• Published 18th Apr 2023
  • 392 Views, 3 Comments

Former King - Dragon-In-Black

King Sombra makes a promise to his old Empire.

  • ...

Former King

I don't know how many times I've seen this view. The mountains made the world look big, the sky made me think of what was above it, the flat lands that made me want to explore.

Seeing all of this always made me feel insignificant. Like I was smaller than an ant that was part of something bigger.

Well, I had been someone big. But not for a good reason. But it would always be a part of history that every pony would read about.

I understand, of course. I mean, I cannot take away the fact I enslaved the Crystal Ponies and ruled the Crystal Empire with an iron hoof.

At first, I believed I did right. The former princess Amore didn't seem to care for her subjects and didn't do enough to help the ponies in her Empire when Wendigos came to attack. But I realise now that I was a bad ruler.

Sighing, I looked up to the stars and felt the conflicting emotions bubbling. All the arrogance, hatred and ambition I had, have hurt so many ponies who simply wanted to live in peace.

There's no way I can make up for it, but I will somehow help them if they'd need it.

Even then, I doubt that any pony from the Crystal Empire would ever accept my help. Nonetheless, I would still help them in any way I could.

Not as a ruler, but as a former king. If they would need my vengeance, I would help them tenfold. But I knew I could never top "Great and honourable Spike The Brave and Glorious". I chuckled with good-natured humour.

I don't mind. It was good the ponies could turn towards a creature that I knew in my heart would protect my former subjects.

I remember how the dragon looked so protective of the ponies of my former Empire. It had made me angry.

At the time, I felt disgusted that the baby dragon wanted to protect my subjects when I had the magic and power to do it myself.

But today, I understand. They don't know my real backstory

They don't know what I've had to sacrifice. What I've had to do to make the Empire prevail. That I had to protect my subjects from Princess Celestia's wrath.

The anger that bubbled in my body went away like a stream of water.

I don't know why Celestia attacked me. I genuinely don't know. In the beginning, I wasn't a cruel ruler by any means, that didn't happen until a year into my rule. One year, and then I ruled with an iron hoof.

To protect my subjects…

Well, they certainly didn't feel protected when I enslaved my beautiful subjects. For that, I will never forgive myself for the tyranny I committed.

"I'm sorry, my subjects," I sadly spoke with a rare softness in my voice. This warranted it.

I looked to the sky and I swore… I saw a bright star shining right at me as if to tell me I'm on the right track.

I got up from my sitting position and walked through the forest I have decided to reside in. The place is called Hayseed Swamp, I know that Meadowbrook lived here. I know her descendant took care of the cottage the former Harmony mare lived in.

I also live in a little cottage. It's relaxing and not as extravagant as I would have lived in my tyrannical days, but it's fun.

Walking through the front door, I looked around and saw the kitchen where I had left a small mess with cutting boards and knives for the soup I decided to make.

I glanced at the small fire in the middle of my cottage where I had a large kettle where I had the soup.

Smiling softly, I trotted up and smelled the broth I made.

I had talent in cooking I had learned. It was relaxing. If it wasn't for the fact I was formerly King, I would have aimed for becoming a chef. Make traditional cuisines of the Crystal Empire.

I pulled forth a spoon and tasted the soup and felt it run down my throat. Delicious.

Pulling forth a bowl, I poured some soup and began eating… or should I say drinking since it's soup?

Nonetheless, I enjoyed my soup in peace.

When I finished, I washed the dishes and placed them in their rightful places. While doing that, I couldn't help but think about my former Empire.

I missed it.

I missed walking down the streets and greeting my subjects with the love and respect they deserved. I also missed buying candy from the many stalls that were around. It was my way of helping their businesses.

Looking out the window, I saw how beautiful the swamp truly was. There were fireflies outside and lit up the place.

"Beautiful," I couldn't help but smile at the scene.

Scenes like this put my mind at ease. It was beautiful to look at, but also beautiful to live in. Sure, I will admit; I was forced to adapt quickly to my new living quarters but… I don't mind.

It's peaceful and it's quiet out here.

But I would be lying if I said that I didn't want to be reformed. Sure, I had good intentions as a King in the beginning, but that went down the drain after my one year as King. Besides, they would want to feel like they have some kind of power over me by reforming me.

I have nothing against it.

They have no evidence that I have reformed, or attempted to. They only have my word.

Lowering my head, I closed my eyes and I saw all the cruel things I ever said and did. The memories were hammered into my mind like a stone wall.

I remembered how I had hurt one of my subjects badly with my words, calling them mud-ponies. A word that was disgusting to use. I remembered the hurt on the pony's face.

The mare had trusted me, and that's what I called her. I clenched my teeth in anger.

I will make it right.


I walked to my bedroom where I had a large painting on the wall. I smiled as I saw my subjects sitting around the Crystal Heart where it was located. King Sombra was in the middle smiling a genuine smile with his subjects who waved at the one painting.

"Don't worry my beautiful subjects. No matter the villain threatening our Empire." My eyes were filled with promise and determination. "I will always defend it with my life."

I closed my eyes. When I opened them again, my eyes shinned bright scarlet red.

"Long live the Empire," I said.

Author's Note:

Hello guys, Dragon-In-Black here, I wanted to write this one-shot because I barely read any stories about King Sombra, especially In a redeeming quality and decided to write this. I hope you enjoyed it!

PS; this is my first time writing from “I” perspective.

Comments ( 3 )

I liked this, it was a good look into a more sympathetic side to Sombra.

I can see what you were going for with this story, but the premise feels like too much of a stretch for me. I thought it was contrived when the show tried to paint Ahuizotl as a misunderstood villain, and it feels the same way with this. I get that this is an AU, but without any kind of significant justification, Sombra feeling this way just feels forced and nonsensical.

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