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Arm Wrestling Cowgirl

The chapter begins at midnight at the hospital, the Equestria Girls and Snails as they sadly mourned Snips. The doctor shuts Snips' eyes and pulls a sheet over him while he's lying dead on the stretcher.

"I'm sorry," The doctor announced, his voice sounded somber. "There's nothing we can do."

The girls bowed their heads, Snails went over to Pinkie Pie for a hug and started bawling as Pinkie Pie returned the gesture to comfort him. Snails looks at Applejack with a spiteful look.

"You couldn't let it go," Snails told her spitefully, fighting back his tears. "Well, I hope you got what you wanted."

The girls gave Applejack a disbelief look and turned away to the door with Rainbow Dash menacingly glaring at her before leaving. Sunset was the last one to leave but was stopped by Applejack.

"Sunset, wait... please..." she begged, then she was met by Sunset's sad expression. "Yer' the only one who understands anyone. Please... ah' didn't mean to..."

But Sunset said nothing and sighs sadly as she looks away, closing the door behind her as. Applejack looks over the small blood on her fingers, which was Snips' blood, Applejack felt sick at her own actions.

God, what I have I done? Applejack thought.

She looked over Snips' dead body as she flashbacks about what exactly happened...

Flashback at CHS, the girls were having lunch in the school cafeteria. They were all talking until Rarity decided to talk about something.

"Let me tell you darlings something," Rarity told them, then gestured to Applejack. "This lady, this lady right here is strong. Even without the use of her super strength. If she can carry heavy things, then she could take any of you out in arm wrestling."

"Nah, nah," Applejack denied and laughed.

"Applejack, Applejack," Rarity told her. "I am your friend, and as your friend, I dare to challenge you to arm wrestle me!"

The girls chanted AJ's name until the farm girl cuts them off. "Alright, alright," AJ replied. "But don't say ah' didn't warn ya."

They clasped their hands and ended with Applejack slamming Rarity's arm.

"What did I tell you, what did I tell you?" Rarity asked them.

Pinkie Pie raised her hand. "Oh, oh, me, me!"

They clasp their hands and Applejack easily slams her arm.

"Set 'em up Applejack," Sunset volunteered. "You can't take none of this!"

They started arm wrestling and Applejack slams her arm.

This continues with the rest of the group until Rainbow Dash went last and tries to outmatch her, but Applejack was far too strong for even without her super strength, after 15 seconds, Rainbow Dash gave up and Applejack slams her arm.

"That hurt..." Rainbow whined, rubbing her arm.

"Yer' the only who can last about 15 seconds," Applejack said.

"And now me," they turned to see Snips with a cocky demeanor, Rainbow Dash laughs like a maniac. "C'mon Applejack, set 'em up!"

"Okay, I'll go easy on ya," she said as she clasps Snips' hand.

"I don't know about you, but this is gonna be hilarious," Human Sunset said. "Okay, ready, go!"

By surprise, surprise, Snips slams Applejack's arm.

"Haters gonna hate!" Snips boasted.

Rainbow Dash begins to laugh like far more than a maniac until Applejack cuts her off.

"Enough! We're going again, ah' wasn't ready!" Applejack told her.

"Maybe," Snips replied with a smirk. "Or maybe you're just getting weak in your old age, old woman."

They both clasp their hands again.

"Okay, ready, go!" Sunset announced.

The arm wrestling begins, Applejack tries to her hardest to slam Snips, but Snips is somehow stronger than Applejack and he doesn't seem to be struggling, then he instantly slams her arm.

"Who's the strongest now?" Snips bragged. "Two in a row!"

Everyone cheers except Applejack, who remain silent.

"That was awesome, man," Snails compliment.

"It's all in the wrist," Snips replied. "And also, it's in the muscles."

The next day, Applejack was sitting by the stairs to CHS, still thinking about yesterday. Just then, Pinkie comes by and sits next to her.

"Hi, Applejack," Pinkie greeted. "You sure did a bang-up job at arm wrestling yesterday. You were beating everyone!"

"Ah' didn't beat Snips," Applejack responded dryly.

"Yes, he's quite the arm wrestler, isn't he?"

"I'm not the strongest anymore..." AJ said, sounding somber.

"Cupcakes!" Pinkie cried. "You are the strongest I know! You were just having a bad day. I know what makes you feel better, is to go up to Snips and demand a rematch! Then you'll see who the strongest is!" Pinkie Pie giggles and walks away.

"Thanks, Pinkie Pie," AJ muttered.

Cuts to Snips and Snails standing by Snips' locker, as they were playing games together on their phones.

"Here comes the power move!" Snails said, rapidly tapping the screen.

