• Published 8th Mar 2013
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The God Squad: Equestria's Most Wanted - defender2222

Season 2 sees Luna, Celestia, Tydal, Shining, Cadence and Chrysalis on the run and attempt to clear their good names. Needless to say, they are sidetrakced... alot

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WOLVES! Part 3

“And you are sure she’ll be ok, Nurse Braveheart?” Spike asked the medical pony.

The white mare rolled her eyes. “As well as she can be with 30 stitches in her stomach. Why exactly did Princess Twilight try to gut herself?”

“She was looking for a library book,” Spike said.

“…so I should just mark that down to normal Twilight Sparkle-related injures.”

“That would be wise. “ Spike waved goodbye to the nurse and hurried out the door. He looked about Ponyville as he walked back to the treehouse, happy in the knowledge that, at the very least, Twilight would be receiving the medical attention she needed. Not the psychological attention she needed, but sometimes dragons couldn't get what they wanted. The little drake couldn't help but smile as he realized that with Twilight in the hospital, Rollypolly having a sleepover at Dinky's house, and Owlicious working at the Happy Beaver (it was some sort of club... Spike didn't know what Owlicious did there but he always came home with a stack of sticky dollar bills) he had the library to himself.

The purple dragon rubbed his clawed hands together and cackled in delight. He was free... free to do whatever he wanted! To give into his naughtiest, most primal urges...

~An Hour Later...~

"Another scone, Spyro?" Spike asked. He was dressed in a dapper suit with a green pocket square just peaking out.

"Thank you, William." The large purple dragon accepted the treat, sipping his tea between bites. "I must say, old bean, it is quite nice of you to host our bookclub."

"Indeed," Charmander said, adjusting his spectacles.

William T. Dragon (Spike to his friends), gripped the ends of his smoking jacket and smiled. "But of course, gentlemen... I aim to provide for my friends and brethern."

"And you do well at both," Spyro stated. "Now then, shall we discuss chapter 12?"

"We shall," Shendu said, the massive dragon delicately sipping his tea. "I found my loathing of the main character only grew as she chose to commit herself to a life of hedonistic freedom rather than accept the vital role she played in racing her daughter."

"I disagree," Drogo the Black said, tibbling on a tea biscuit. "It was Marigold's turn to experience life and allow her husband to stay at home with their child. If she had shown some sembelnce of selfishness previously I would agree with you but for the first 12 years of marriage she sacrificed her own happiness for that of her family's. It is her time to try and find some enjoyment. It is her husband who is being selfish, refusing to scale back his own interests in the name of the family." He shook his head. "Men... am I right?"

Spike shrugged. "Well, I-"

"I AM BACK TO RETRIEVE BAG FOR CARRYING BOOKS!" Rollypolly announced, only to stop short as he looked at the book club. The dragons looked right back at the baby dalek. "NERDS!"

And with that, Rollypolly rolled away.

The God Squad: Equestria
Episode 28: WOLVES! Part 3

"So, any suggestions?" Luna asked, take a step away from the snarling candy werewolves.

Madame Pinkie nodded. "What if someone made a dip that was pizza sauce and toppings, then made the pizza dough into dipping bread sticks?"

"I meant about the situation we are currently in!"

"Oh... then no, I do not have an idea," Pinkie admited.

Celestia looked about rapidly, considering her surroundings. Tydal had taken point, snarling right back at the candy werewolves, his teeth bared as he pawed at the ground with his hoof. Cadence and Shining, for their parts, sniffed the air and lowered their heads, their hackles rising as they prepared to attack. The capricorn and the wolves glared at each other, fighting for dominance. The solar princess put all of her training under the war god to use, studying the terrian and all her options.

"Father, can you buy us a few minutes?" Celestia asked, the seeds of a plan begining to germinate.

"I believe so."

"Avoid getting bit!" Pinkie called out.

"Oh, I know how to avoid that." Tydal tensed, body trembling slightly. "You might want to move back!" The next instant he exploded in orangish white energy, the plume of fiery power rocketing into the sky and illuminating half of Ponyville. Even the wolves looked up in surprise as the column of raw energy shot into the sky, pushing the clouds apart and outshining the stars. Just as soon as it had begun the energy faded, revealing the monster of swirling water and black stone.

"Darkwater," Luna whispered, staring at her adopted father's 10% form.

