• Published 8th Mar 2013
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The God Squad: Equestria's Most Wanted - defender2222

Season 2 sees Luna, Celestia, Tydal, Shining, Cadence and Chrysalis on the run and attempt to clear their good names. Needless to say, they are sidetrakced... alot

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Something More

"Papa, are we almost there?"

A weather-beaten stallion leaned down, letting his son clamor onto his head so he could see better over the railing of their ship. The old 3-mast sailing ship was cutting through the water at a quick pace and about her deck her crew scurried around, checking the rigging and ensuring the sails were set correctly. An assortment of ponies from the Old World were on the deck, straining to see the first signs of land through the heavy shroud of fog that hung over the Mareatine. They knew they were close and could not wait to spot the first signs of their new home.

They had left their countries of origin hoping to make a fresh start in this lush land, this land of dreams where the impossible was made real. Some dreamed of striking it rich and becoming wealthier than kings. Others merely desired a plot of land to call their own and a chance for their fillies and colts to have brighter futures.

"Yes, my boy... do you see it?"

The colt leaned forward, squinting as he tried to see through the cloud that hung around their ship. "No, I do... wait... wait... yes, I see!" The cry moved through the immigrants and they cheered as they saw the tall skyscrapers of Manehattan. The colt looked down at his papa and grinned. "We made it, papa!"

"Yes, my boy, yes we did! We have finally made it to Equestria, the land of promise and of freedom. Our lives will better now, my little one, and all our troubles-"


The ship trembled and the immigrants cried out as some of the crew called out that they were taking on water. They all turned as one, staring at the ship that had struck them on the broadside.

"Sorry about that!" Cadence cried out from the other ship, waving to the group. "I was distracted by my husband's yummy flank! Should we trade insurance information?"

"Who is that, papa?"

The stallion grimaced. "No one important, I am sure."

"Hi, I'm Princess Cadence! I rule the Crystal Empire and I hold the record for most hot dogs swallowed in a single sitting! This is my family, Princess Celestia, who likes to use ponies as chess pieces; Princess Luna, who use to be Nightmare Moon and third worst threat to Equestria; Queen Chrysalis, fourth worst threat to Equestria; my husband Shining Armor... I don't know what his threat level is to Equestria but I know his sexy level is through the roof; and Lord Tydal, the war god who leads an entire race of bloodthirty killers... who all live right on the shores of this very country!"

"Hello," Tydal said with a wave. “Looking forward to hopefully not killing you!”

"...I am thinking the old country wasn't that bad, papa."

The God Squad: Equestria's Most Wanted
Episode 24: Something More

"Princess Celestia!"

The sun goddess smiled as Twilight rushed towards her, the purple alicorn's royal shoes flying off due to her rapid gait and wild abandon. All thoughts of decorum and noble bearing were tossed aside as Twilight hurried to her mentor and gave her a hug. "We thought you were dead!"

"We thought you were dead," Luna piped up as she approached the two. She glanced over at her brother/father-figure and frowned. "I thought you commanded all the rich elite be killed off, Tydal." Luna looked around the room at the gathered ponies, dressed in their finest clothes and wearing their powdered wigs and squinting through their little monocles. "I am surprised your army failed to do its duty."

"There certainly is a lot less blood than I suspected," Shining commented.

"Oh, they killed everypony," Spike said, walking over to the group. "Luckily for us nearly every pony has at least 5 dopplegangers running around, so we just had them step in and take over."

“I use ta be a rock farmer!” one of the ‘noble’ ponies declared.

"It's actually a common occurance," Celestia stated, not the least bit concerned. "I mean, we've already gone through 15 Bluebloods."

"And I'm the 5th Jet Set!" another pony called out.

Tydal nodded, stroking his beard. "I have been meaning to ask you about that, Celestia; why do so many of your ponies look alike?"

Celestia sighed. "There are maybe 30 stallions in the entire country, Tydal. Almost every pony is related to each other."

"Inbreeding," Chrysalis said with a nod. "That would explain a lot."

“Said the goddess who’s subjects all look the same,” Luna muttered.

"Yes," Twilight said, "but luckily for us genetics are CHANGELING QUEEN!" She leapt ten feet into the air, eyes wide as she screamed.

Cadence looked around in fear. "Where?" She turned to Chrysalis. "Do you see her?"

"I am her."