"Check this one out!" Snips then tilted his phone and rapdily pressing the screen, only for his charater taking damage.

"No!" Snips yelled.

"Dude, dodge the bottle!" Snails ordered.

As they continued playing, Applejack walks up to them.

"Snips!" Applejack told him. "You, me, rematch."

"No, I'm busy," Snips coldly denied.

Out of nowhere, AJ let her anger get the better of her and punched Snips' locker door and storms off.

"Dude, not cool." Snails said.

"She'll get over it," Snips replied.

Cuts to the band room with Applejack playing her guitar, Principal Celestia enters inside with Snips and Snails behind her.

"Applejack," Principal Celestia spoke. "Did you break Snips' locker door?"

"Yes, yes she did!" Snips exaggerated. "I already told you!"

"I want to hear it from her." Celestia replied, Snips groaned.

"Yes, ah did," Applejack conceded. "And Ah'm sorry bout that."

"Oh. I'm sorry Applejack, but you're gonna have to pay for it, and spend a few hours in detention."

"Ah'll pay for it," Applejack answered. "But only Snips gives me a rematch!"

"Applejack, what is this about?"

"Yesterday, Applejack was quite an arm wrestler until Snips somehow beaten her," Snails explained. "I guess this is what it's all about."

"Now I get it," Snips said with a cocky grin. "You just want to lose again. Let's go!"

So, Applejack sets down a small table and clasp her arm with Snips.

"Ready? Go!" Celestia announced.

Just like before, Snips just slams AJ's arm.

"Well, you got your wish Applejack, so you pay him by the end of the week," Principal Celestia told her.

"Yes, ah will."

"What was that?" Snips mock. "I couldn't understand you. I don't speak second place. Make sure you pay me by the end of the week."

The trio leaves the room, Applejack sighs in frustration and sat back into her seat.

Few hours elapse, morning classes ended, which means it's lunch time. Sunset, Rainbow and Twilight exited the classroom as they made their way to the cafeteria.

"Aww, yeah!" Rainbow exclaimed. "Lunch time!"

"I hope you guys got your lunch trays with you because lunch is on me!" Sunset added.

Then Pinkie Pie came to the trio, "Sweet! I can't wait to get a banana split dessert!"

Just as they walk through the hallways, Sunset took a small glance to her left to the band room, seeing Applejack had just returned there after class. And she doesn't seem to be happy. So she went towards Applejack, the farm girl gaze up to see Sunset walking towards her.

"Something, wrong AJ?" Sunset asked her with concern.

AJ sighs and turned her head to her left. "It's just... Snips' the strongest. But ah sense that there's gotta be a trick. He ain't looking too muscular but he somehow beaten a strong woman like me in arm wrestling."

"You're right, there is something fishy," the girls turned to see Snails walked by. "Listen, don't tell him I told you this, but Snips' been pranking you."


Snails sighs and walks away, "Two words: "Robo Arm". Look it up."

Just as he left, Applejack wears a determine look on her face, she picks up her phone and search the name, "Robo Arm". There he saw a commercial about it, they see a mother and a daughter playing arm wrestling together.

"So you think you can take on your old woman?" The mother slams her daughter and wins. "Easy!"

While the daughter frowns, the Robo Arm shows up and the daughter wears it.

"How to use the Robo Arm! First, put on the Robo Arm, Second, conceal Robo Arm, Third, sign our legal Robo Arm waver!"

With the Robo Arm in her arm, daughter challenges her mother again.

"Ready for round two, eh?"

but just as they started, her daughter not only slams her mother's hand but smashes it.

"That really hurts..."

"A subsidiary of Yoshimoto Cybernetics!"

As the commercial ends, Sunset can see the somewhat angry look on Applejack's face as she rougly shoves her phone back into her pockets.

"Sunset," AJ spoke, her voice sounded so venom. "Go with the others, ah'll catch up."

So, the montage begins with Applejack training herself in the school gym, liftting weights, exercising etc. As soon as she was done, she punched the 70-pound punching bag, tearing it to half. Satisfied by this, she turns to leave the gym and to the cafeteria.

The scene cuts to the cafeteria where the girls are talking, Twilight asked Sunset a question.

"Hey, Sunset, where's Applejack?" Twilight asked her.

"She said she needs some time to cool off," Sunset answered, "But I have to be honest, I can see that Aj is up to something and I hope she doesn't do something she'll regret afterwards."

"If she is up to something, she could've let me know first because I can see that she's planning something for me," Rainbow bragged.

"Not everything was always about you, darling," Rarity said annoyed.

The door slams and Applejack appears, she saw Snips and Snails table, with a determined look, she walked over to there table.

