• Published 24th Oct 2012
  • 1,635 Views, 6 Comments

Food For A Day - ABagOVicodin

Halloween one shot involving Chrysalis and Trixie. For EQD.

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Food For A Day

A lack of food, morale, and happiness for her subjects. That was not something Queen Chrysalis could allow for much longer. She was the one who provided food for her subjects, and made sure that enough love was provided for an equal share of food among every changeling. Chrysalis' eyes stared ahead at the entrance to her domain, a dark room cascading with liquids and goo that oozed off of the ceilings and held bulging formations. The Queen stood up and walked over to a particular bulge inside of the greenish walls of goo, and smiled as she placed her hoof on top of the goo. A few wipes moved away the top layer that had accumulated over time, and she stared ahead at the form.

A light blue pony's widened and bulging eyes were staring back, and despite Chrysalis' movement from left to right, the eyes did not follow her. The body was completely absorbed in the forest green goo, the pony's mouth wide open in fear and shock. The light blue horn adorned this pony was completely charred and black, unable to cast any spells. Chrysalis wiped away more of the goo until the body fell out of its prison, and a gasp came from the body. Chrysalis took note of the mare's cutie mark, a magic wand and a moon while the mare coughed and sputtered to get rid of the goo in her mouth. "Where has the Great and Powerful Trixie been placed?" She asked, as her purple eyes looked back and forth.

Chrysalis smiled and green energy surrounded her before her form started to shrink, moving from her curved horn and hair down to a straight purple horn and hair. The energy surrounded her body, making her slightly more skinny along with making her down to the shape and size of the one that Trixie mumbled about in her dreams before she was placed in the goo-creating comatose. "Twilight Sparkle" stood in front of the light blue pony, a smile on her face as she helped the other mare to her hooves. “Please, Trixie, we have to get out of here.” The fake Twilight said, a look of worry on her face as she pulled the other mare in the direction of the gaping maw of an exit that adorned Chrysalis' chamber. Not a single changeling dared to move into the Queen's domain, which is why she was able to transform here without worrying about other changelings asking for her share. She could get her subjects food later, this one was hers.

Twilight's eyes began to water, and she turned her back to the light blue mare, as some goo leaked onto her shoulder and dripped down onto the floor. “Trixie, I don't know what happened to us. I don't know where we are.” She said. She took a few steps back from the walls of goo and looked around the room, faking her inability to know direction.

Trixie gave the room her own little scan, as she winced and squinted her eyes to try and acquire perfect vision. “Trixie does not know where we are, but we have to get out of here... and quickly.” She responded.

Twilight nodded her head, and started to trot out of the entrance, but she stopped as another drip of goo leaked onto her flank, moving down until it hit the ground. She turned around with her misty eyes once more. “Trixie, I never wanted to hurt your feelings.” Twilight said, as her lip quivered and her voice failed to stop cracking. “I just wanted to show you that... Everyone can like you when you don't show off. We love you for who you are, but when you are insulting everyone else, we won't like you.”

Trixie's eyes widened and she looked away from Twilight, her own eyes threatening to water from the emotion of the mare's words. Her heart started thumping faster in her chest, and her face turned red. “Trixie thought you were... sick of her, and wanted to get rid of her.” She said, her voice remaining steady despite the tears that plagued her eyes. “Trixie moved into the Everfree Forest because you didn't want to talk to her.”

This was new information to Chrysalis, but she kept her acting skills in turn. Twilight's eyes widened, before she took a step towards her “friend”, and placed her hoof on the crying mare's shoulders. “I didn't want you to feel that way and I am sorry for sending you away.” She said. Her hoof slowly slid from the mare's shoulder onto her hoof, and she picked it up. She could feel Trixie's heart skipping a beat, her fear and at the same time, attraction moving through her body. The love, the undying love for the mare that beat her in a contest, was delicious. Twilight moved in for a hug, and when her face was on Trixie's shoulder, a smirk moved across her features. She could hear Trixie's breath becoming shallow and uneven due to her attraction, and the mare's body starting to shake. Her horn slowly glowed with a forest green light, before an aura surrounded the magician.

Trixie's eyes widened before they closed. She didn't think about the energy surrounding her, or the fact that Twilight's magic was not green. All that mattered was that her crush had forgiven her, and she was able to live on with her existence... whatever that may be. “Please... let's leave this place.” She said in a monotone as she remained still.

Twilight moved back and smirked, taking a few steps back to look at the emerald hues of her mind controlled prey. Another drop of goo dropped onto her mane and she wiped it off before she started to head out of the entrance.

