• Member Since 20th Oct, 2022
  • offline last seen August 28th

Misty Arcana

Each snowflake is different from the other. All of them are together despite their differences and are never separated, they are interdependent.


Opalin Arcana works to collect money to buy a good phone because of breaking her adopted daughter's phone. But it's not that easy.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 7 )

I would say this is a pretty nice story especially on the holidays and to show the softer side of Opaline that she even get a job to get a phone for Misty despite she really don't want to show it but she does care and apparently she even got a little bit friendly faces from the main five which that's awesome again this is pretty nice keep up the good work and Merry Christmas


Well , Friendship is for everyone

Comment posted by Opaline Arcana deleted Dec 9th, 2023

I want opaline to be reform and be friend with the ponies !!🦄❤️


Yes me too. I hope this happens in future Chapters

Yeah even though I'd consider her defeat via tree suffocation totally conclusive in Chapter 6. But one can speculate and fanfic all they like. 😏

Ah yeah I actually just came off of Admiral Producer's new fic, speaking of Opaline Reform fics, so I was right ready for this one here. 😀

And yeah while your writing was rather messy here, the idea, story and characterizations were interesting and solid enough to keep me engaged. Maybe you could find someone to proofread for you?

Thanks. Well, my language is not English, so there may be mistakes :twilightsmile:

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