• Published 29th Apr 2013
  • 13,729 Views, 1,104 Comments

Cubic Zirconia - arcum42

Diamond Tiara has always enjoyed picking on the Cutie Mark Crusaders. But one day, she finds she's gone too far, and everything for her comes tumbling down. But help may come from the most unexpected of places...

  • ...

One Way or Another

Diamond Tiara wasn't sure how long she'd slept for, but when she woke up, she could hear voices talking outside the room. It sounded like she was going to have visitors shortly.

Normally, the realization she was going to have other ponies coming in would have started her grooming herself and getting ready, but that wasn't the impression she wanted this time. She looked herself over carefully.

Looking down, she could see a few nasty bruises on her throat. Her tail lay limp on the bed, and her mane and tail were all matted and sweaty. All in all, she looked pathetic, which was perfect.

Of course, all things considered, she was actually feeling like she was pretty pathetic right now, but what was important for the next conversation was that it showed. One thing she'd learned from Daddy was that how you presented yourself in public was very important, especially for business transactions and other important matters.

You should always act whatever way would get you the desired result, even if this was totally opposite to how you felt. She had paid attention to Daddy, whatever he might think. It was just that the numbers would all dance around and call her names, and it all slipped away under pressure anyways. But not this time, she hoped.

So, pathetic: check. She scooted over to the edge of the bed next to the table. Splashing some water on her face might give her even more of a drowned and strangled kitten look, but Granny Smith'd probably disapprove. At least her head wasn't going round and round so much any more.

It was so nice just lying here on the bed. She could almost imagine things were normal again, staring up at the ceiling. It was a pity it was Apple Bloom's. Did she even realize what she had here?

She'd love to trade places with her right now, really, broken legs and all, even. Farm living wasn't the life for her, but Apple Bloom had a comfy place to sleep, regular meals, Granny Smith to fuss over her, and a protective brother and sister.

Too protective for her liking, but it was more than she had.

She lay back, enjoying the soft blanket under her, and closed her eyes. Enough of all this. She needed to know what was going on out there. Her ears perked up as she strained to hear what was going on.

"Back already? You've already talked to Filthy? I'd imagine he must be in a right state."

That sounded like Granny Smith, and she must be talking to Scootaloo. She really hoped Scoots hadn't actually talked to Daddy, or it was all over.

"Er, he mainly wanted to know about if Apple Bloom accepted her apology and if the Apple family was still upset about what happened. He didn't ask much about how Diamond was doing," Scootaloo grumbled. "He did say she should stay here until they've made up and she's feeling better."

With the way Scootaloo was going on about Daddy being more concerned about the apology than her, it made her think that Scootaloo didn't like him, or maybe was even upset with him on her behalf. That was sort of a warm glowing feeling she wasn't really used to.

Scoots had also given her an out to stay here as long as she wanted, or at least, until she was feeling better.

Thank you, Scoots. Maybe in a few years, I'll feel better.

"Hmmph. I'd think he would show a bit more concern for his daughter," Granny Smith said, more than a touch of annoyance in her voice. "Did he seem like he was alright to you? He's seemed a mite off for quite a while to me, and was awfully twitchy last time we met."

"Dunno, really. Never talk to him, so I wouldn't know how he usually is. How is Diamond doing?"

"Last I looked, she was sleeping like a lamb. A few bruises and head aching, but nothing time and a little rest won't fix. why don't you see if Apple Bloom and your other friend are ready to talk, an' I'll see if she's up?"

Was she up? Not being able to wake her up after she hurt her head might be enough to get them to actually talk to Daddy, so she supposed she'd better be.

The door creaked open.

"You up, young filly? How're you feelin'?"

Diamond brought one foreleg to her head and tried for a dramatic groan. "Horrible! I think I might have to stay for a while until I get better. Next week?"

Granny Smith laughed good-naturedly. "Feelin' good enough to be thinkin' 'bout getting out of school, I see. Think you're ready for company?"