The Cadence wolf snarled and leapt at Tydal with her mouth opened wide, only to yelp as she ended up with a mouth full of salt water. The sea god looked at her, her jaw clamped around his right foreleg, lightning crackling in his eyes. Luna watched, amazed, as the venomous saliva of the candy werewolf mixed with Tydal's watering form... and was instantly expelled.

"You thought you could curse me, little whore?" The Cadence wolf yelped as she was sent flying back, the beast of rock and water trotting towards her and the Shining wolf. "You and your ignorant, pathetic little mate think you are rivals to me? I am the storm... I am the monsoon!" Overhead thunder began to rumble. "Allow me to show you the error of your ways."

"What... is that?" Pinkie asked in shock as Tydal/Darkwater charged forward and violently stuck the Shining wolf in the side with his stone skull.

"You know how I was once Nightmare Moon?" Luna said. "That is Tydal playing a similar role. It is 10% form... Darkwater Abyss, the black king of the sea. As of his base emotions... his desires, his rage, is fears and regrets... all are brought to the surface."

Darkwater/Tydal reared back and let out a savage roar that shook several buildings.

"Oh, so you guys have 10% forms too?" Pinkie asked happily.

"...what do you mean, 'too'?" Luna asked, Celestia still focused on plotting her trap.

"Oh, I have one!" Pinkie said. Before Luna could even say a word Pinkie began to spin around until she'd transformed into a white pegasus with blonde hair. "SURPRISE!"

"...what?" Luna said.

"What?" Darkwater said.

"Woof?" the Cadence wolf said.

"What?" Pinkie said, instantly reverting to normal.

"I've got it!" Celestia exclaimed. "Father, lead them into Sugarcube Corner."

Tydal/Darkwater growled. "Why? I can kill them with ease-"

"De...de...denied!" the Shining wolf howled.

Tydal instantly reverted to his 1% form, a stunned look on his face. "...even as a wolf... you... you... I hate you! I hate you!" He stomped his hooves like a toddler and pouted.

"Tydal!" Celestia shouted.

"I've got this!" Luna said, grabbing a magic marker and drawing a crude lollypop on her butt. "Here wolfie wolfie wolfie!" she teased, twerking her behind at them. "I know you want it... I know you want it... but I'm a good girl!"

"Wow," Tydal said.

"Its hypnotic..." Madame Pinkie whispered, head nodding in time with Luna's bouncing buns. "Like a lava lamp."

"Oh these blurred lines!" Luna sang, tounge lulling out. The two werewolves howled and gave chase, Luna running into the bakery as fast as she could. "What, not a fan of that song?" The night Princess threw the door of the bakery open. She stopped, however, upon seeing it rather full. "What are all of you-"

"Oh, we're opened late now," Mr. Cake said. "Have to compete with Taco Bell, right?"

"Taco Bell is the stallion that runs the burrito shop across the street," Pinkie supplied. "Oh, and the candy werewolves are still behind us!"

The patrons screamed as the Cadence and Shining wolves burst in, their eyes instantly drawn to all the candy and sweets that were laid out before them. The two leapt at one of the cakes on display, tearing into it like a werewolf into a cake (wow, the simile really doesn't work here, does it?). Celestia merely stepped into the bakery and watched as their cursed friends munched on the sugary treat.

Then... Celestia smiled.

"Oh Mrs. Cake... those wolves don't have any money to pay for the cake they just ate."

"Dash and dinners?" the blue mare asked. She looked up and nodded to Pound and Pumpkin, who were sitting in the rafters; the twins giggles and released the rope they were holding, sending the Cake Family's Bread Cage right down on Shining and Cadence.

"And they are contained!" Celestia declared. "Everypony and every curse knows that candy werewolves can't escape cages made of bread."

"...what the hell are you on?" Tydal complained. "Its-MMMPFFF!" Luna clamped her hooves onto her father's mouth silencing him. Tydal blinked before the gleam of understanding filled his eyes. "I meant yes... yes, it is known to all!"

"I've always said that myself," Mrs. Cake stated.

The Shining and Cadence wolves slumped their shoulders and whimpered, staring at their doughy prison.

