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Comments ( 42 )

This looks very... enticing :pinkiecrazy: I'll read it tomorrow cause I'm dead tired now

The hell did I just read? :rainbowhuh::twilightoops::rainbowderp:

Dear Celestia :twilightoops: That was... :pinkiecrazy:

1747396 can't say i know good, sir

That was a very interesting grimdark! Glad I found it! Keep up the good work, ya hear? :heart: :pinkiehappy: :heart:

I came.

Ohh god. I entered my most hated part of the fandom. WHY DOES EVERYBRONY HATE SCOOTALOO?!
Between this, rainbow factory and SAM you'd think that everybody hated Scoots...

1766053 I don't hate scootaloo, but I found this story to be quite funny in some degree :pinkiecrazy:

Duh fuuuuh? No thank u sir i'll stick with funny fics

Yeah, but because of your image there I'd imagine you to be the sort of person who gets a kick out of reading about the best character on the show getting tortured and eaten.

i say again duh fuck? I get the feeling you're a little morbid>>1765643

How in the HELL is this funny?!
I apologise in advance for saying this but ANYBODY WHO LAUGHS AT THIS IS A SICK FUCK!

1766124 yep. i am abit on the "morbid" side as you say.... :T

1766131 ummmm....i find humor in weird ways. and so do alot of my friends... :/

1766136 nothin wrong with that sir I'm just glad there was no pedo stuff in there I've been scarred enough

Because of this story I had to get mt best friend to hug me to calm me down an I'm to afraid to go home.

1766159 yeaaa- no i dont go that far <3< just horror and cannibalism

1766165 Ohh that's unfortunate :fluttershysad: But I find things like this to be deliciously hilarious :pinkiecrazy: Please excuse me and my sadistic personality :twilightsmile:

1766202 dude that pinkie pic is awsome
Shes like" hey guys I'm gonna eat you flesh"

I do not forgive you. It's 3am and I'm now alone in my friend's house. Now I have to sprint to my other best friend's house and pray to Satan that they're in.

What the * :yay: * did I just read? :raritydespair:

1766222 Right? I love it so much! :pinkiecrazy:

1766224 Then I wish you a splendid evening :twilightsmile:

I can love and tolerate this about as much as homophobes love and tolerate the gay

Its not easy to scare me but HOLY FUCKING JESUS IM SCARED im so scared that I cant be bothered to use punctuation

1766253 .... you haven't read many horror fics have you? :trixieshiftright: this is kinda really bad for a horror fic

I've read Rainbow Factory, Cupcakes, Sweet Apple Massacre and several other horror fics. Didn't even frown at them. (Well, except the part Scootaloo died in SAM... Maybe I just really love Scootaloo or something? Does that make me a peadofile?)

1766309 noo o-o" i'll just go with you just really like scootaloo.

I see that you tried to get the scenery down and what not. This feels rushed. This actually had potential, but seeing that this is my first Horror fic, it was a good idea with bad execution. Regardless if this is considered good or not, this is just my opinion. I really liked it, and I feel like you aimed it as a pedophile case too. You have no idea how bad you can Sequel this. Make this into a whole big mac n tosh masacre. Just saying, you should consider it. Would be nice to read.
Also, I felt like you rushed this a tad bit.
3.6/5 :eeyup:

1766518 i did abit :/ but thank you and i was thinking about making a Sequel that is abit better and less rushed.

1766542 Hey man, I'm fine with anything to make the story and more creepy. I don't find anything that isn't real offending. Or better yet, I feel like having a pedophilish Mac would make the story more twisted altogether. Remember, great job!

I liked it... though I believe you could have been substantially more sensual when going about the white-hot agony she felt. Perhaps you could have included a scene where Big Mac carved tiny little slits all over her body, then poured salt into each one? Or perhaps one where he split her wings one by one while making chicken-based puns? Let the creative juices flow like blood down a fresh slit-throat. It was fascinatingly full of potential, though it seems it was cut just a bit short. I like it, but it comes to a screeching halt. Granted, that was probably intentional.... Nice work.


1768067 I guess we all have different interests :rainbowwild: I for one thought this was quite good and funny in a way :pinkiecrazy:

1768067read sweet apple massacre I fucking dare you.

1767645You... I like the way you think...

1767645 thank you. o-o" i indeed like the way you think to

1771128 Forget what I said. :rainbowderp:

1771623one of the rules of the internet is: There will always be more fucked up shit than you just saw. No exceptions.

Eh, not detailed as I would like it to be. Read 120 days of Blueblood to get a idea of the level of details needed to really make story gorey-good. Cheeriles's Garden too, for the twist it have at the end.

big mac eats scoots? wait wtf! dude what were you thinking when you wrote this! i feel sick :pinkiesick: i don't even know what to think.

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