Maybe her acting skills had gotten rusty. While she'd had a part in a play once, it'd been a while. Or maybe it was just Granny Smith. She seemed pretty sharp for such an old lady.

Daddy would've bought it, but he didn't really pay that much attention, and while Grey would've seen right through her, Daddy was always the important one to convince.

He had been, anyway. That still hurt. Suddenly feeling much worse than she had a minute ago, she gave up the act and opened her eyes wearily.

"Okay, I guess. Can I have something to drink first, though?"

She was going to have to do some talking, after all, and her throat was still a little raw.

Granny Smith raised an eyebrow and picked up a glass of water from the table right next to Diamond and passed it to her. Oh, right.

"Why don't you go ahead and try drinkin' it yourself this time. Your nap oughta've done you some good. You see, your body works on fixin' itself up when you're sleepin'. An' let me tell you, when you get to my age, you'll need that."

Diamond gulped down the water, a bit dribbling down into her fur, then set it back down. Her throat had needed that, even if her bladder didn't.

Well, here it goes. She was even less ready for this than when she'd come in the room, and what she had in mind to do next was probably pretty stupid, but she needed to get this over with.

"I guess I'd better talk to them. They're going to the clubhouse afterwards, too, and I think I'll have to go along." She bit her lip. "The only way I could think to make things up to Apple Bloom will involve stopping by pretty often to help her. That's not a problem, is it?"

Granny Smith, after all, was obviously the real head of the house here. Getting permission ahead of time wasn't really something she usually did, but Granny Smith was being so nice to her right now, so she might as well.

"That'd be nice of you, dear. I don't mind you helpin' out, long as you stay clear of Apple Bloom if she starts gettin' agitated. Do you want me in the room while the two of you have your lil' talk?"

Was Granny Smith worried about her? Nah, she was probably worried more about Apple Bloom, since she was her granddaughter. She shouldn't go reading too much into it.

She shook her head, though. If Granny Smith was in the room, she'd probably try to stop Diamond before she did anything stupid. And since she was going to do something stupid, she couldn't have that.

"I think this'd go better if this was just the four of us, though you might want to come back if it sounds like I'm being strangled again."

"As long as you're sure. I'd hate to see you getting hurt again." Granny Smith did look concerned. Why was she concerned? Maybe it was because of her business relationship with Daddy. She didn't know that he didn't care what happened to her. No one did. Did they?

"If anything happens, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle'll put a stop to it." She wasn't at all sure of that, but as long as she sounded confident, maybe it'd be enough.

Granny Smith looked a bit skeptical, but let it go. "Just let me know when you're finished, then. And if you need it, when you go out the door, there's a bathroom to the right."

Diamond nodded. She certainly would need it sooner than later. All that tea was starting to catch up with her.

A few minutes after Granny Smith left, the Crusaders filtered into the room. Despite the new ribbon on her mane, Apple Bloom did not look at all happy. The way her wheelchair lurched around as Sweetie Belle pushed it didn't help. Her casts almost hit the bed before the chair came to a rest beside it.

Scootaloo walked in a moment later and settled down on the other side, closer to the door. The way she was looking at it suggested she'd much rather be out of here as well.

Sweetie Belle nudged Apple Bloom. "I think somepony had something to say here?"

"Guess I went a little far," Apple Bloom muttered sullenly. "Sweetie Belle says I need to apologize to you."

The conversation was off to a great start so far. Diamond gave what was supposed to be a small cough for effect, but quickly turned into a much larger bout of coughing before she sipped some more water.

"I'm still not feeling so good, so come over here." Diamond waved Apple Bloom closer. "Sweetie Belle, can you get the wheelchair right next to me and the table?"

"Um, okay, I guess." She looked doubtful, but she somehow managed to lurch the chair into position.

"Good." She pointed over to the table. "See that vase there, Apple Bloom?"

Apple Bloom glanced at it in confusion. "Yeah, why?"

"It looks nice and heavy, and you're pretty strong. Why don't you pick it up, and smash it right against my legs? I won't move. The way I feel, I couldn't move fast enough to get away anyways."

