//------------------------------// // "The Last Stronghold" // Story: DvN: The Last Stand (DvN AU) // by 21RoadsWasTaken //------------------------------// [Fetching last data..] [Complete!] [Replaying the video...] [Two hours ago...] The Dominian soldiers were running on the endless bombings from the pegasus as they were running out of ammo and they didn't dare look back. It was a disaster, all man for himself. They didn't care who were they stepping on they just kept on running and pumping their legs as fast as they could to get out of the place. Another wave of pegasus bombed the area, and then chaos erupted. Some of the Dominian soldiers were caught in the explosion and flinging them like a ragdoll, some were unlucky and got dismembered joints or other parts of their bodies and screamed in agony and severe pain. The rest of them got a shell shock or minor injuries. Not too long after the bombing run performed by the pegasus, a wave of ponies came onto the scene and started to push into the stronghold slowly, that army consisted of mixed unicorns and earth ponies who relentlessly engaged the Dominians. They were successful in pushing back the Dominians and cornered them into their stronghold. [INCOMING DOMINION FREQUENCY] "WE CAN'T HOLD ON ANYMORE! THEY'RE COMING CLOSER!" The one Dummy yelled in fear. "LAST MAG! MAKE IT COUNT!" The other Dummy yelled while throwing his last mag to his comrade. "WE CAN'T HOLD THIS FOR TOO LONG ANYMORE!" The other Dummy yelled while continuously firing his light machine gun at the approaching ponies in his vicinity. The Dummies at the stronghold tried their best and all their might to defend the last operating base of the City but the ponies were closing in, they were too overwhelmed by how many they were charging and it made sense that they should make a hasty retreat. One Nusian Officer opened fire his handgun at the approaching ponies and went to cover as the unicorns fired their magic bolts at them. [INCOMING NUSIAN FREQUENCY] "WHERE IS TEMPEST? WE NEED HIM RIGHT NOW!' The Nusian Officer said while taking cover from the unicorn's projectiles. "Tempest is en route ETA 10 hours... hate to say it but you and your group need to stay on that stronghold." The Aerial Reconnaissance said on his radio. The Officer cursed under his breath and he exchanged some fire at the advancing ponies. Then not too long, the ponies brought in their tanks and started firing the stronghold. The Dominian Engineers quickly brought out their RPGs and positioned themselves away from the tank but they were quickly intercepted by the pegasus above and started picking them off one by one. The tank eventually fired at the remaining Engineers who dared to peek out using its machine gun while the main gun was being reloaded by another shell. Then not too long after they sent their tanks, they sent an APU wave (old one) and now they're spreading a hail of bullets in the stronghold. The Dominians and Nusians take cover and exchange some fires with the APU but some of them get vaporized to death. The number of soldiers in the stronghold is decreasing drastically and soon they will be overwhelmed. Their reinforcements are en route but it'll take them time to reach the stronghold, for now, all they could hope for was to defend their designated spot till their reinforcements arrived. [INCOMING DOMINIAN AND NUSIAN FREQUENCY] "SIR WE HAVE TO RETREAT NOW! THIS STRONGHOLD IS A LOST CAUSE!" The one Dummy Lieutenant shouted at the Nusian officer. "WE HAVE TO HOLD-" The Nusian Officer was speaking but a lone magic bolt struck at the officer and dropped dead on the ground, leaving the Dummy Lieutenant shocked in horror. "ALL UNITS RETREAT!" The Lieutenant shouted at his men and ran back to regroup and prepare to leave the stronghold. The Dominian and Nusian soldiers slowly leave their posts until they're already packed up but before they can even go, eight individuals raise their hands and back out from the group, the Lieutenant notices this and acknowledged their sacrifice and braveness. [INCOMING DOMINION FREQUENCY] "May god bless you all and good luck..." The Lieutenant said before ordering his group to leave, they quickly marched away from the stronghold. The eight Dominians that were left to defend the stronghold gazed at their retreating comrades before turning away and bringing out their weapons. They saw the waves of ponies coming in all