• Member Since 24th May, 2024
  • offline last seen 11 hours ago

Some Random Fella

Just some random fella who's got a couple of ideas. (I have no idea what I'm doing)


All I did was wish for my life to be more interesting. And now I'm in a magical land where it's inhabitants think I'm probably evil. Plus, I'm getting armor of my favorite superhero, and am looking for the princess's protege, why? To convince everyone I'm her cousin of course! ... I think I bit off more than I could chew.

(First fic. Let's see how it goes! Criticism is welcome.)
This story was inspired by I Am Not a Charlatan! I Am Mysterio, Master of the Arcane Arts!

Chapters (15)
Comments ( 21 )

Congrats on making your first fanfic!

I can't wait for this for you to continue the story because The Stark has build himself into a giant problem by saying he's related to Twilight sparkle. Especially if he ever reaches Equestria and meets the other elements especially Applejack who is a built-in lie detector.

Tony Starkle

I'm pretty sure all David told him about was Twilight's name. Not Equestria's name or anything else about the show for that matter

Wondering about Stark's mind at this point. Knows 'Equestria' and 'Sparkle' but not where he needs to go.

Once in Baltimare, he still hasn't thought of where he needs to go, considering Sparkle has two main locations before narrowing the search to a pony ...

He needs to find a way to get a job just to get money now. The only way that I could actually see Stark meeting with the mane six and everybody else would be during the wedding when the changelings attack or he meets them in another way.

"Yes, we are going to Dodge City" Said Amira.

Pretty sure its name is Dodge Junction

I love it that he just spent his cousin but since he doesn't really know about the show Lore he didn't realize he's met her. And also he only heard about the name back in chapter 1 he never actually watched a single episode.

It's going to be a matter of time until he's going to see how longs can the ponies and everything else could breath if he fly all the way up straight to the atmosphere.

Hmm intriguing so far. A bit disappointed it’s anthro yet he is still human but that’s more a personal opinion.

I think they did talk for a while.

Btw author, does he have Starks’ knowledge at least and will his bogus backstory magically become real thanks to some magical shenanigans? Can’t wait to find out.

I think I you might be getting the armor versions mixed up, also for the non iron man fans it might be better to describe which armor your MC has on since it sounds like your mixing and matching parts of it.

Yeah but they don’t know that. It’s funny since they are making one mixed up group based off misunderstandings.

By the time that the My Little pony movies happens he already changed the events already. Heck the hippogriffs are going to lose loyalty to equestria because the Equestria didn't came when the Storm King attack. She knew about the hippogriffs but didn't do nothing about it before the movie. If you take out the TV show logic is mandatory for all allies Nations to have a representative to Royal events. But here since he's changing the timeline who knows what happens.

So far so good. Loving the hijinks they are getting into. Almost thought he was going to mistake Tempest as Twilight.

Great chapter. After all this I REALLY hope whatever magic brought him to that world made him her real cousin like her uncle really did travel to his world and was his dad all along.

Anything can happen I can see Twilight being a so worried should do something rash go back to candle lot and go talk to her father and mother this is early season Twilight. Since we saw that she freaked out about her brother keeping a national secret about his wedding.

Good mix of comedy and serious action. :rainbowdetermined2:

According to the gen 4 map the storm King armies coming from Northwest since tempest was in Klugetown and his Kingdom is towards the west. But our boy doesn't have map unless our boys making one every place he travels in his suit like in a video game.

what's stopping the king from resuming after he leaves

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