Several horrified looks were shot at her, but Apple Bloom spoke first. "What!?"

"You wanted my legs broken like yours, didn't you?" Diamond asked. "Actually, no, you wanted me dead. That's right. Well, aim it at my head instead, then. It's all the same."

"It's not-" Sweetie Belle said, before being cut off by Apple Bloom.

"You're crazy!"

"Just practical." Diamond crossed her legs. "Look, if you're gonna kill me or break my legs, can you please do it now? I kind of need to pee."

"I'm not gonna kill ya!"

"Breaking my legs it is, then!" Diamond said cheerily. "Here, let me get them a little closer, so you can reach them better."

Diamond scooted a bit closer to Apple Bloom's horrified face, feeling a heady rush go through her. She was in total control of the situation now, all because she didn't really care all that much what happened to her. It was wonderful, giving her a type of freedom and power, something she hadn't felt in quite a while.

Apple Bloom yelped and would have backed up, except that the chair was still being held in place by Sweetie Belle, who was just standing still, plainly with no idea what to do. She couldn't quite see what Scootaloo was up to at the moment, but she was sure they'd talk about it later anyways.

"I won't break your legs!" Apple Bloom managed to say.

"Why not? I thought that was what you wanted, wasn't it? An eye for an eye and a leg for a leg or something?" She took another drink of water. "Think about it. There I am, stuck in a wheelchair, totally at everypony's mercy, and every time you see me, you know that it's all your fault. Wouldn't that be great?"

"It'd be horrible!"

Diamond slumped down a bit, pretty sure she wasn't going to be attacked any time soon. "Okay, you win, it'd be horrible. So why won't you at least let me apologize?"

Apple Bloom was witty and verbose as ever. "Huh?"

Did she really have to spell everything out for her?

"I'm the one who put you there, remember? You think maybe that's how I feel?"

From the look on her face, she didn't, but she was beginning to. Meanwhile, Sweetie Belle took a swig of water from the glass Diamond had been drinking from, which was kind of disgusting, really. She made a mental note not to drink from it again.

"Look, you're acting real weird, you know? I shouldn't've attacked you. I was upset, and I didn't mean to, all right? I'm sorry."

"Me too. I really didn't mean to break your legs. A lot's happened while you were in the hospital, and I just want to make this right."

"You can't, though. You just can't! I'm stuck here in this chair an' can't use my legs! How can you even start to make up for that?" Apple Bloom looked like she was about ready to go into hysterics again. Sweetie Belle put one foreleg on her shoulder, and she settled down a little.

Diamond leaned closer. "I did have one idea. What if I was your legs for a while?"

"What, you mean like get Twilight to use a swapping spell on our legs or somethin'?"

"I don't think that'd work." Diamond certainly hoped it wouldn't. "Since pushing you got me into this whole mess, what if I push you around some more? Only this time I'd be pushing you to school and back, and anywhere else you needed to get to in that wheelchair or yours."

For once Apple Bloom was lost in thought, which was a rare thing to see. "I dunno. Thing is, I don't really trust you. I'm sure Sweetie Belle an' Scoots'd help me out with all that."

"Sweetie Belle almost hit your legs on the bed a minute ago, and as far as Scootaloo goes- well, I don't think you've made up with her yet, unless I missed it."

"Made up with her?" Apple Bloom asked, a startled tone in her voice.

"Well, she's all the way over there acting like she doesn't want to be here, so I'd assume you haven't talked about it yet." As she pointed over at Scootaloo, Scootaloo suddenly looked in their direction.

"Scoots?" Apple Bloom shifted her gaze across to her. "What's wrong? Are you upset about somethin'?"

There was an awkward pause, which in Diamond's experience, was usually best filled with sarcasm.

"Well, I'm sure I wouldn't know. It's not like somepony called her a cripple earlier or anything."

"I didn't?" Apple Bloom's face turned ashen and she started babbling. "I did, didn't I? Oh geez, I'm sorry, Scoots, I really didn't mean it that way. You know I don't think of you that way, don't you? I didn't mean that, really I didn't."