directions and they were not intimidated nor scared. "The odds of us making this one alive are pretty slim but I'm going to take that chance if it means buying time with our retreating comrades!" The Dominian Specialist said "I hope this goes well..." The Dominian Medic commented "May God have mercy on our soul" The Dominian Assault softly said "Before we die... can I at least know your names?" The Dominian recon asked and they all nodded to his statement. "The name's Dengfao Song, you can call me Fray." - The Dominian Assault [Weapons: Harpoon Gun, Overcharger, Aerorig, and Mercy Kill.] "Mine's Sakuya Karabawa, my callsign is Scarlet." - The Dominian Assault [Weapons: Bolter, Rallying Cry and an Exoskeleton] "I'm Lota Iori, just call me Skyhawk!" - The Dominian Scout [Weapons: Voltaic Impact, Terminal Velocity and an Aidkit] "Sayo Shinobu, a pleasure to meet you guys. You can also call me Blossom." - The Dominian Combat Engineer [Weapons: Hallsweeper, Wrench, Governor, Hologram, PROXY, Teleporter and Lifeline] "Natsuki Sakura... My callsign is Aardvark." - The Dominian Recon [Weapons: Armour Peeler, Machete, Teleporter] "Shiroko Ei... Callsign is Fixer" - The Dominian Combat Medic [Weapons: Vitabow, Rallying Cry, Resuscitator, Aerorig and an Aidkit] "My name's Airi Inoue and by the way, you can just call me Well!" - The Dominian Medic [Weapons: Recurve, Rallying Cry, Terminal Velocity, Lifeline, and Hologram] "The name's Akane Sato, just call me Wisteria" - The Dominian Specialist [Weapons: Steelforge, Terminal Velocity, Tablet and Motion Hider] They all gathered up on the center of the stronghold and not long after, a wave of ponies started to advanced. Wisteria called an artillery barrage and it annihilated the advancing units and turning them into a red mist. They quickly went to their posts. Their scout has already left and engaged alone in the advancing ponies at the south side of the stronghold. Meanwhile their combat medic and their recon went to engage the northern side, Fixer is annihilating the waves with her Aerorig and Aardvark taking care the remaining armoured units with her Armor Peeler. Their Assaults took care the east side of the stronghold, Fray grappling unfortunate ponies with his Harpoon gun and slashing them with his Overcharger. Meanwhile Scarlet used her Bolter to gain stacks of what she called 'Spare Changes' and once she's fully stacked, she throws her 'spare changes' and shoot it midair. Meanwhile their Engineer and Specialist went to the west side of the stronghold and they're doing pretty well thanks to Blossom's Governor. Wisteria often summon her rangers to engage the ponies and occasionally use her artillery barrage if she feels the time is right. And lastly, their medic stayed on the middle and readily raised her Recurve if any of her teammates are hurt or needs reviving. They kept doing this for hours, it felt like an eternity but it was their mission to save their fleeing comrades to safety. They knew they wouldn't last long but sacrifices must be made. The waves kept on going and going and it was far from over. They kept doing this for an another hour, the ponies were fierce and relentless. The Pegasus dived bombed the stronghold but it was no use. The remaining Dominians kept on going and still kicking, Aardvark sniped any pegasus who dares fly closer in their territory, Fixer kept giving buffs with her teammates with her Vitabow and gave them bullet resistance and speed boost, Wisteria kept on calling artillery strikes whenever she sees a waves of earth ponies push in their position, Blossom kept resupplying her Governor just to keep them from pushing, Skyhawk kept whistling and keeping the enemies at his bay to avoid any potential flanks and ambushes from the stronghold. Soon, a wave of tanks appeared in the battlefield but they wre quickly dispatched by the Engineer's Rocket Stormer and the Assault's Interplanar Device and Parabolic Hydra. The APU's that the ponies deployed were quickly dispatched and they were quickly dealt with due to how outdated it was compared to the modern APU of the Nusians. Not long after the APU wave, a group of unicorns grouped together and charged their horns aiming at the Governor, Blossom saw this and used his PROXY to pack his governor up and together with Wisteria, they ran to the opposite side to dodge the incoming beam, then soon, the unicorns unleashed the