~An Hour Later...~

"I suppose it was too much to hope for that we wouldn't have to play dressup on this adventure." Princess Celestia was wearing a spagetti strap top, tight jeans, sensible yet fashionable shoes, and had several stakes, a bottle of her mother's tears, and some aluminum-edged daggers strapped to her sides. "I look that unicorn that was in Twilight's class back during her student days... Sunny Summers? I think that was her name."

"Oh come now sister," Luna said, adjusting the red hood that she wore over her head, "we are about to engage in a dangerous situation and a little bit of humor and good fun will help ease the burden." Her horn flared and she pulled out a massive claymore. "Now, does it have to be an aluminum bullet or can I just chop teh werewolf up into little pieces?"

Tydal adjusted the the wide brim hat he wore, a long faux-leather duster covering up all but the very end of his tail. On his back was a magic-powered automatic crossbow. "I personally find the mere fact we get to hunt down a werewolf to be a delight!"

"I do too!" Madame Pinkie said. She'd ditched her 'fortune-teller gypsy' outfit and donned her 'warrior gypsy princess' costume, which consisted of a lace bare-shoulder top, tight black pants, and sleek boots. "Now then, Princess Cadence was bit while trotting through the northern forests... specificy the Evil Forrest."

"Why is it called the Evil Forest?" Tydal asked.

Celestia shrugged. "It was named after its discoverer, Evil Forest. He was... well, not a bad pony but certainly not good."

"Sometimes I forget everything in this kingdom is ridiculous," Tydal muttered.

Luna cleared her throat, forcing the others to pay attention. "Now then... the only way to break the curse is find the candy werewolf that bit Cadence and punch it in the flank while calling it insulting names. The book is very specific about that. Doing so will break the curse and free Cadence and any pony she's bitten."

"We don't have much time though," Pinkie reminded them. "If we don't de-curse Cadence before she transforms two more times she'll be cursed for as long as you lose a friend after breaking their trust."

Luna frowned. "And how long is-"

"FOREVER!" Pinkie shouted right in her face.

"...thank you for that."

"I have actually thought this through and come up with a brilliant idea," Celestia said. "Luna, and hear me out very carefully... I need you to make the night... last for a touch longer."

Luna stared at her sister, one eyebrow raised. "I am suddenly having flashbacks to me being punted onto the moon."

"This time we are in total agreement," Celestia said, seeking to soothe her sister's fears. "If you keep the moon up Cadence won't transform back and that means we have extra time to find the candy werewolf that bit her."

"...even though I still think this is a trick to boot me back up there... I will do it."

"She tries it and I will punt her up there with you,” Tydal said, earning a hug from the moon goddess. “Only one problem remains," Tydal said, pointing to the bread cage. Celestia had paid for the cake and purchased the cage from the Cakes. "What do we do with...stop that!" Tydal remain up to the cage and glared at the two wolves who were in a very… compromising position. Tydal grabbed a squirt bottle and began to spray them. "Shining Armor, demount her now!"

The brute merely stared at him before getting back to business.

Tydal snarled, creating a bubble of icy water and drenching the two, causing Cadence and Shining to howl in protest. "I swear, if you do not stop going at it like... well, like wolves in heat... I will fix you both!"

"No need for that, Lord Tydal!" Pinkie said happily, bouncing over to him. "I already have called the perfect ponies to babysit your wolves." She stepped to the side. “Tada!”

Luna, Celestia, and Tydal looked down at the Cutie Mark Crusaders, who were all grins, then back at Pinkie; the three immortals merely stared at the pink mare.

“Trust me… I know they can handle it!”

~Literally 28 Seconds Later...~

"That's why you don't try to be Cutie Mark Wolf Tamers!" Luna exclaimed, looking down at the three wolf pups that were now in their own bread cage.

Wolfaloo, Wolfsbloom, and Wolfie Belle merely looked at their now hairy but still blank flanks and let out whimpering howls.

"Ok, I have a better idea!" Pinkie exclaimed happily.

~Another 10 Minutes Later...~

"Alright, we are all set... let's teleport," Luna said, charging her horn. Celestia joined her, Tydal and Pinkie standing next to them as the magic began to crackle and snap (but it did not pop).

"We'll be back soon!" Celestia called out just as they disappeared.

The now five werewolves looked at their babysitter, who merely stared them right back down. "I think the first thing we will do is listen to Angel Bunny's poetry!" Fluttershy said happily.

The wolves whimpered as Angel hopped over and pulled out a pair of reading glasses.

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