• Published 6th Mar 2013
  • 21,711 Views, 1,447 Comments

A New Home - APoeticHeart

A young human child abused by his father wishes to live in a new home, and wishes for someone to love him.

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Chapter Sixteen: Confrontation with Diamond Tiara (Edited)

Celestia's sun began to shine brightly as the clouds started to disappear for it was only a morning shower. Fluttershy smiled warmly as she was preparing fresh oatmeal for her colt. Toby came walking downstairs carefully dressed in his outfit of chocolate brown jogging pants, the forest green, cardinal red, and deep orange plaid shirt with a matching chocolate brown light jacket.

He waved at all of the critters enjoying their breakfasts. "H-hi everyone." They chittered, and chirped happily waving to him with their paws, and talongs. Angel hopped up to the little colt. "H-hi Angel, how are you doing today?" Angel chittered as Toby gently rubbed the top of his head between his ears. Angel churred happily, and thumped his foot against the wooden floor.

Fluttershy trotted into the den from the kitchen with a warm smile on her face as she watched the two. She was carrying the bowl of warm oatmeal on her back. She trotted over to him as he was sitting down on the rug with the animals around him. She laid down on her legs tucking them underneath her. "Here you go Toby sweetie. It is still very warm, so be careful not to burn your mouth, okay my precious little one?"

He carefully reached up, and gently took it off her back. "Th-thank you Momma." He scooped some oatmeal into the spoon in the bowl, and took a bite smiling warmly as he could taste the warmth of oatmeal with the sweetness of milk and honey.

Fluttershy smiled at her little colt, and gently lowered her head to nuzzle at his cheek. "You are welcome sweetie. I also fixed you a nice salad for lunch today." She smiled warmly at him as a knock at her door could be heard. "Oh..um..come in."

The door opened and trotting in in unison was the Cutie Mark Crusaders. "Hey Fluttershy, hey Toby!" They all said in unison.

"Um..hi girls..what are you doing here this morning? Shouldn't you three be on your way to school?" Fluttershy asked softly.

"Yah, but we thought Toby would like to walk with us, if that is ah'right with him." Applebloom smiled at Toby softly as he was eating at his oatmeal, but smiled warmly back at her, and the other two fillies.

Fluttershy smiled warmly at the three fillies, and gently turned to look at the small child as he was just finishing his oatmeal. "Well, Toby sweetie, will you like to walk to school with the girls this morning? I am okay with whatever you want to do, okay my precious little one."

He wiped at his mouth with a napkin that Fluttershy provided with his bowl of oatmeal, and smiled softly up at her. "I-I would like that Momma." He carefully stood up and wrapped his arms around her neck, and laid his head against her chest fur. "I love you Momma!"

She smiled warmly, and wrapped a foreleg around him rubbing gently along his back, and giving him a tender kiss on the top of his head. "Momma loves you too sweetie. Now you be good, and I will see you after school, okay?"

He nodded, and smiled up at her softly. "O-okay Momma." The gently broke their embrace.

Applebloom, and Sweetie Belle smiled at the sight of mother and colt, and d'awwed with the exception of Scootaloo. "Guh..a little too sappy if you ask me." She said in a low whisper as Applebloom, and Sweetie ignored her, and gave her a group hug. Scootaloo just sighed tiredly. "Okay, okay, that is enough."

They both giggled, and released the hug.

Toby walked over to them as Fluttershy gently asked. "Um..girls..um..how did you get here?"

"We came in our wagon, and Scootaloo's scooter." Applebloom spoke up.

"Yea, don't worry though Fluttershy, I will be careful so not to scare Toby." Scootaloo smiled, and patted gently at Toby's shoulder.

Fluttershy quickly trotted into the kitchen, and grabbed Toby's salad carefully placed in a paper bag, and trotted back into the den with it in her teeth. She trotted up to her colt, and gave it to him. "Have a good day at school sweetie."

He smiled at her, and waved. "B-bye Momma, I love you!" As he turned to the fillies, and they started walking out the door.

Fluttershy followed behind them. "I love you too Toby sweetie." She watched Sweetie Belle, Applebloom, and Toby climb into the wagon with Toby sitting between the two fillies who sat on their haunches, and each gently laid a forehoof on his shoulders. She looked at Scootaloo putting her helmet on, and stepping onto her scooter. "Um..please do be careful Scootaloo."

