• Published 28th Feb 2022
  • 403 Views, 3 Comments

Cat Guard - Blackcatsuperfan1

A hero story of a creature from another world

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New home and new trainer

We start this chapter where we last left off with Shooting Star and his friends who just arrived at Ponyville knowing that they had found a new home. And knowing that they found a new home Shooting Star said to his friends since this is going to be our new home they all better find places to live and seeing that Shooting Star was right everyone started to split up to find a place to stay. Also everyone in the next chapters will be taking part in everyone else's different views of their side of the story. And now that you know what's going on in the future we will be talking about the view of Shooting Star.

After all his friends went to go find their own places to stay shooting star started to make his way down downtown the city of Ponyville when Shooting Star was walking through Ponyville Shooting Star saw a help wanted sign saying help wanted at Sweet Apple Acres and seeing that Sweet Apple Acres needed help Shooting Star thought that working at the Sweet Apple Acres could be a good thing especially if he working for Sweet Apple Acres maybe they could give him a free room to sleep in especially Rocka staying with him.

And thinking that he could find work at Sweet Apple Acres, Shooting Star made his way to Sweet Apple Acres knowing that he would find work and maybe a place to live. When Shooting Star was walking to Sweet Apple Acres, Shooting Star saw that he could take a shortcut to the apple farmhouse by walking through the Orchards of apple trees. and thinking that he could get to the farmhouse easier by taking a shortcut through the apple trees, Shooting Star started to walk through the apple trees. When Shooting Star was walking through the apple trees Shooting Star started to hear noises coming from a spot. And hearing the noise Shooting Star decided to follow the noises.

And following the noises Shooting Star saw that the noises were coming from a stallion who was in a bush. And seeing that it was coming from a stallion in a bush Shooting Star fought that the stallion was stuck in the bush. And thinking that the stallion was stuck in the bush Shooting Star used his strength to pull the stallion out of the bush. And after Shooting Star took the stallion out of the bush Shooting Star heard the stallion say to him” What the hay?

Then Shooting Star heard a mare say "Mac, where are you? Then Shooting Star saw an earth Pony Mare come out of the bush that he had just pulled the stallion from. After the mayor came out of the bushes that Shooting Star had pulled the stallion from Shooting Star, realized that he wasn't stuck they were just having a little social time with each other, like how his parents would always get him and his siblings out of a house so they could do a little roll in the hay.

And after realizing that he interrupted their little alone time Shooting Star place the stallion on the ground and said to the stallion and mare” I am so sorry about this I was looking for the farmhouse and I was going to take a shortcut by cutting through your apple tree orchard”. And seeing that it was an accident the stallion said to Shooting Star” don't need to be sorry little fella but I have to ask what brings a little fella like you here in the first place?

And hearing the question about why he was there Shooting Star said to the stallion and mare” well I saw your ad that said you were looking for help”. Then Shooting Star pulled out the ad that told them that they were looking for help for their farm. And after seeing the form the stallion said to Shooting Star” I actually forgot about that ad”. Then the stallion and the mare realized that they forgot to introduce themselves. And realizing that they forgot to introduce themselves the stallion said to Shooting Star” well little fella I'm Bright Mac Apple and this is my wife Pear Butter”. And after hearing their names Shooting Star grabbed Bright Mac’s hoof and squeezed it hard not knowing that it was going to hurt him. And not knowing that Shooting Star’s grip was going to hurt him it was a surprise to him when Shooting Star grabbed his hoof and started to squeeze hard and to his surprise when Shooting Star squeeze down on his hoof it started to hurt like no other.

And after shaking Bright Mac”s hoof, Shooting Star stopped shaking Bright Mac’s hoof. And right after Shooting Star stopped shaking Bright Mac’s hoof Bright Mac said to Shooting Star” geez little fella I never knew that a little fella like yourself could have a strong grip”. And after hearing Bright Mac say that Shooting Star realized that he may have shooked Bright Mac’s hoof a little too hard. And after realizing that he might have accidentally shook Bright Mac’s hoof a little too hard, Shooting Star said to Bright Mac’ sorry about that sir I accidentally sometimes forget how strong I am”. And after hearing that from Shooting Star, Bright Mac said with a happy smile” don't worry little fella it's all water under the bridge. Then Shooting Star thought that he heard the name apple from somewhere before.