beam, hitting the west side bridge causing it to be destroyed and the remaining debris fell to the ground. Blossom quickly used his Terminal Velocity to launch him in the air and hovering, he quickly swapped to his Rocket Stormer and spammed the shit outta it and he turned the unicorns into a red mist. He landed safely and they decided to regroup and retreated. Well is trying her best to keep her teammates healthy and stay longer in the battlefield, she was very glad that the enemies didn't notice her and take her as their main target, except that she occasionally gets ambushed by the invisible ponies, mostly she called Saboteurs and appearing behind her, whenever that happens, she smacked and slice them with her Rallying Cry. As the night falls... They couldn't get any rest due to the fact that they kept experiencing multiple artillery barrage on their position and ponies sneaking up on them. They barely get any rest despite they're exhausted. They took turns on scouting and guarding the stronghold while the others were getting their goodnight's rest. They occasionally get into a few skirmishes with the ponies but they successfully pushed them back. The ponies used the night to slowly push on the stronghold but they all failed to manage to get inside of the stronghold. As dawn slowly rises, the Dominians were now fully awake and full of energy but then the radio suddenly cracked to life. [INCOMING DOMINION FREQUENCY] "Stronghold, this is your Aerial Reconnaissance, Tempest is enroute ETA - 3 minutes!" Music - [Voltaic Dispatch Underscore by Potoe] Superunit Incoming: Tempest (Fulgur Salamasi) Then suddenly, the Nusian reinforcement teleported to the center of the stronghold and they're start regrouping with the dominians and it consists of 8 infantries and 2 shielders. They started to assist the stronghold and they went to their respective positions. Although the reinforcement were small, the Dominians were finally relieved that a Nusian superunit is now going to assist them to push back the advancing ponies towards to their position and they just have to wait for three minutes. Their morales were getting higher and this motivated them to protect this stronghold even more. Wisteria unleashed her artillery strikes and decimated an entire army of ponies in a quick succession. Seeing this, Skyhawk slammed into the ground and rebounded him up in the air and glides through the air, he quickly swapped to his Voltaic Impacts and caused havoc to the advancing ponies. The electrical bolts ricocheted to their nearby comrades and he was able to take down most of the units, he used his slam ability to the remaining ponies and he swear, he saw a limb flew past at him. The ponies were getting desperate and they decided to push from all both sides. Wisteria's artillery strikes weren't enough to stop them and she needed scraps in order to call one. Blossom's Governor cannot keep up with the amounts of enemies charging simultaneously. Skyhawk's Voltaic Impacts were limited and the chain is not enough to face the entire army of the advancing ponies. Then soon, the 3 minute mark was over and now Tempest and along with his reinforcement of Infantries, Saboteurs, Shielders and Rangers appeared. "Your day will be really... shocking" - Tempest said Music - [Voltaic Dispatch by Potoe] [INCOMING EQUESTRIAN FREQUENCY] "Is it me or I feel something terrible is going to happen?" The earth pony asked "The winds has changed... I have a bad feeling about this." The unicorn said with a worried tone The ponies stopped their advance, they felt something is worse is going to happen. They didn't trot nor move a muscle, as if they're expecting something or somepony is going to appear to help them, or somebody is going to kill them. They just stood there but they were ready if anything happens. They keep their eyes wide open and observed the stronghold, then they saw a Teenager that is equipped with heavy armor and a tesla coil on his back, he wields a Tesla gun. The ponies backed away a little and the earth ponies were ready to charge. One Unicorn went in front of the unit and looked at the stronghold. "You think this one man can stop a whole army? You can't stop us!" - The pony yelled "I am Captain Grieve Hoof, the leading captain of this unit-" He added before getting cuts off by Tempest. "Behold, the anti-thesis to your impending victory!" Tempest said [Cue the music start]