"Don't worry Fluttershy, careful is my middle name." Scootaloo responded proudly as she kicked at the ground with a hindhoof, and flapped her wings, using them as a propellor, and started to roll down the dirt path toward Ponyville.

Fluttershy just looked own "Oh...my." As she watched to make sure nothing bad happened before trotting back into her cottage. "I sure do hope Toby will be okay today, and not let that filly Diamond Tiara hurt him again." She thought to herself.

During their way to the school the wagon was bumpy along the road, but Toby smiled happily. "Hehe..th-this is fun." He said excitedly.

"I knew you would like it kid." Scootaloo smiled back, and turned to the path in front of her.

"Toby, are ya ah'right?" Applebloom gently rubbed at his shoulder she had her forehoof on. "Applejack told me ya ran away, because of what Diamond Tiara said to ya the other day." She looked into his eyes with a soft smile.

"Yes Toby, we were worried about you. " Sweetie Belle rubbed at the other shoulder, and nuzzled gently at his cheek reassuringly. "Don't worry, Ms. Cheerilee talked to Diamond Tiara yesterday when you weren't at school. She gave her detention for the week, and decided to not let her participate in the talent show Saturday." She gave him a soft smile.

Toby returned the smile, but frowned a little. "I-Is Ms. Cheerilee mad at me for not coming to school yesterday?" He looked back, and forth at the two fillies as Scootaloo paid attention to the path ahead. They were nearing the schoolhouse.

Applebloom gently rubbed at his shoulder, and patted him on his back. "Ah' think ya should talk to Ms. Cheerilee about that Toby. She sure was worried about ya yesterday when Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash told her they couldn't find ya." She gave him a reassuring smile. "Don't worry though, Ah' am sure she isn't mad at you."

The four arrived at the schoolhouse as Scootaloo parked her scooter, and the wagon behind one of the few big trees outside. She stepped off it, and placed her helment on the handlebars.

Applebloom climbed off the wagon first, and offered a forehoof for Toby to gently grab, and helped him off next. "Th-thank you Applebloom." Speaking politely.

"Ya are very welcome Toby." She smiled softly at the little colt as Sweetie Belle followed behind.

Together the four walked toward the schoolhouse as Toby took a deep breath.

Scootaloo took notice, and patted at his shoulder gently. "Don't worry buddy, we won't let that little snooty tooty Diamond Tiara mess with you." She gave him a reassuring smile.

He smiled softly in return.

Ms. Cheerilee was standing on the school steps greeting the colts, and filles who were arriving at school. She looked to see the three fillies, and colt coming up the walkway. "Well, hello girls." She turned to look at Toby, and smiled softly at him. "Well, hello there Toby dear. How you doing today?" She asked kindly.

He looked up at her with a soft smile, and nodded. "G-Good, Ms.Cheerilee. Th-thank you. I-I am sorry for running away yesterday, and not coming to school." He lowered his head with a frown.

She very gently placed a forehoof under his chin, and lifted his head up to look at her. "I am just happy that you are safe dear. If it is okay with you though, I would like to talk to you after school, okay Toby?"

He smiled a little bit, and nodded* "Y-yes Ms.Cheerilee." The three fillies smiled softly at him as they stood behind him to trot into school with him.

"Okay dear. Now you four go in and sit at your desks I will be in just a minute to begin class." They all smiled, and walked in as the three fillies kept close to Toby.

As they walked into the classroom Toby looked up to see all the other colts, and fillies smile softly at him and wave. However, as he looked in the back a chill ran down his spine as he looked a scowl of anger on the face of Diamond Tiara. He swallowed deeply, and thought to himself. "Come on, I have to be brave. I have to be brave for my Momma, and Mommy." As he carefully walked to his desk on the far right side of the room, and between Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo with Applebloom sitting on his right.

Diamond Tiara looked at the colt with anger, and disgust. "That little brat cost me my spot in the talent show this Saturday, and got me a week of detention. Oh, he is going to get it after school today." She quietly said to herself.

Silver Spoon could hear her friend faintly, and looked over at her. She looked at her eyes focused on somepony, and looked carefully in the direction of her sight to see she was staring at the little colt up toward the front. She looked in concerned, and turn back toward Diamond Tiara.

