• Member Since 13th Apr, 2021
  • offline last seen July 1st


Hey kill Daedalus first, then Fusilier and then finish Achilles, ez win


The Equestria has managed to conquer all the lands of the Baseplate; Nusia, Guesa and the Cascada were fallen under the hooves of the Equestrian but there's only one kind that is standing on the last foot, The Dominion of Pinzhao or also known as The Dummykind or simply, Dummies.

Eight Individuals were sent to defend the lands of the Pinzhao against the incoming pony hordes.

Note: The POV will mostly focused on Stronghold 5-5 but I'll try to add a POV in the Equestrian side.

"Godspeed, Stronghold 5-5"

Dummies vs Noobs by Sensei_Developer

Dummies vs Noobs: Irony of the Dominion by Four Squares and Claudine 403

2nd Roblox x Mlp crossover

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 15 )

Hold on a minute- GAIA HAD A REAL NAME? WHERE?

I just had to create this account just to see this story and its good!!1!1!1 I'm a very huge fan of yours after your story in The Right Girl in the Wrong Place! (I really meant it.)

Lmao I think this guys below me came from your wattpad fanfic but your story is gud :)

Yeah they are, I did advertised my story in my fanfic in wattpad. Also thanks!

Hi, Felix Nguyen here, that is an AMAZING book and I am glad that you are expanding your little library to other fan fiction websites, if you don't remember who I am, I'm the fucker who used your last chapter as a parody and in the end failed miserably.

- Good luck! Felix (Phuc Lam) Nguyen

Comment posted by Felixland deleted April 14th
Comment posted by Felixland deleted April 15th

You know, this is really shocking.

I hope the ponies knows how to social distance

Their Assaults took care the east side of the stronghold, Fray grappling unfortunate ponies with his Harpoon gun and slashing them with his Overcharger. Meanwhile Scarlet used her Bolter to gain stacks of what she called 'Spare Changes' and once she's fully stacked, she throws her 'spare changes' and shoot it midair.

Ultrakill reference

When Daedalus appears, they know how to social distance.
When Tempest appears, they don't know how to social distance.

Our favourite lil peanut. Tempy

"Behold! The anti-thesis blah blah blah blah" Tempest said as he turned the ponies into a pile of electrical meat, blood and assorted organs-

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