Across the room, Scootaloo finally spoke up. "Apple Bloom, you're such a flankface."

"But I'm your flankface, right? Are we okay?"

The nod Scootaloo gave looked halfhearted at best, but Apple Bloom seemed to treat it as if it had settled things. She turned back towards Diamond.

"There, see? Scoots knows I didn't really mean it," Apple Bloom said. "And don't you get any ideas 'bout telling everypony in the school her wings don't work."

Diamond blinked.

"Her wings don't work? I see her buzz around town all the time with them," she said, as innocently as she could manage. She saw no reason to let Apple Bloom off the hook about this, even if Scootaloo's backbone seemed to have vanished.

Apple Bloom frowned.

"You know what I mean. Why are you still here, anyway? You've said you're sorry, I've said I'm sorry, and we've got a Crusader meeting to go to." A smug smile replaced her frown and she crossed her forelegs. "Members only."

"You know, Apple Bloom, there's this thing where if somepony gets hurt in your house, especially by somepony in your family, where you take care of them until they are feeling better?" Diamond said. "It's called hospitality. Your grandmother could teach you a thing or two about it, I think."

"I couldn't have hurt you that much. You're probably just faking it for sympathy. That'd be just like you."

Diamond pointed at her neck. "These spots here aren't normally purple. I wonder what I should say when everypony asks me how I got them?"


"Oh, this? I just got it when Apple Bloom tried to murder me. She's quite mad, you know. I don't ever know what came over her." Diamond said in a mocking tone of voice. She considered trying to fake a swoon, then realised she'd probably end up really unconscious if she tried that.

"You are not telling everypony in school that." Apple Bloom glared at her.

"What, these bruises? I'm sorry, Apple Bloom told me I can't say anything about them. Why don't you ask her?" Diamond said flippantly. "Maybe if you buy me a nice scarf, I'll consider wrapping it around my neck and just saying it's a new fashion accessory? I can compromise, after all."

That was actually what she'd already had in mind to do, but getting Apple Bloom riled up was always fun.

"Oh, I'll get you a scarf, all right. I'll get it and wrap it right around your big, fat-"

"Girls!" Sweetie Belle's voice came stridently from behind Apple Bloom. "That's about enough of that! Apple Bloom, I don't know what's gotten into you, but stop it. And Diamond Tiara, stop acting like you usually do. Um, but don't act like you were when we came in, either. That was scary."

Apple Bloom's ears lay back on her head.

"Sorry, Sweetie Belle. Can't we just do our Crusader meeting now? I didn't want any of this really. I just wanted to act normal an' not think about things for a while. Can't I have that, at least?"

"We'll do our Crusader meeting," Sweetie Belle said. Apple Bloom brightened. "But Diamond is coming too."

Apple Bloom's face fell again. "Don't see why."

"Diamond has a few things she needs to talk about, but not here," Sweetie Belle told her. "And she needs to talk about them."

"Look, I'll say my piece at the beginning, all right?" Diamond cut in, suddenly sick of all this. "Then I'll let you guys have your whole silly meeting."

Apple Bloom sighed. "Fine. But it better be quick."

"Okay, come on, then. Scoots, can you push Apple Bloom this time?"

Scootaloo slowly walked around and silently traded places with Sweetie Belle.

Diamond crossed her hind legs a second time, then slowly climbed down the bed and walked towards the door. "I'll meet you in the hall."

"Where are you goin'?" Apple Bloom asked.

"I need to use the bathroom, remember? Don't think I can hold it much longer."

That said, she ducked into the hall and into a room to the right. Fortunately, it actually was the bathroom, not a closet or something, and she was able to go about her business normally for what was probably the first time in days, instead of having to use a bush or tree. It was funny how amazing having something like plumbing seemed after a few days without it.

After freshening up, she left the bathroom, wondering vaguely if they'd still be there. It wasn't the end of the world if they weren't. It'd give her an opportunity for another nap.