"Diamond." She whispered lightly over to her. "Just leave the poor little colt alone. You saw how scared he was the last time you talked with him. He ran away, because he was hurt from the stuff you said to him." She frowned a little at Diamond.

Diamond huffed "Ha..he didn't run away far or stay gone long enough." Silver Spoon gasped quietly, and just lowered her head shaking it.

The class went by regulary while Toby was paying attention intently to Ms. Cheerilee teaching the day's lesson. Yet he still had that feeling of nervousness in his mind as he could feel in a way that Diamond Tiara kept on looking at him with a look of pure anger.

The bell rang for lunch, and recess to began. "Alright kids, you all have a good lunch and have fun." The colts, and fillies galloped outside as Toby walked out with the CMC, and Diamond Tiara along with Silver was the last two to leave the classroom.

Toby and the three fillies found a small wooden table to sit at with Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle sitting on one side with Applebloom, and Toby sitting across from them.

"So girls, what have ya'll decided to do for the talent show Saturday?" Applebloom asked as she was munching on a daisy saindwich.

"Well, I think I am going to sing! I have been practicing a new song for the last few days. I can't wait for you to hear it!" Sweetie Belle exclaimed with a beaming smile as she was eating at a daisy sandwich as well, and some hay fries.

"I am going to do some stunts on my scooter. I am going to set up a pair of boards up and put on an awesome show! I will be like Rainbow Dash!" Scootalo smirked, and gave a salute as she was also eating a daisy sandwich. The other two fillies, and Toby giggled lightly.

"Ah' think I might do some juggling with some apples. That delicious fruit can be used for more than just eating Ah'm sure of it." Applebloom smiled brightly.

Toby sat quietly as he was eating his salad. The three looked at him curiously as Sweetie Belle gently asked. "What are you planning to do for the talent show Toby? I bet is going to be real neat!" She gave him a beaming, and reassuring smile.

"Yah, Ah' bet it will be great Toby." Applebloom said as she reached her forehoof over, and rubbed at his back gently.

"Yea buddy, I know it will be awesome!" Scootaloo said with a bright smile and flap of her wings.

Toby smiled a little, but lowered his head. "I-I think I will just watch. I-I don't have a special talent." He frowned a little as the three looked at him with frowns of their own.

"Aw..don't think like that Toby. Ah' bet ya have one. Ya just need time to find it." Applebloom gave him a soft, and reassuring smile.

"Yea kid, we don't have our cutie marks yet, and cutie marks help you discover what your special talent is. Don't worry buddy, you will find your special talent." Scootaloo smiled softly at him, and her and the other two nodded reassuringly.

"Th-thank you Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle for being nice to me. I-I don't know though. I hope I will find out what my special talent is." He gave a small smile as the three looked at him with cocerned looks on their faces.

The bell to end lunch, and recess rang just as the four finished off their meals. "Well, let's get back to class ya'll." Applebloom said with a sigh as the four got up from the table, and walked back toward the schoolhouse.

The rest of class went by smoothly as the final bell rang for school to end. "Have a good day kids, and remember tomorrow we will get stuff ready for the talent show Saturday."

"Yes Ms. Cheerilee." The class said in unison as the started to leave one by one.

"We will wait outside for you Toby, ah'right?" Applebloom smiled softly at the little colt as her, and the other two fillies trotted outside.

Toby sat nervously a little in his desk as he looked up at Ms. Cheerilee as she trotted up to him. He twiddled at his fingers with his head lowered.

Ms. Cheerilee frowned down at the small child. "Toby dear, please don't be upset, I am not mad at you." She very gently reached under his chin to lift his head up.

Toby swallowed deeply and looked up into her eyes. "I-I am sorry M-Ms. Cheerilee."

She shook her head softly. "Oh, no, no, no, you don't have anything to apologize for dear." She gave him a soft smile. "Next time if Diamond Tiara or anypony says something mean to you, you can always come talk to me, and I have a talk with them, okay?"

He nodded up and gave a little smile in return. "Y-yes Ms. Cheerilee. I-I will come to you next time, I promise."

She smiled down at him, and gently patted him on the shoulder. "Good. Now, how would you like to help the class with preparing for the talent show?" She asked gently.

