• Published 27th Jan 2013
  • 3,306 Views, 149 Comments

Searching for Six Ponies (And Discord if I Feel Like It) - Coltsguy

I have to find the Mane Six, but who knows where they are?

  • ...

But Not to be Forgotten

Hah! Listen to me. I'm no Twilight Sparkle. Anyway, if you're reading this it means that Discord kept his word and that means that he is trustworthy now. I'm writing this letter a little after I went trough through the last rift. As it turns out, I simply went back home. Seriously, what are the odds of that?

I found Discord outside and we had a bit of a chat. As it turned out, he actually sent himself back in time when his younger self arrived. That was what brought this whole thing full circle. It wasn't the human hating Discord that sent me through the portal to Equestria. It was a millinea millenia thousand years older Discord who did it.

The fun part, though, is that now I am back to my old life. Well, I will be in the morning. As it turns out, I arrived back home only a few minutes after I left. The temporal alin alignment here is really off and, according to Discord, is also not permanent. It seems to fluctuate with places that we've already been to. Not a whole lot, but enough that it's gets a little loopy.

The biggest problem I have is that Discrod Discord can't send me back because he doesn't have enough magical power to transport me as well as himself through the rift back. The coin had just enough power thanks to the mixture of harmony and chaos that were was inside of it to transport Discord. However, it wouldn't have worked for me since Discord's natural chaotic sef self was the only one wo who was strong enough to go through with the magic inside of the coin. I'm honestly not sure if he's lying to me or not, but it makes sense enough that I wou won't question it.

Apparently, it takes a lot of magic to transport between this universe and Equestria. I was going to call BS on him saying that the coin had enough power to do so. However, he told me about how there is still half of a bridge with the coin sending something here, but not yet sending something back. Stupid Discord and his making sense.

Honestly, the two of us ended up having a long chat about what he's been up to and how he's learned his lesson. I wouldn't be surprised if he was lying since he's a natural at it. However, we did come to an agreement that he was pretty much reformed. The problem is that no one there would believe him if he just came back by himself. It's highly doubtful that you'll even give him the chance to explain himself. Even if you ponies are the epitome of love and tolerence tolerance, you still have times where you act without thinking. I cite the wedding as a case in point.

If things end up working out, the last test to make sure he isn't a lying sack of crap is to send this letter to you. I'm literally watching Discr Discord in front of me as I write this so that he doesn't know what it is that I'm writing. If this gets to you without any problems then I believe that he is trustworthy enough to let him go.

Of course, there becomes the next problem. The girls won't be so ready to trust him after this. They will trust you implicitly, but not him. That means that you should probably wait a bit before letting him out. Not only that, but I'd probably make it something elaborate to help them learn to trust him. I honestly believe that Fluttershy would be the best for that se situation.

Still, that leaves the problem with me. If I had to choose to live either here or in Equestria, I'd live on in Equestria. I actually thought long and hard about this. The reason I say that I would go back is because you were pretty much right. I don't have anyone here that I would really consider as a friend and honestly I think my family would probably be better off without me. I'm not saying that they wouldn't miss me or anything of the sort. They love me and I love them. It's just, what am I doing for them? I'll admit that love would be enough for them, but I don't feel the same things that I used to from them like I did before. It might just be the difference in love from here and Equestria that's messing me up. I don't know. Discord's magic may might alos also be messing me up.

That's not really the point. The point is that being in Equestria just seems to feel more 'right' than living here. The stir craziness would probably get to me in no time and the whole meat thing would probably get on everyone's nerves at some point. There's also the fact that Discord took all of his magic back and now I'm a normal human again. There's also the whole bathroom thing I encountered while there, but I refuse to talk about that. However, at the end of the day at least I know that the ponies will won't care about things like taht that. They will accept me for me regardless of what I end up as. I'm a unique being there.

Here, I'm barely even a cog in the machine. I'm completely replacable replaceable. What makes me, me, is my thoughts and dreams. People love thoughts and dreams, but usually only their own. People are good, but they tend to be selfish much too often. I, myself, have encont encountered that problem and it made me question my very sense of self in those times. I would rather not even have the problem arise in the first place.

Honestly, I'm just writing whatever comes to my mind about the topic right now. It doesn't matter, though. I can't go back. I'll accept that in time. Right now, though, it just feels like kind of unfair. Despite the stabbing and the accidents and the issue with the alternate realities, it was a lot of fun being there. I just get the feeling that I was more fulfilled being there than I was here. That was the real clincher. Sure, some of the things I was doing while I was there were something that am any average joe could do. The thing was that I was that average joe. It was me and no one else. I was the one fortunate enough to get to do it.

Now... now I'm back to being the same person that I was before; boring, fat, and obsessed with the internet. What has changed? Nothing. And at the same time, everything. Now I realize just how boring it is to be me. I'm still the same person I was before. Still, I now realize just how much the saying 'You don't know what you've got 'til it's gone' really means. What you told me ended up being true. You did end up giving me a new look on my life before coming back. I doubt that this is what you meant, or hoped for though.

Despite the downsides to being away from home, I think I miss being in Equestria even more. The grass is always greener after all. It would be nice to be able to return there one day. I just am not sure if it's possible. Like Discr Discord said, it takes a lot of magic to get there. The elements might have a great deal of magic, but they can't be used like that. At least, I don't think that they can. I might be wrong. After all, I've only seen them used twice and both times were in response to a threat to harmony. Anyway, I doubt that would be enough.

