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Dummer Pie

The Equestria Girls and their new friend, Human Sunset Shimmer were walking towards the park. Hearing the word that there will be a band playing tonight though they don't know what band that is.

"So what band is going to play tonight here?" Human Sunset asked, as the girls made it to the park.

"I dunno, but what band is, they're seem pretty awesome." Rainbow said.

"Well what band is that, anyway?" AJ asked.

Pinkie Pie swallowed another cupcake she bought from out of nowhere answered, "It's Canterlot Rocks, Silly!"

"Canterlot Rocks?!" Both Sunset and Rainbow were surprised.

"One of the greatest living bands that ever play in this park?!"

"This is awesome!" Rainbow exclaimed. "That band inspired me to be the leader of this band!"

"Well," Twilight spoke. "Just to remind you all that they've also given anyone a spot to play the drum solo."

"Ah think that no one can play that solo, Sugarcube."

"That solo features a hundred and fifty pieces of percussion." Human Sunset said.

"And it's too advance for a darling to play." Rarity added.

"Well, if no one will volunteer then they would have to use a machine of their own to play the solo."

"Unless someone already had the volunteer," Pinkie exclaimed.

"And who did?" Fluttershy asked.

"Me, silly!" Pinkie answered, earning a shock look from her friends.

"Um…Pinkie," AJ spoke," Don't ya' think it's a little…. Crazy to perform that solo by yer self?"

"Not to mention that you might pony-up the more you play your instrument." Twilight told her.

"And you may be the drummer of our band, but you can't seriously play that solo." Rainbow added. "Plus, it's too dangerous to play. Because one guy in Denmark has his own skull burned before he even finished."

"But we've done dangerous things all the time!" Pinkie reminded them. "Like all that magic mishaps, situations that leads us to non-magical but dangerous situations!"

"Still, you could get hurt!" Sunset told her.

Before anyone could say further, the bus arrived at the park with the greatest band members in it.

"Guys, it's them!" Rainbow pointed at the bus.

The girls quickly went there before the other fans made it. As they made it first, the band members of Canterlot Rocks exit the bus and meet the girls in person.

The lead guitar is blonde, gold skin, and wears a white suite and black gloves, black shoes, while the lead vocals wear a red suit, black shoes and has an afro hairstyle and wears black shades.

"So, you must be one of our huge fans." The lead guitar asked.

"Of course, we know you guys," Sunset said. "Gold Rocker, lead guitar, Emerald kicks, lead vocals. And the bass player and I heard you're still looking for someone who volunteered to be your drummer."

"Yes, we are young lady," Gold Rocker said. "And our concert won't start unless someone made the volunteer."

"I made the volunteer, silly!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed, raising her hand.

"You?" Gold Rocker asked dumbfounded. "Play the advance solo?"

"Woah, kid, you don't know what you might get yourself into." Emerald kicks told her.

"But I and my friends am also band known as the Rainbooms and I'm the drummer of the band and I am positive to play the solo for your concert!"

"But are you even that positive to play the most dangerous solo?" Gold asked again.

Pinkie made a pfft sound and rolled her eyes. "Of course, I can!"

"I'm sorry kid, but I'm afraid to not let you be part of our concert. Because not only we might get sued for hiring a minor to do such dangerous solo but also for you're to be safe."

Pinkie Pie felt a bit disappointed but deep down it doesn't stop her from playing that solo. So, she sadly walks away back to her house.

"Is she going to be okay?" Fluttershy asked.

"Let's just give her some time, and then we go talk to her." Human Sunset said.

Few moments later, they decided to drop by to Pinkie's house but as soon as they arrived, they saw a lot of drum kit outside of her house.

"Umm… Pinkie what are you doing?" Twilight asked.

"If they don't allow me too, then I have to prove them wrong!"

"Having a bunch of drums doesn't mean you can do that solo, Sugarcube." Applejack told her.