He looked up with a soft smile. "I-I would like that Ms. Cheerilee. Th-thank you."

"You are very welcome dear. Now you have a nice day and I will see you tomorrow." She waved a forehoof at him as he started to walk toward the doors.

He turned around and gently spoke. "M.Ms. Cheerilee, Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo told me that you took Diamond Tiara out of the talent show Saturday, because she was being mean to me. I-Is that true?"

Ms. Cheerilee carefully trotted up to him, and looked down into his eyes as he looked up at her. "Yes I did dear. Why do you ask?" She looked down at him with a little worry.

"W-well, if it is okay with you Ms.Cheerilee could you let her perform in the talent show? I-I don't want her to be mad at me, because it is my fault she is out of it. I-I can understand the week of detention, but don't let her miss the talent show." He looked up at her with pleading eyes.

She sighed deeply. "Are you sure about this dear? I don't.." She was gently cut off.

"Y-yes Ms. Cheerilee, I am sure. P-please just don't tell Diamond Tiara I told you this." He swallowed deeply.

"Alright dear, I will let her know tomorrow that she is back in the talent show." She smiled down at the little colt, and gently rubbed at his shoulder. "You have a big heart Toby, you know that, don't you?"

He nodded softly, and blushed a little. "Y-yes Ms. Cheerilee. Th-thank you, and I will help tomorrow with getting the stuff ready for the talent show." He said softly as he waved at her, and walked to the doors to leave the schoolhouse.

"He is such a sweet little colt." Ms. Cheerilee thought to herself as she went back to her desk.


Toby walked out of the schoolhouse to see the CMC waiting on him with Sweetie Belle, and Applebloom sitting in the wagon, and Scootaloo leaning up against her scooter with a smirk. However, he didn't notice Diamond Tiara coming from out of the side of the school house, and nudged him hard to cause him to fall to the ground with a whimper.

The three fillies immediately galloped over to the fallen colt, and gently helped him up. "Are ya al'right Toby?" Applebloom gently asked as she gently helped brush the dirt off his clothes.

Scootaloo looked worriedly at the child then eyed Diamond. "What is the big idea Diamond Tiara? Toby never done anything to you, and you are treating him , so rudely." She helped dust off the back of Toby's clothes.

Sweetie Belle reached for a hand of Toby's, and rubbed at it. "It's okay Toby, we got this." She eyed Diamond Tiara. "You big meanie! Leave him alone!"

Diamond scowled at the four with anger. "Oh, be quiet you blank flanks!" Then she glared at Toby stomping a hoove on the ground causing him to shake nervously. "And you, you little runt you made me lose my spot in the talent show where I can show of my fabulousness to all of Ponyville!"

Silver Spoon came up from behind Diamond, and stepped in between the five. "Diamond, please leave him alone. He is just trying to leave." She looked into Diamond's eyes pleadingly.

Diamond let out an annoyed huff, and looked over Silver's shoulder at the shaking colt. "Fine. You listen here though you little brat, if you even think about performing in the talent show Saturday, you will regret it!" She turned to trot away.

Silver Spoon lowered her head, and shook it disappointly. She turned to Toby, and looked down at him. "Toby, I am so sorry for Diamond Tiara being so mean to you. I also want to apologize for calling you a shrimp the other day, it was wrong of me." She gently reached out a forehoof to very lightly rub at his arm frowning as he was still shaking a little.

He looked up at her with a soft smile, and calmed his shaking as best as he could. The CMC stood behind him. "Y-you did nothing wrong S-Silver Spoon, and I forgive you. I-I forgive Diamond Tiara too, but I don't know if she will accept my forgiveness." He lowered his head.

Silver Spoon gently lowered her head to try, and look into Toby's eyes. "Don't worry little guy, I will talk to her. Thank you for forgiving me." She looked up at the CMC with a light smile. "I am, so sorry you three for all that me, and Diamond has put you through. I will talk to her, I promise."

"Aww..it is ah'right Silver Spoon. We know that you are different from Diamond Tiara, because we saw you preventing her from doing something bad to Toby's glasses, and getting her to stop messing with him. So ya are good in our books." The other two nodded in agreement.

"Thank you. You take care you four." As she turned to trot away.