"...oh." The love goddess nodded to herself happily. "I keep forgetting that... maybe I should go on some medication to correct-"

"NO!" the rest of her group shouted.

Shining hugged his wife. "Sweetie, I love you just the way you are."

"You mean you love me all flighty and giggly?" Cadence asked, batting her eyelashes.

"I think he meant he loves that you aren't fat," Chrysalis muttered.

Twilight, still floating in the air, glared at the group. "This is all interesting and I would love to have a nice forum on the over-medication of today's society but could we please focus on the fact that the Changeling Queen is standing right here?" Her horn glowed. "Are you all changelings? Have you killed the real royal family and dumped their bodies in Ghastly Gorge while you begin your final attempt at revenge upon all of us?"

Luna rolled her eyes. "I swear, she doesn't get her overactive imagination from me."

"I am not your... oh, just forget it!" Twilight landed on the ground, though she did keep her horn charged and pointed at Chrysalis. "But none of you have answered my question."

“I would like to point out that I am a touch offended that I had my soldiers kill around a hundred ponies and it is the goddess that got defeated by Cadence snogging her husband that warrants threats.” Tydal huffed. “I don’t understand this world, sometimes.”

“Tydal, please,” Shining said, moving to stand between his sister and his (*shudder*) sister-in-law. "Twiley, I know this seems weird but Chrysalis doesn't mean us any harm." Shining glanced over at the bug-pony. "Turns out she's family now."

"Huh?" Twilight said, eyebrow raised.

"Let me explain," Luna said, her horn glowing as she brought over a large rolled up sheet of parchment. Setting it up on the wall, she unfurled it to reveal a large family tree.

"See, family," Chrysalis said, gesturing to her spot on the family tree. "Which means I should receive a full pardon and be allowed to bum around in one of the guest rooms for a while. And I should also be able to raid the fridge whenever I want."

“I can’t help but notice many of our brothers and sisters are missing from this,” Celestia said.

“Meh, the damn printer charged by the vector,” Luna complained.

Twilight, ignoring the debate about the family tree, glared at Chrysalis. "You turned my friends against me, kidnapped my sister-in-law, brainwashed my brother, attacked my mentor, nearly destroyed Canterlot... what makes you think for a moment anyone-"

"You're pardoned," Celestia said calmly. "Now, who wants lunch?"

"I could go for Tex-Mex," Luna stated.

"But...but..." Twilight said, jaw hanging to her knees.

"Oh, come now Twilight," Discord said, popping in next to her. He was wearing a baseball cap and a white t-shirt that read "I Appeared in Darth Link's Fan Fic and All I Got Was This Lousy T-Shirt". "You act as this is the first time you've seen a former foe reformed. Little Luna, if memory serves, wanted to bath the world in darkness and I so enjoyed headgames! But now we are both welcomed back with open- do you hear a loud growl?"

"DISCORD!" Tydal roared, Shining managing to pluck Giggles from the capricorn's back moments before he leapt at the chaos god. Discord caught his brother, smiling as Tydal snapped his razor-sharp teeth at his brother's nose. The spirit of disharmony held Tydal at arms length, cooing at him like he was a puppy.

"Oh, look at you, baby brother... all grown up and wearing your big boy pants." Discord snapped his fingers and Tydal fell to the ground, regressed to foal-age. "There, you are much cuter like that."

"Discord," Celestia warned.

Giggles trotted over to Tydal and blinked in confusion. "Huh?"

The chaos god glanced at her. "Come now, Tia... he attacked me first! I have to be allowed my fun."

"Actually, I was going to warn you that you should turn him back not for his sake but for yours."

The chaos god placed his hand on his chest in mock horror. "And what could he possibly-"

"BA!" Tydal snarled, leaping up and ripping Discord's other tooth from his mouth.

"AAAAAAAAAA!!!!" Discrod cupped his mouth and screamed, “WHY IS IT ALWAYS THE TOOTH!”

"Ba ba ba!" Tydal babbled in anger, scurrying up Discord's back. His tail lashed out and Discord began to spin around in circles, attempting to remove the baby capricorn before he cut off his wings.

"Anyone got at popcorn?" Luna said with a smirk.

"Nope, but I could make us some waffles," Shining said. When Twilight looked at him he shrugged. "I am the god of the dawn now."

"Since when?" Twilight screeched.

"A month or so," Shining admitted.