"So what? I have all the kit I need. I've spent most of my time playing all of these at once and also last week so I can be prepared to play that solo!"

"Well with all of this," Human Sunset said, walking towards her. "It's really going to take a long time to be prepared before the concert."

"Darling, I'm still uncertain that you could pull this off." Rarity told her.

"But girls please!" Pinkie begged. "I need to do this! This is the moment I've been waiting for! I've been waiting for so long and now I needed to prove them wrong pretty please with a cherry on top.

The girls looked at her still uncertain. They do know it's too dangerous for Pinkie to perform the solo especially after what happened to that guy in Denmark who burned to death for playing it. But at the same time, Pinkie Pie needed this and from the looks of it, she's willing to risk her life to play the 150 Piece kit solo even the band mates of Canterlot Rocks refused to let her in.

After 20 seconds, Sunset stepped forward in two steps. "Pinkie, are you really, really sure you have to risk your life for this?"

"Of course, Sunshine, I'm really sure!"

"Don't ya' heard about what happen to that guy at Denmark, Sugarcube?" AJ asked.

"Yep, but to me, I'll do much better!"

"Are you, really, really sure?" Rainbow asked, raising her eyebrow.

"Oh, I'm really sure! Now come one, help me set this all up so I can practice performing the 150 Piece Kit!" Pinkie said.

The girls said nothing again and knew that Pinkie was too stubborn to listen. But what they can hope now is Pinkie realizing what she's getting herself into while helping to set up her drum kit.

Sunset, still reluctant, nodded. "Okay, Pinkie Pie, we'll help..."

"Yay!" Pinkie cheered. "Let's get started!"

They spent hours helping Pinkie to set up her drum kit. And most of them, including Rainbow Dash, were sweating and tired while helping her. How Pinkie Pie manages to afford all of those drums will remain unknown.

The girls finished and they lay down on the ground panting while Pinkie is still energetic as she is satisfied seeing MOST of her drum kit already setting up at front yard of her house.

"Thanks, girls!" Pinkie told them. "Now I can show them how an awesome drummer I can be!"

Rainbow Dash chugged a whole bottle of water and look at her and said, "Yeah, well, just so you know, we gotta check up on the Canterlot Rocks. See them setting up for their band."

"Oh, you guys can go ahead!" Pinkie insisted. "I'll catch up! I just need to practice then I'm all prepared!"

"Well, if you say so, darling." Rarity said.

The girls left while Pinkie stayed and decided to start practicing. Meanwhile, the girls returned to the park and sees the band setting up for their concert tonight.

"Oh, you girls are back." Gold Rocker said, as the girls approached to them. "How's your friend?"

"She's good," Human Sunset answered. "Though she'll feel better."

"But just so ya'll know," AJ told them. "Pinkie still don't take your word of not wanting her to be your drummer. And she has a kit of her own that resembles the 150-piece kit. Except that it has something that Pinkie don't."

Emerald Kicks frowned. "But we said she can't play that solo because it's too advance."

"Yes, but Pinkie being Pinkie, she's too stubborn to listen." RD said.

"I still don't know about this." The bass player said.

"Yes, but Pinkie Pie has been waiting for so long to shine with her drums." Sunset said. "And what she wants is a chance to put her drumming skills into the ultimate test. I know it's still a bad idea, but she's our friend and she really, need this so badly."

The Canterlot Rocks band members think about it for a moment. After like 10 seconds, Gold Rocker nodded. "Okay. We're giving your friend a chance. One chance."

"You mean it?" Twilight asked.

"Well, if she put it that way, then I guess..." The bass player said.

"Okay. Let's head back to her house and give the news to Pinks!" Rainbow declared.

The girls head back to the house and sees Pinkie with her all of her drum sets.

"Hey, Pinkie," Human Sunset called out. "We got some news for you."

"Oh really? And what's that?"

"Canterlot Rocks decided to give you a chance to play that solo." Sunset told her.