Toby gently spoke up. "S-Silver Spoon?" He carefully walked up to her.

She turned to look at the colt with a light smile. "Yes Toby?"

He very gently gave her a small hug with his arms around her neck laying his head on her shoulder. "Th-thank you for not letting her break my glasses.Th-these were given to me by my Mommy, and I would be afraid if something ever happened to them. Th-thank you."

Silver Spoon smiled warmly as she looked at the CMC who smiled softly as she gently wrapped a foreleg around his small form. "You are very welcome Toby." They gently broke the hug as she waved at him, and the others with a forehoof as she trotted after Diamond Tiara. The others waved at her as well.

Toby turned to walk with the three fillies to the wagon. Sweetie Belle offered a forehoof for him to hold as he climbed up into the wagon. Applebloom climbed in behind him, and sat on her haunches along with Sweetie Belle with the little colt sitting between them. Scootaloo kicked at the ground, and flapped her wings to start rolling the scooter along the path back to Fluttershy's cottage.

As they were on their way to Fluttershy's Applebloom looked at Toby with a soft smile, and asked. "Toby, how come did ya forgive Diamond Tiara, so easily? Ah' understand you forgiving Silver Spoon, but Diamond Tiara?!"

Toby looked at Applebloom with a soft smile in return. "B-before my Mommy died, she taught me to never stay mad at someone for, so long. S-she told me if I stay mad at someone for a long time, I will change, and become mean like that person as well. I-I don't want to be mean to anyone." Applebloom smiled, and gently rubbed at his back.

"Ya aren't mean at all Toby. Ya are the nicest little colt that we have ever met, and that is a very good lesson your mommy taught you." She smiled at him warmly as Sweetie Belled nodded in agreement.

Fluttershy was outside her cottage watering her flower bushes as the CMC, and Toby came up the hill. She smiled warmly, and placed her watering can down to greet them.

"Hello girls, and my precious little Toby. How was school today?" She asked gently as Scootaloo brought her scooter to a stop and the other two helped Toby climb out of the wagon. He ran up and gave her a big hug with his little arms around her neck, and laying his head against her chest fur.

"I-it was good Momma. M-Ms. Cheerilee asked me if I would like to help the class tomorrow to get stuff ready for the talent show Saturday. I-is that okay Momma?"

She leaned her head down and gave him a gentle kiss on the top of his head. "Of course it is okay with me sweetie." She looked at the CMC. "Thank you girls for bringing him back home."

They smiled softly, and nodded. "Of course Fluttershy. Ya know that we care for him, and we will always be here for him like everypony else." Applebloom smiled at the two. "We will see ya tomorrow Toby."

"Yea kid, we will come pick you up tomorrow. Keep cool Toby." Scootaloo said with a soft smirk.

"Yea, see you tomorrow cutie!" Sweetie Belle beamed.

"B-bye Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo." As he waved at them while Scootaloo kicked at the dirt, and started riding her scooter down the hill. They all waved back with a forehoof.

"Okay my precious little one, let's go inside, and find something for dinner." Fluttershy smiled softly as she laid a wing over him as they turned toward the door.

He looked up with a bright smile. "O-okay Momma." They both walked inside the cottage as Fluttershy gently shut the door behind them.

*At the Cutie Mark Crusaders Clubhouse*

"Ya know what girls, Ah've been thinking. Ah know that Toby isn't actually a pony, but he is our friend. Also he hasn't found his special talent either, like all three of us. So, how about we make him an honorary member of the Cutie Mark Crusaders?" Applebloom asked with a big smile.

Sweetie Belle beamed with excitement jumping up in mid-air causing a spark to shoot from her horn. "That sounds like an excellent idea Applebloom!" She giggled, and blushed with glee.

Scootaloo crossed her forelegs, but then smiled and nodded. "Sounds cool to me. It would be awesome to have the colt apart of the group!"

Applebloom touched her forehooves together with a big smile. "Then it's settled. Tomorrow we will surprise Toby by making him an honorary member."

They all said in unison. "We can be the CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS INDUCTERS!" The three fillies hugged each other, and giggled as they started to come up with ways to make it a special day for Toby when they welcome him into their group.

Author's Note:

Well, it looks like that Toby has gained another big sister along with the Cutie Mark Crusaders in Silver Spoon.

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