I don't know if I'm trying to be a wishful thinker or if I'm being realistic here. Maybe both, who knows? I'm getting off topic though. I'm fine and back home and I suppose that's all that really matters. Let everyone know that I'm okay and that I'm not in any danger. Make sure that Twilight doesn't go all nutty to try and bring me back. Honestly, it just seems like she might.

I just met them, so it doesn't really feel like I have anything personal that I would want would have to say to them. I mean, I could probably come up with something, but I'm not sure how much time exactly is passing between here and Equestria. I bet in the time it's taken to write this almost a mot month has gone by. I guess that means I should wrap this up.

It was a blast being there. I had fun. I really did. Probably more fun than I've had doing anything in a long time. However, all good things must come to an end in this world. As much as I wish they didn't, it just seems to happen that way. Give Fluttershy one last hug for me.

Sincerely Yours,

Seth the human

P. S. I almost forgot, Discord said something about something going on up north that he hinted was important. I'd check it out if I were you.

After checking that she didn't miss anything else, Celestia folded the letter back up and placed it back in the envelope. She was glad that nothing else had happened to Seth and that he had returned home safely. Still, his message was sticking with her.

There were a great many parts of the letter that bothered her. The half-hearted goodbye seemed bad. The way that he returned Discord seemed off. The time difference seemed wrong. However, the most unbelievable of these things was the one about Discord.

Discord was reformed. She couldn't quite believe it. One of the greatest enemies to harmony that she had ever encountered had been reformed thanks to the time he had spent on Earth. Could it really be so perfect a turn of events? It was written in Seth's handwriting. Discord couldn't fake something like this. It's too meticulous and orderly. Well, except the scribbles where he misspelled things, that is.

There was one way to know if this was the truth. The last part of the letter. There wasn't anything to the north except the mountains. There hadn't been since-

Not since the Crystal Empire had disappeared.

Is that what Discord was talking about? Could it be that the Crystal Empire was reemerging? It would make sense. Every event that seemed to have happened a thousand years ago was now becoming resolved ever since the Elements of Harmony had been wielded by their new owners. Perhaps the mystery of the Crystal Empire was the next event that was to be played out.

She kept thinking about this thoroughly. It would be a great test for Twilight. Perhaps it would be the next step in seeing if she was ready to become an alicorn as she had hoped Twilight would. First, though, she must send Cadence there with her husband. She is the rightful heir to the throne. Her presence is necessary before anything else.

As she prepared to leave, she took one last look at the envelope. If things held true, then perhaps this was all according to destiny after all. If he hadn't shown up, if he hadn't fought Discord, if he hadn't sent Discord back, then terrible things might have happened. She then placed the envelope on the shelf next to the dagger.

"Perhaps you were destined for something important after all. Maybe one day, Seth, you'll see that for yourself."

Her horn then glowed and she disappeared in a brilliant flash of light.

Author's Note:

Finally! I actually finished one of my fanfics. It brings my average up to 25 percent. Interested parties should know that the crossed out words in the letter are because I wanted a touch of realism and since I have nothing but pens I would have to correct things on paper that way.

Big thank you's go out to everyone who actually enjoyed something that I made. I especially want to give a big thank you to Sandcroft for going out his way to promote my story especially since he didn't have to.

Will there be a sequel? Not right now, but I have the idea to do it down on paper if I ever decide to make it. It won't be until season four kicks off. That's for sure.

Edit: Yes, it looks like there will be a sequel. Or perhaps I should say a trilogy? Whichever, I plan to release it in December. Keep a look out for it. After all, there is always 'Cause, Effect, and Consequences'.

Comments ( 14 )

Nice story, and I must congratulate you on finishing it and giving it a nice ending. :ajsmug:

Are you going to start another story anytime soon?


This was a very good story and I really like the way you wrapped it up. This felt like a very natural conclusion for all parties involved while still giving you room for a sequel if you want. One interesting thought I had was that Seth only seems to have been drained so I would think that he could potentially recharge his chaos powers on Earth and force his way back through to Equestria (he may be able to join the army to get closer to chaos and charge faster or something). It also makes me wonder what kind of permanent changes he has received from his encounter with Discord and especially if he will still age normally.

2490033 I have a one-shot that I'm working on, but it's going to take a bit. I still have a request to do over on DeviantArt before I get working on anything else.

Goddammit. I loved this story and now it's over. And you thanked me in the authors' notes section. That wasn't necessary.

That was a well-thought-out ending. It wrapped things up nice and tight, while still allowing a little wiggle-room for another sequel. I also like how you gave a frame of reference for the time period that it takes place in in Equestria. It ended neutral on both sides, and while it wasn't climactic, per se, it didn't disappoint. Do a sequel.

I need another.

PS: Next time you make another story in this series, send me a message, goddammit.

2494002 Sure, I'll do that.

Pray tell, what exactly will you be doing? I want to see the words in black in white, your typewriting.

2494051 Honestly, I plan one doing a quick one-shot crossover with Discord. I haven't gotten started on it yet since I want to get to a request I got while I was working on this.

Cool ending.

3117578 Whatever works man. Whatever works. I'm actually rereading the whole thing right now as well. It's helping me figure out plot points and giving me the opportunity to fix spelling and grammar errors, as well as broken links.

3879875 There are a few chapters that have Code Geass references in them starting in chapter 8.

dear god, looking at my older comments on this website, or really anywhere really makes me cringe.

But if you haven't seen Code Geass, it's a pretty good mecha anime. At least something you should see before you die if you're into that shit.

6599947 Good catch. Not changing it. Spoilers.

Good ending and decent wrapping up and tying up those temporal loops :twilightsmile:

7886684 Huh. Never noticed that issue. Fixed and thanks you.

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