• Member Since 9th Sep, 2013
  • offline last seen Jun 12th, 2016


I'm a youtuber who makes let's plays and stuff. I put a lot of thought in my stories and tend to over think them, planning things that don't even happen until like 5 chapters later. Bear with me :P


Sea Swirl needs me! · 2:50am Jun 5th, 2014

Well gee, I've been away from this site for so freaking long it's ridiculous. I've found a lot of inspiration lately, not sure if that's good or bad. I've been pouring that inspiration into my youtube videos and my skyrim mods I'm working on. But that's not enough. I'm bursting with ideas and I need a place to put them before I explode into a million teeny tiny pieces. So I'm back! My stories have been neglected, I intend to fix that. I'm ready to hop back into Sea Swirl and Pine's minds and

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Report Moonbit · 319 views · Story: Tales of the Sea ·

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Comments ( 2 )
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746817 Thanks! :twilightsmile: I'll be sure to read your stories when you write them

All new writers deserve some motivation, even if that is coming from a fellow new writer. Either way, you deserve some motivation. Honored to be your first follower!

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