"Snips," Applejack spoke, that cold tone of hers is something you don't want to hear about. "Rematch. You and me. Now."

"Oh really?" Snips asked with a smirk, then props his arm. "Then let's do it."

"Don't do it, Applejack," Snails protested.

But Applejack didn't listen and clasp her hand with Snips.

"Say goodnight, cowgirl."

Then things are now in slow motion, Applejack yanks his arm to pull out his Robo Arm. She grabs Snips' hand again, but without her knowing, she activates her super strength, lifts him up and smashes him down the table, causing a big impact by the smash and throws everyone in the cafeteria into mid air. What's worse, she just killed Snips!

The flashback ends, Applejack was in tears as she held on to Snips' dead body.

"Ah'm sorry Snips, Ah'll make it up to you..."

Just then, a satanic laugh was heard around the room, then a green portal appears, and it reveals a muscular, skeleton wearing a biker type of clothing on his motorcycle, he has long black hair and wears sunglasses.

"Who are yah?!" AJ asked apprehensively, taking a few steps back.

Just then, Twilight comes back, and she was panting hard.

"Twilight?!" AJ shocked. "What are yer' doing here?!"

"I came here to visit Death," Twilight responded.

"Death?!" Applejack asked again. "Twilight, yah' know that guy?!"

Death laughs. "Of course she knew me, I was brought into this world right after she tried if any of the rituals, she was studying are so true. And that's when I was brought here, and we knew each other. She called earlier telling me to bring back this poor boy to life."

"Twilight, what on earth are yer' thinking?!" AJ cried. "Do yah' even trust that demon?!"

"I-it was the only thing I could think of!" Twilight protested.

"Now that I'm here, I will bring him back to life but," Death stopped with a finger. "I want a challenge?"

"Challenge?" Twilight asked.

"Yes," Death grin. "You can suggest any challenge you want to play with me."

"If that's the case," AJ said. "Then ah' challenge you in an arm wrestling. If ah' win, bring him back, but ah don't, yah' can take me instead."

"What?!" Twilight cried. "Applejack, that's risky!"

"Ah' have to, sugarcube," AJ told her. "Besides, this is all mah' fault for this mess. And there ain't no doubt the police are out there, waiting for me."

"Hmm, seems young Applejack finally coming in for some old fashion arm wrestling, eh?" Death asked. "Bring it on!"

AJ and Death shake their hands, then a green table appears.

"I've been waiting long for an arm wrestling," He takes off his jacket to reveal an even muscular arm. "Set 'em up!"

They both claps their hands, then a referee appears.

"Ready? Go!" The referee announced.

The two arm wrestle, then a greenish spark appears from their hands and the table was rising midair, then a whirlpool appears from the ground. Twilight was watching and hoped that Applejack could win, meanwhile, Applejack was struggling to keep up with Death considering that he's a grim reaper after all, Applejack barely tries to slam his arm but fails and she screams in pain as Death was about to slam her arm. Then both of them started to spin rapidly, making it extremely harder for Applejack to win this game.

"Any last words, Applejack?" Death taunted; he was on the verge to slam her arm.

"Two words! Super Strength!" Applejack yelled.

Then, Applejack ponies up, activates her super strength causing a bright light to shine the entire room, AJ easily slams Death's arm on the other side of the table and wins. And everything was back to normal.

"Applejack!" Twilight runs to her and gives her a hug. "You won! You won!"

"No! How is this possible?!" Death cried.

"Death, ah' won. Bring Snips back, that was the deal!" AJ demanded.

"Mark my words Applejack!" Death bellowed. "Someday, I will have your soul!" He then makes a portal, and spits Snips' soul into Snips' mouth, Snips coughs and wakes up and Death rides out to leave.

"Listen, Snips, ah'm so sorry for killing yah' back there, guess ah' didn't keep control of mah' anger," AJ concede. "It's okay if yah' don't want to forgive me."

"But she brought you back to life," Twilight added. "So that's more than enough, right?"

"You know what?" Snips replied. "It's water under the bridge. And I'm sorry too for cheating in the first place."

"That's alright, sugarcube," AJ responded. "It's all in the past now."

"Now that both of you have learnt something for today, let's just head back for school tomorrow," Twilight suggested. "Besides, I'm sure everyone will warm up to you already when they see Snips walking around alive."

"Yah' got it, Twilight."

So, they exit the room and walk through the hospital hallways.

"So, everyone thinks I'm dead?" Snips asked them.


"Guys, we should totally prank them!" He suggested.

"Yah' know Snips, ah've had enough pranks for today."

"Same here," Twilight agreed.


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