Trixie, with no other desire then to make her crush happy, followed Twilight.

As the two of them started to follow the tunnel exit, they were slowly able to hear buzzing, in high quantities. Every subject of hers was flying inside of her main throne room, creating a semi circle formation from the top of the goo encrusted ceiling to the bottom of the dirt floor, where some changelings sat. Their wings continued to beat however, out of respect for the Queen. All of the eyes remained ahead at the throne room, and not a single changeling spoke. Despite the apparent lack of food, every changeling was obedient to their Queen. Perfect subjects.

Twilight moved through the small divide accentuated by a dirty red carpet, that eventually was rolled all the way to her throne room chair. The buzzing slowly stopped as the Queen moved past her subjects, and the eyes started to divert towards the other mare, who was trotting to keep up with the Queen. The mare's brain washed state told the crowd that they were going to be fed. A wave of excitement moved along the crowd, but not a word was said. Merely smiles moved across the changeling faces, or a sudden straightening of the changeling's posture showed their interest.

Twilight moved to her dirt and gold throne chair, and moved back to sit in it, while Trixie stood nearby the transformed mare, staring off into space with her emerald eyes. The Queen let out a small laugh, before she transformed to her regular form, the dark color moving from her back hooves and upward. “Well, that was certainly easy.” She said, her voice echoing off of the walls in order to provide her speech to all of her subjects. “My faithful subjects, tonight I bring you a mare who has been abandoned and forsaken from one of the cities that she used to call home. She is not weak willed, but her love has blinded her to the truth, that she has fallen into the trap of a changeling, and will now be food for all of you.”

Chrysalis motioned to the mare and the closest two changelings moved over to the wall behind her, grabbed a significant amount of the forest green goo, and bound Trixie's hooves to the ground with it, making sure to test her ability to pull her hooves back before they retreated.

Before the changelings moved, Chrysalis ran her hoof down both of the their chests, a lecherous smile on her face. “Thank you, I can provide you with the third and fourth taste.” She said in a sultry tone. The two changelings smiled nervously and nodded their heads, before they moved back to the crowd, shifting uncomfortably at the new gaze that pierced the back of their heads. Everyone in the crowd was willing to kill for the first few tastes. Those were always the tastes that filled them up, and gave them the most flavor. After every changeling had their meal, it would be a wonder if Trixie could survive the lack of love. Many a victim have died of a broken heart in their domain, but the Queen did not care. One of the changelings nearby the right wall looked towards a particular lump in the goo, and noticed that the Queen was not looking. It rubbed away a few layers of the goo, and a zebra's terrified face was staring back, golden chains hanging off of the zebra's neck. The changeling's eyes widened before it rubbed goo back on the form. Stealing meals was punishable by starvation, he was not going to risk it.

Chrysalis moved over to Trixie and placed her horn over the mare's mane, before running it slowly down her curves until she reached the mare's cutie mark. The mare shuddered, and then closed her eyes. Chrysalis let out a small laugh, and then transformed once more into Twilight Sparkle. “You have a crush on me... don't you?” She asked the immobilized mare.

Trixie's cheeks turned red, although her head remained still. Her eyes stared off into space as she replied in a monotone, “Yes, Twilight.”

Chrysalis could feel the mare's breath ejecting from her mouth and onto her own coat. The queen felt a tingle go down her artificial body, before she moved in and pressed her lips against Trixie's own. Chrysalis could feel the mare's heart beat in her lips, it slowly escalating as her crush kissed her. Chrysalis' fake horn slowly glowed green, before she surrounded Trixie in her magic. The love, attraction, and feelings of desire that moved through the mare were slowly decreased an incremental amount, before the Queen's magic dissipated. The Queen felt full, satiated from the meal that was provided to her. Hopes and dreams, future plans, and thoughts of asking out Twilight were now in her stomach, providing a nice three course meal. She turned to her subjects, and raised her hoof in the air.

The changeling army started to form a single file line, as all of the creatures started to file out into the throne room exit, buzzing and mumbling echoing through the line. The Queen smiled before speaking. “Those of you in the front, pass on this message to the back, since I know this line is going to be long. In order to acquire your meal, you must transform into this form, and kiss the prisoner. Make sure to make it passionate, or else you will not be fed as much. Detriment, I want you to meet me over at my throne room chair, I wish to speak with you.” She said, before she sat back in her throne room chair, a smile across her face at the satiation she was provided.