“…what the hell happened on this trip of yours?!?!”

"HELP!" Discord whimpered; Tydal had somehow ended up on his paw and was attempting to gum his fingers off one at a time. "This is cruel and unusual punishment!"

Celestia sighed and used her magic to pull Tydal off him. "Tydal, Discord will change you back if you swear to not hurt him unless provoked."

The baby capricorn looked away, tapping his chin as he considered her suggestion.


"Ba!" Tydal complained, motioning that he needed time to think. Finally, the sea god nodded and the next moment was standing there in his fully grown glory. "Discord, here's your tooth back." His own magic flared out and Discord yelped as his tooth was jammed back into his gums.

"I think I will go and visit Fluttershy," Discord said, pretending to be emotionally scarred. "She is sure to make me some cookies after she hears of this."

"Discord, a moment," Tydal said, stepping forward. The chaos god eyed him warily and Tydal heaved a sigh. "You and I will never be close, brother… not after all we have grown through. Mostly likely one of us will kill the other before Mother gets tired of this reality and wipes it clean. That said… there is one thing you could do that would go a long way to settling things between us." Discord raised an eyebrow and Tydal trotted over to him, whispering in his big brother's ear.

The chaos god grinned; this was well within his power as eldest sibling... and would also annoy dear Zeena to no end. Teasing Tydal was fun, mostly because the war god could give as good as he got. But Zeena and the rest? Oh, now they were ones that needed pranking and all they would do is whine. "Consider it done." He snapped his fingers and disappeared.

"Lookie!" Giggles exclaimed, drawing everyone's attention to her. The filly was laughing in utter delight as she swished her tail... her long, black-scaled tail with a small yet sharp fan blade at the end. "Like dada!"

Tydal scooped her up and kissed zebra-turned-capricorn filly's nose. "That's right, my little princess; like dada."


Cadence and Shining snuggled up to each other, watching as Luna brought out the moon and the stars (and oh how Luna had missed having the moments to actually craft the sky the way she wanted it to look). The moon princess blushed a little at the ooohs and aaaaahhhs she received as she began the finishing touches on the shooting stars; it seemed that after a thousand years ponies had learned to love the night.

Celestia was seated with Twilight, going over all she had missed during their adventure, while Chrysalis listened to Tydal as he happily told her about Merida's reaction when he'd sent word via the waterways that he'd gotten them a new baby daughter (his queen had been incredibly positive, while Coral squealed in delight and Misty casually stating that she would have to mentor her new baby sister to make sure she didn’t go nuts like half the family). Discord, for his part, had returned with cookies courtesy of Fluttershy and the color drained from his cheeks; they'd learned he'd appeared in Fluttershy's bedroom at the wrong moment and could now attest that Big Macintosh had entirely earned his nickname. He was now seated in the corner, playing with something he called an 'Eye-Pad' and trying to avoid remembering the trauma he'd gone through (Tydal, meanwhile, had gotten with Twilight and convinced her they needed to send Fluttershy a Thank-You fruit basket).

Twilight cleared her throat. "You know, now that I know you all were alive, a lot of things I read about in the newspapers makes sense."

"What do you mean, Twiley?" Shining asked.

"Well... there were all these news reports about strange things going on..."

"What sort of things?" Cadence asked.

"Well... like this abandoned asylum that ponies thought was haunted suddenly blew up. And a civil war in Prance suddenly stopping and both sides agreeing to a peace accord." Twilight's wings fluttered. "And before that there was this story about a murderous gang of rapists and thieves being taken out."

"That reminds me," Luna said, "why didn't your friend Rarity tell you we were alive?"

"I asked her about that... something about being bitter over 'that horrid OC attempting to buy my sister'."

Tydal grinned. "Oh yes, I must remember to collect Sweetie Belle."

Discord shuddered. "I would think twice about that, baby brother... I am the god of chaos and the Cutie Mark Crusaders scare the chocolate milk out of me." He lifted up his arms and twin streams of milk shot out of his armpits. “See?”

“Ugh!” Chrysalis complained.

Celestia mulled over the information Twilight had given them. "It is strange, my faithful student... while we were stuck in those 'wacky adventures'-"

"So that's how you do air quotes with hooves," Discord said.

"-we didn't have a chance to look beyond what was happening and see the good we were bringing about."

"It is kinda awe-inspiring, when you think about it," Shining said. "I mean, we took down pirates and stopped a war..."

