• Member Since 12th Sep, 2011
  • offline last seen 8 hours ago

Professor Donger

Imagine not writing about ponies in the current year


Shining Armor comes back home after the yearly Equestria Wargames Competition only to find his citizens panicking, his royal guard failing and his daughter on the throne with his wife nowhere to be found.

Or Cadence leaves her ten year old daughter in charge of the Empire and goes on vacation.

Written for the Cadence is a Terrible Mom Competition

Special Thank You to Skijarama for his reading of this story!

Special Thank You to Baineblade For Editing and putting up with my comma fetish and random capitalizations.

Original art by Its-Gloomy

Chapters (1)

Apple Bloom and Diamond Tiara have been dating for over a month. Diamond has finally decided to come out to her parents in a well thought out and elaborate plan, Apple Bloom has other ideas.

This story takes place 5 Years after the Season Finale, the CMC and everyone in their age group are around 16 Years old. Cover from the DiamondtotheCore Ask Tumblr Blog

Featured 12/6/2019!

Thank You to PoisonClaw and Night-Shade for editing

Warning: Contains Cute.

Chapters (1)

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away....

Sunset Shimmer, the former pupil of Princess Celestia, entered the mirror hoping to find a place where she could plot her revenge and prepare to enact it.
Instead she finds herself face down in a swamp, cold and alone, lost to the machinations of the dark, that is until she comes face to face with a being almost as ancient as her old mentor, and maybe just as wise.

Spoilers in the comments
Original Art by Bakki
Featured 5/30/2019

Chapters (12)

This story is a sequel to Shia Labeouf tells Twilight Sparkle to Just Do It.

Spike came to see Rarity, what he got wasn't Rarity.

Last of the Memeverse

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Shia Labeouf tells Twilight Sparkle to Just Do It.

Celestia doesn't think that the fight between Twilight Sparkle and Tirek has enough explosions, so she sends in Michael Bay.

Trigger Warning: "You're gonna get memed on kiddo!"
(Part of the Memeverse)

Brought about by an explosion of insanity with a dash of irradiated madness from Myself and Sandcroft

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Send In Michael Bay

Shia LaBeouf motivates Twilight Sparkle to beat Tirek within an inch of his life.


Written by the insane ramblings of Myself, Sandcroft, and JakeTheBrony new Cover by jazzie366 M Defective

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle wakes up to find that Equestria's populace is now Draven!

This fic is 100% Draven approved


Chapters (2)

The Hearth's warming pageant is coming up and Rarity is given the unique opportunity to make Princess Luna a dress for the occasion.

Co Authored by the talented Quicksear
Art by AaplePieeRu

Approved for Twilight's Library

Chapters (1)

Every night upon the toll of the witching bell the avatar of death, Bell Toll, comes to Equestria. to retrieve the souls of the dead and dying, but her job becomes complicated when she comes face to face with the newly crowned Princess of Magic Twilight Sparkle.

(This story was Approved and Added to Celestia's Library)

Chapters (1)

(older story not up to par to current writing style)
this is not my normal thing for writing. I don't write Shipping its not who I am, I was just in a group who had a contest. I didn't choose the topic and I rushed to write the fic because I wanted to see what I could write when I just write and not stop. If you want to see a thought out Fan Fic that I've read Go read the Story of Stardust. It takes me a week to plan and write a chapter and then it takes a couple of days to edit. This story was Written on a whim and nothing more.
Twilight is determined to spend time with Princess Celestia at the Grand Galloping Gala but when Celestia has to go do some royal business, Twilight has to spend time with another Princess. takes place during the events of Episode 26.
(this story has not and will not be edited)

Chapters (1)