One by one, changelings started to slowly move over to the immobile pony. One by one, they transformed into the mare's love, kissed her, and sapped Trixie's hope and love of asking her crush out. The changelings moved away from the mare when their feed was complete, and started to exit into the many tunnels that were made inside of the throne room. One particular changeling trotted over to his Queen and bowed before looking into the Queen's eyes. “You wanted to see me, your majesty?” He asked.

Chrysalis nodded her head, before letting out a small “Hmm” of thought. “I want to first thank you for providing the information that ended up to acquiring this food for all of us. I know that her hope and love is not going to be enough to make us stronger, but it can keep us alive until we find a better alternative.” She said.

Detriment smiled and bowed his head in embarrassment. Not many changelings were personally complimented for their work. Although, after all, he did provide a day's worth of food for the whole colony. Such a feat was commendable. “Thank you, Your Majesty.” He replied to her, his eyes staring at the ground.

Trixie's heart beat was declining as the line of changelings slowly started to reduce. Once the line was completely cut in half, Trixie's heart rate had reduced to 28 beats per minute, a danger zone for her kind. Her lips were covered in drool, both from the changelings who kissed her regularly, and those who wanted to add to the mare's torment. Trixie's eyes continued to stare off into space. Her posture slowly started to slump, her emerald eyes were drooping, and her weight was significantly reduced. She took fewer breaths, and seemed to be having trouble keeping herself awake.

“What is this? What is happening?” Trixie thought, although she wasn't sure that her thoughts were moving to her body. It was as if her body was in a completely different universe from her thoughts. She thought about moving herself, but not even her leg dared to move from the spot that her Queen placed her in. She wanted to scream out, but didn't make a sound as anther changeling pressed his disgusting and dirt flavored lips to her own, causing a mixture of saliva and dirt to move down her throat. That was her dinner, dirt and a changeling's spit. Every new creature that moved up to her had a different means of kissing her, so her body wasn't disappointed. But her mind was tortured. She couldn't stop and couldn't struggle. She could only stand there and watch her body accept the slow death and depression that was sinking into her thoughts. Goo from the ceiling was slowly dripping onto her flank and back, cold feelings moving through her body. She was unable to shudder, so she could only endure the displacement of temperature as the goo continued to leak onto her body. Half of her mane was covered, and her back two legs were covered within the time that the line reached 30%.

Detriment looked back to his Queen, and spoke with a hesitant voice. “Um... if you don't mind me saying so... I think I found a city that we could take over, Queen Chrysalis.”

The Queen's interest was immediately captured, and she turned to look down at her subject, briefly distracted from her beautiful work of art. “You do? Well then, please tell your Queen. The more food we have, the stronger we can become.” She stated, as if the matter of getting food was simple.

“Have you heard of a place called Canterlot?”

Trixie's mind stared in horror at the final Twilight Sparkle that pressed its lips against her own. Her body moved a few inches towards the last changeling, and she felt her legs give way once the changeling's spell ended, and Trixie was only able to see a side view of the tunnel leading to Chrysalis' room. Her blank eyes were devoid of any light as she stared at the same tunnel. Her mind was struggling, but the spell was too powerful. “Please let me out of here!” Her mind begged, while goo continued to ooze from the ceiling and onto her face, her sides, her mane. The last view she was given was sight out of her right eye of the Queen's green eyes. Her heart skipped one more beat, before lowering another beat per minute, until her thoughts were locked into her body. The Great and Powerful Trixie had sunk into a coma.

Queen Chrysalis looked over at her work, as the goo from the ceiling completely obscured the light blue mare and formed a bulge on the floor. She levitated her throne room chair nearby the bulge and let out a small laugh before she sat back down. “Canterlot, hmm?”

Comments ( 6 )

I KNEW that picture were going to be a header for a story the moment i saw it :rainbowlaugh:
commence reading.

EDIT: that's one great story you got there. You even manages to justify the invasion, to a degree!

Great, now I feel bad for Trixie, didn't see that one coming. :fluttershysad:

PS: I think it would be better to write "One third of its length" rather than "30%", it sounds too scientific in this context, to me at least (I know 1/3 and 30% don't equal, but they're close enough). :twilightsmile:

Thank you for your input!

The evil just flows off this story... I feel horrible for Trixie, and the horrors she suffered, especially with that whole crush-on-Twilight thing, are extremely distasteful...

I'm still rooting for Trixie to make it out alive, though; even though she's in a coma, and encased in stasis goo again.

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