"And blew a lot of things up!" Cadence said happily. "BOOM!" She nuzzled her husband. "I think I'm becoming sexual attracted to fire."

"Let's deal with that later, ok sweetie?" Shining said, kissing her on the nose.

"Imagine if we had actually been trying," Chrysalis laughed.

Luna blinked. "What if we did try?"

"Luna?" Tydal said.

"What if we did try?" Luna said again, standing up and pacing in front of them. "The first time we went on our little road trip, it was to find Chryssy and hoof punch her in the flank."

"Which I did!" Tydal said proudly while Chrysalis rubbed her flank.

"And this second time was by accident... yet we still accomplished so much! What if we actually focused our attention and abilities on achieving some goals and making the world a better place?"

Celestia frowned. "We do that already... we are princesses and queens and kings..."

Luna waved her off. "We are so bogged down by bureaucratic red tape that we can't do anything within the system. But what if we went outside our governments? What if we became something greater... something more?"

Cadence raised her hoof. "Are you suggesting that we become a kind of superhero team that travels the globe fighting evils that are too great for mere mortals to face?"


"I'm in!" She giggled in delight. "I LOVE spandex!"

"And you know that means I'll be a part of this," Shining said, kissing Cadence on the cheek.

Chrysalis rubbed her chin. "Well, if I did help take down evil that would leave less competition... count me in."

"Sister?" Luna asked.

Celestia looked at her little sister through narrowed eyes. "This is foolish. You have not bothered to think this plan through and it is most assuredly going to lead to places none of us could predict. Only somepony who was completely insane would take on such a task." The sun goddess smirked. "Then again, I haven't had this much fun since I was a filly. Count me in."

"And of course I will be helping when I can" Discord said, puffing out his chest.

"Who said you were invited?" Shining asked, raising an eyebrow.

The chaos god snapped his fingers and was suddenly in an overly gaudy military uniform. "I will have you know, Shining Armor, that now that I have been reformed I find myself in need of an outlet for my chaos. I am quite sure that Fluttershy will agree... a task such as this will only help me on my way on the path to goodness and puppies and all things nice." He flashed them a grin. "Plus it sounds like a blast."

Twilight nodded her head. "Well, I don't think I will go with you all just yet... I still need to get use to my new powers. But I will keep an eye out here and assist when I can."

All eyes turned to Tydal.

"What?" the capricorn said, his attention mostly focused on the BLT he was eating (the bacon coming courtesy of Shining Armor).

"Are you with us or not?" Luna asked. She ran up to him and batting her eyelashes, her eyes quivering with unshed tears as she gave him her best puppy-dog look. "Pwease?"

"Did you all miss the part where I adopted a baby zebra and haven't been with my family for more than 2 weeks straight since we all woke up? You honestly want me to abandon my wife, my twins and my new baby daughter just to go on wacky adventures?" Cadence, Celestia and Chrysalis joined in on the puppy-dog look while Discord actually turned into a puppy and whimpered.

"We'll need somepony to do our killing," Shining said.

Tydal's shoulders slumped. "I suppose you will need an OC to get you out of your messes."

"YAY!" Luna cheered, hugging her brother/father figure. “You’ll see, this will turn out great and nothing-“

“Why does that stainglass window depict Twilight’s baby dragon killing my dog?”

“Huh?” Luna said, her speech derailed as Tydal trotted over to the stainglass window that depicted Spike defeating King Sombra. “Tydal, what are you-“

“Hey guys, sorry I’m late!” Spike said, walking into the room loaded down with snacks. “We doing movie night? I got Pony Trek: The Wrath of Khan on laser disc!”

Tydal whipped around, his head lowered and lips peeled back to expose his razor sharp teeth. “You murdered my Wiggles!”

“What?” Spike said.

“I’LL KILL YOU!” Tydal screamed, leaping at Spike.

“AAAAAAAAA!” Spike tossed the snacks to Luna and darted out of the room. “Ok, ok, we can watch Iron Mare 3 instead!”


“Should we stop them?” Luna asked.

Twilight shrugged. “I would, but he did abandon me and let Fluttershy kidnap me… and Spike could stand to lose a few pounds... I say let him get a few laps in.”


The God Squad will return in 'Crisis of Infinite Twilights'

The God Squad: Equestria's Most Wanted will return later this year

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