize they don't have much to talk about.

Part of Equestrium

Chapters (1)

Before the madness took him Sombra cared for one being. One being in his life drew every bit of his attention. And as mortals do, that one creature died. But Sombra, obsessed with this innocent being, found a way to bring him back for good. Or so he thought, but mortality is the one undeniable truth for any mortal being.

Chapters (1)

Some ponies find love, and to those few it means everything. Losing it can drive them to horrifying lengths to take it back, lengths some ponies would call insane. For one pony however, no cost is too great, no challange too daunting, and not taboo restricting.

In the loving memory of someone dead.

Chapters (1)

When the most important thing is robbed from someone, one of two things will happen. They will either fall into despair, or they'll move on. And for one strong willed Apple mare, there's really only one option.

Written for The Parasprite

Chapters (1)

I was the first human to come to Equestria, and I will be the first to die here.

My name is Able, and in five days I will die, leaving behind a filly that looks to me for everything.

These are my last days.

Chapters (5)