• Member Since 12th Sep, 2011
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Professor Donger

Imagine not writing about ponies in the current year


A Sunset Across the Galaxy is on Indefinite Hiatus. · 7:44am Jan 10th, 2022

So for those of you that care, I basically haven't updated ASAG in a year. This is a combination of real-life kicking my ass, me losing interest in MLP, and my original storyboard getting fucking nuked from my PC. I've been working overtime at my job thanks to the labor shortage in the US, so I barely have time to even try and salvage my planned plot points for the story, I just broke up with my girlfriend of nearly 3 years and I caught at the start of December.

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What Have I been up to and What's been going on. · 7:42am Jul 31st, 2021

So as a lot of you may have noticed, A Sunset Across the Galaxy hasn't updated in nearly eight months (it'll be eight months by Tuesday), and other than writing 1 story for a contest a few months ago I really haven't been doing much Fimfiction wise.

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Happy New Year! Sunset Across the Galaxy status update and other things. · 9:30am Jan 1st, 2021

Happy New Year to you all! I hope everyone is safe and doing well!

So a few things to address, first off I apologize for two things, one I am incredibly drunk as I write this, saying good bye to the shit show that is 2020 is not something you should do sober. Second I am apologizing for the 5 month wait for the next Chapter of Sunset Across the Galaxy.

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Streaming Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War and talking about Future updates. · 9:56pm Nov 14th, 2020

Heres a link, come hang out and ask questions


Don't get sick it ruins your productivity. · 11:42am Aug 2nd, 2020

I caught Pink Eye on sunday, so writing is a bitch. Sorry again for delays.

Report Professor Donger · 460 views ·

Chapter Update and Life Update · 6:25am Jul 24th, 2020

Hey guys! This is being written from my phone so I apologize for spelling and grammar errors that may show up here.

So chapter 11 of a Sunset Across the Galaxy is almost done being drafted it should be ready for your reading pleasure Monday.

After tomorrow (or today if you are reading this on Friday) I will be on vacation from work for a week. Hopefully I'll be able to get chapter 12 and 13 done in that time to give you guys some more to sink your teeth into.

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For people asking where my Aryanne story went. · 1:36am Jul 19th, 2020

The Mods didn't delete it, I did. I deleted it because comments and upvotes were disabled so there was no longer a point to even have the story up.

Here's the Google Doc for people who want to keep reading it

Report Professor Donger · 299 views ·

Update; How I've Been, the Status of ASATG and other things. · 12:40am Jul 12th, 2020

So Jesus, it's been what nearly 4 months since I updated A Sunset Across the Galaxy? I apologize for the delays and feel awful about it.

With that in mind I want to update you all on how I've been and just what's been going on with me and the story in general, as well as just promise you that no the story isn't cancelled, the chapters are just slow going and a pain in the ass.

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New Story in the Works, Chapter 11 also being story boarded, and Live Streaming Star Wars Games. · 10:08pm May 5th, 2020

So some updates! I'm currently working on a new story for you all, kinda in the planning stages for it right now but I hope to have it out by next week or the week after. I'm not gonna spoil what it's about but I hope you all enjoy it.

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Chapter 10 At About 50 Percent Completion, Streaming Legends of Runeterra and catching up with my readers. · 8:30pm Apr 14th, 2020

So Chapter 10 is about fifty percent done. I stayed up last night getting through that first half again after rewriting it. It should be done by the end of tonight if everything goes well. I'm going to be streaming Legends of Runeterra today if you guys want to come and see how I am doing and just hang out for a little bit.
