• Member Since 11th Mar, 2023
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago


Eccentric story teller and Orthodox Christian. RWBY giga-fan, writes lots of EQG focused content.


Two thousand years after Nightmare Moon's banishment, Equestria thrives. Celestia rules with her six princesses, six powerful Alicorns, given charge over different parts of rulership, using their powers and wisdom to make sure Equestria prospers.

Or, that is the official story, anyway.

In truth, after installing countless unstable cybernetics, Celestia has gone mad, and the Alicorns aren't much better. Ponies regularly disappear when they start to question things publicly. Wars are waged, species are slaughtered, and androids are kept as slaves, bought and sold as property.

Vinyl Scratch was a musician, owned by Fancy Pants. Her life had been well, really, but before she knows it, she finds herself thrust into the midst of conspiracies and rebels. Discord, an organization bent on overthrowing Celestia and bringing equality to androids, takes her in and keeps her safe. Vinyl wants to fight for what's right, but deep down, she wonders what is truly the right thing to do.

A bit of a twist on a stereotypical cyberpunk setting. While we have the evil government and the rebels, it does focus on more messages of harmony and friendship than you'd normally see. While 'the tree of liberty must be watered with blood of tyrants', it is necessary to 'love your neighbor as yourself', too.

Updates will be rare, but as I am working on this whenever I have time, it will not be set to 'hiatus'.

Okay, now for content warning:

--Foul language: As it should, it depends on the character speaking. Curses are usually going to be few and far between, but a few characters swear like sailors (or cyberpunk gangsters, as it were.)

--Violence and death: People have guns, and people get shot. I will not write graphic descriptions of violence, but it will be on screen.

--References to rape and brothels: Androids, as slaves, are used as prostitutes against their will in some places. I will not go deep into that, but it does happen in this setting.

--References and use of drugs: Without knowing too much about different kinds of real world drugs, I simply made up one I called 'Salt licks'. It is highly addictive and physically damaging.

Chapters (24)
Comments ( 18 )

I like where this is going!

How is this the Equestria Girls world?

Tagged that because I didn't know how else to tag it, will look into changing it

It deepens!
Really like the Pie sisters.

Thanks! Glad you liked them.

I always look forward to these updates!

The android magic thing is very interesting...

(think this chapter got double-posted; but it was a good one :scootangel:)

LOL nice catch. Fixing it now.

Lots of factions!

Vinyl is definitely in over her head but I like where this is going.

A bass cannon

Aw yeah

Bass cannon awww yeaaaah

NGL I'm hoping that the pony magically attuned to sound is Vinyl.

I like this a lot!

"But what if it exploded, and then....exploded again!?"
--Spike, the Wise Dragon

Sweetie Bot! Sweetie Bot!
Also I’m curious about that Wonderbolt that made it back. I’m sure she’ll be back.

Ooh, story time!

Caught up and wanting more. The mystery deepens!
Glad that Vinyl is part of the group now.

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