This, however, seemed unlikely, as something zoomed past her. Looking at the end of the hall, she saw Apple Bloom's wheelchair come screeching to a halt, Scootaloo hanging on to the back. Sweetie Belle came following a moment later.

Diamond walked up to the wheelchair.

"You know," she said casually, "it seems to me like if I really had it out for you, all I'd have to do is not offer to help. You'll end up back in the hospital if you keep this up."

"What do you know?" Apple Bloom snapped at her.

"Well, I doubt I could do much worse. Why don't I just push your chair to the clubhouse, at least?"

Apple Bloom rubbed a hoof across her forehead. "Fine. But if you try anything…"

"Sweetie Belle's already let me know where she'll put her horn and what she'll do with it."

Sweetie Belle nodded solemnly at this.

"I don't even want to think 'bout it. Let's just go."

"Going somewhere?" Granny Smith asked as she rounded the corner with Applejack.

"We had a Crusader meeting?" Sweetie Belle offered.

"Exactly how much crusading do you think you're going to do with my sis's legs broken?" Applejack asked, arching an eyebrow.

"Well, we were gonna talk 'bout it, anyways. We'll be careful, honest," Apple Bloom said.

"You're always going to be careful." She looked between Diamond and Apple Bloom. "You girls make up yet?"

Diamond scowled. "I tried. We both said sorry at some point, which is probably as good as it's going to get right now. "

"You sure you should be out of bed?" Granny Smith asked.

"I'm sure I can make it to their silly little meeting," Diamond said. "If you find me lying on the ground somewhere afterwards, maybe I'll need more time to get better."

"Now don't go pushin' yourself too hard if you still aren't feelin' good," Applejack said. "There'll always be time later."

"I have to pick up some dresses from Rarity later anyways," Diamond said breezily. She gave Apple Bloom a glare. "And a scarf."

"I told ya I'm not gettin' you a scarf!" Apple Bloom scowled and returned the glare.

"Girls…" Sweetie Belle said, a distinct warning tone in her voice.

"Your family always was too headstrong for your own good, I reckon," Granny Smith said, and then turned to Sweetie Belle. "Sweetie, can you keep an eye on her and get her back here or home if she isn't doin' too good? An' maybe try an' keep 'em from fightin'?"

"I keep trying!" an exasperated Sweetie Belle said. "They just keep going at it, though!"

She looked at both of them and seemed to come to a decision.

"All right. Either of you start at it again, you both are getting stuck in a three-way hug with me, and I'm not letting go until you both start playing nice! I swear I might as well have brought Opal along!"

"A group hug?" Apple Bloom said, not seeming particularly pleased with the thought. "With Diamond Tiara?"

"Uh-huh," Sweetie Belle said. "And I might make you kiss and make up. Don't try me."

Wait, kiss and make up was just a phrase, wasn't it? She didn't mean that literally, right? Diamond looked to Scootaloo questioningly.

"Go along with it," Scootaloo said, breaking her silence. "Believe me, you don't want to cross Sweetie Belle. She doesn't get mad easily, but…"

"I'll be good," Diamond said hastily. She wasn't sure how hugs could be so menacing, but wasn't sure she wanted to find out.

"Well, if you're all intent on this clubhouse meeting, don't be out too late, and try not to hurt your legs any worse or the wheelchair. It's been in the family for generations, you know," Applejack said.

"You take care of yourself," Granny Smith told them, and Diamond swore she was looking right at her.

Grabbing ahold of the wheelchair, Diamond started through the hall, finding it surprisingly easy to manage, despite her condition. It made her wonder how the others could possibly be so bad at it. Filing through the door, they all finally started on their way to the clubhouse.

It'd be awfully nice if that was the end of it, Diamond thought. But now I have to talk all about my disgrace and humiliation to somepony who totally hates my guts and I haven't had a single civil word or polite conversation with.

Well, maybe she won't gloat too much.

Author's Note:

Thanks go to both Elric and Luminary for editing, once again.