• Member Since 30th Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen Jul 29th, 2019

Leftover of Saikano


Five mares skip breakfast. Then they find themselves locked inside a building obviously meant to store food, but the owner of the storage also feeds a variety of animals, so not all the food is pony food. Will they control their hunger and curiosity, or will they end up eating something not meant for pony taste buds?. It wouldn't be funny if they didn't.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 6 )
Comment posted by Leftover of Saikano deleted Apr 18th, 2013

I can't believe that fluttershy said "And just wait until you taste pony meat." I think fluttershy's friends can live with being omnivores but cannibalism is a whole different story

I know, I know. I meant that last line to be just a little shocker for both the other ponies and the readers. It doesn't really add to the story and can be ignored.


Reading this put me in the mood for Burritos all of a sudden. I really like the surprise ending.

Also, I'm pretty sure that this story was a SHED.MOV reference.


I included the word "shed" in the shorter description trying to see if someone would read it thinking it's related to SHED.MOV, but other than that, it's just based on my headcanon of Fluttershy being omnivore.

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