Hearing this cause Pinkie to lighten up. "Really?!"

"Yeah, and now you're gonna rock out tonight!" Rainbow told her.

"But just remember, we want ya' to be careful out there, Sugarcube." AJ told her.

"We wish you luck on your solo, darling."

"Oh yay! Now I can rock out and show everyone how a drummer I can do!" Pinkie exclaimed.

The night came, everyone went to the park to visit the Canterlot Rocks concert. As the the greatest band members finished their part, Gold Rocker held the microphone and speak to the audience.

"Thank you for coming tonight, everyone!" Gold said to everyone. "Now. For the biggest part, a volunteer will play the 150-kit drum solo!" Everyone cheered louder than ever.

Then everyone hears a buzzing sound as the smoke came to revealed Pinkie Pie along with her 150 Piece Kit rising up. And she's wearing a pink tracksuit with her Cutie Mark written on the back of her tracksuit and wears a pink headband.

"Everybody, we have the drummer who can play this; Pinkie Pie!" Emerald Kicks announced as everyone cheered.

"My name is Pinkie Pie!" Her voiced echoed. "And I'm going to play this, solo!"

Then finally Pinkie Pie commences the 150 Piece Kit solo. Everyone watching her starting now were awed and amaze on how skilled Pinkie is when it comes to playing her instrument.

"Wow, Pinks is doing it!" Rainbow exclaimed.

Everyone, including her friends were cheering and chanting her name out loud as Pinkie continues the solo. She also does the next section of that said kit as Pinkie switches her drumsticks with different sticks and goes for the xylophone and next used her roller blades and roll to the next section while banging them with her sticks as she rolls. Pinkie finished and went for the crane with some of her drums in it and she was lifted up in the sky.

Everyone still cheers for Pinkie as she ascends really, really high with the help from the crane.

"Clear the way!" Pinkie shouted.

Everyone complied and Pinkie drops the big gong on the ground.

"Wait a minute, that could mean one thing..." Sunset spoke.

Pinkie puts on safety harness, and she is lifted really up high while still playing her drums.

"360-degree ascending sky cage?!" Twilight exclaimed in shock, not believing what she's seeing.

Pinkie, in the lift, spinning 360 degrees while endlessly doing her drum solo.

"Yeah, Pinkie Pie!" The Equestria Girls cheered for her.

"Past the point of no return!" Rainbow shouted.

Everyone in the park chants her name again. Pinkie felt like it's time to end her solo.

"All right, it's time to light 'em up!" She exclaimed.

Then Pinkie gave all she got when playing her solo. Then out of the blue, her magic acted up as she continued playing her instruments nonstop. Before she knew it, she ponied up as Pinkie pulls the switch to lower the lift as the lift hits the going and the blind light went pink because of her magic.

Then the sunrise, everyone again, cheers and chants Pinkie's name. The girls run to Pinkie who's in the ditch of the lift.

"Pinks," Rainbow spoke. "That. Was. So. Awesome!"

"You did it, Pinkie!" Sunset said. "You really nailed it!"

"Ah'd don't wat to say," AJ said, smiling. "But you do made that solo!"

"I told you all I can do it!"

Then the Canterlot Rocks came to her.

"Pinkie Pie," Gold told her. "From the looks of it, you... you really made that Solo. And I must say, I'm more than impressed."

"Oh, thank you so much Mr. Gold Rocker! But my role as a drummer will always belong to my band, the Rainbooms, and my friends." Pinkie told them.

Emerald nodded. "Yep, you made a killing in that solo. And sorry we doubted you."

"Oh, it's fine, silly!"

"Hey, how about we'll discuss some things about being a band member, shall we?" Gold asked, lending Pinkie a hand.

"Oh sure!" Pinkie accepted.

Pinkie and the Canterlot Rocks walked away, discussing some things. Important things.

"Looks like Pinkie finally did it." Sunset said.

"Yep, and she'll pretty much become super famous." Rainbow added.