And thinking that he knew the name Apple from somewhere before Shooting Star realized that Bright Mac Apple was actually a descendant from Charness Apple the trainer of Equestria's most famous Heroes. And realizing that Bright Mac was a descendant of the trainer of Equestria's most famous Heroes Shooting Star thought that maybe they could help him get control of his powers and maybe find his destiny.

And thinking that he could find his destiny shooting star said to right Mac" excuse me Mr Bright Mac you think you can train me because just like your Hoofacestors did I want to control my powers and maybe find my destiny".

And hearing that Shooting Star wanted to find his destiny right Max said with a frown on his face "I'm sorry Shooting Star but I can't help you". And after hearing Bright Mac Shooting Star hearing saying that Bright Mac couldn't help him shooting star said to Bright Mac" but why not Bright Mac". And hearing the question from Shooting Star Bright Mac said to Shooting Star" because shooting star because of what happened to hoofachilles my family has been retired from training heroes".

And hearing that his family no longer training heroes Shooting Star knew because of the history of the past heroes that the Apple family had trained Shooting Star said to Bright Mac" but Bright Mac I could go way beyond then those other guys watch if you get me out of this for us I'll show you what I mean".

And seeing that the kid wouldn't give up Bright Mac said to Shooting Star" fine but if you don't impress me Shooting Star and if you can't impress me then you won't bring it up again got it". And hearing that he might have a chance have a chance to learn how to control his abilities Shooting Star said to Bright Mac that they had a deal. And hearing that they had a deal right now showed Shooting Star the way out of the apple tree orchard.

When Bright Mac Pear Butter and Shooting Star we're out of the apple orchard the Shooting Star said to Bright Mac" okay Bright Mac now that I'm out of the orchard what's watch me impress you". And hearing that the Shooting Star thought that he was going to impress him Bright Mac said to Shooting Star" ok Shooting Star let's see if you can impress me then Shooting Star went to an apple tree.

And Shooting Star lifted the apple tree off the ground. And after Shooting Star lifted the tree off the ground Shooting Star started to juggle the apple tree like it weighed nothing. And seeing that Shooting Star was lifting the tree like it weighed nothing, Bright Mac was shocked on how Shooting Star could lift the tree like it was nothing. And seen the shock on Bright Mac's face Shooting star said to Bright Mac" and that's not the only thing I can do like right back asked me to bring you something from Yakyakistan".

And to copy what Shooting Star said Bright Mac said to Shooting Star for him to bring him something from Yakyakistan. And right after Bright Mac said that to him Shooting Star ran off like a blur. And in a second Shooting Star came back to Sweet Apple Acres holding a yak helmet.

And after seeing Shooting Star running so fast Bright Mac said to Shooting Star" Shooting Star is there any other things you could do? And hearing Bright Mac's question Shooting Star looked at Apple and shot heat vision from his eyes. when Shooting Star use his heat vision Shooting Star's heat vision blasted the Apple knocking it off its branch.

Then on a accident a piece of dust went near Shooting Star's nose making him sneeze. When Shooting Star sneezed the sneeze made a gust of wind so strong that it blew all of the apples off their trees. And after seeing the gust of wind knock off all of the Apples off their trees bright Mac wanted to talk about training Shooting Star with Granny Smith and the rest of his family.

And wanting to talk about training Shooting Star with Granny Smith and the rest of his family Bright Mac said to Shooting Star" shooting star follow me after we eat a good dinner we'll talk about it". And hearing that Bright Mac might train him after they have a good meal Shooting Star followed Bright Mac into the farmhouse.

And after ten minutes in the farmhouse the rest of the Apple family the except Big Macintosha were shocked on what they saw. And what they saw that shot the rest of the Apple family except Big Macintosha was on how much Shooting Star could eat. And being shocked about how much that Shooting Star could eat Pear Butter said to Bright Mac" wow Mac I never seen a young and eat so much he even eats more than Applejack". Then Bright Mac said to Pear Butter" honey I'm not worried about how much he can eat I'm just worried about that love look in Macintosha's eyes. Then Pear Butter wondered what her husband meant pear butter looked at her oldest daughter and saw the lovey look in her eyes".

And seen the look in her daughter's eyes Pear Butter knew that her daughter started to have a crush on Shooting Star. And after seeing that her daughter was starting a crush on shooting star pear butter thought that shooting star would make a excellent boyfriend for Macintosha. And to Macintosha unfortunate certain stance unlike her mother Pear Butter Bright Mac said to Shooting Star" Shooting Star I hope that if I hire you that you won't put any moves on my daughter because you might be working for me but it doesn't mean I want you to put the moves on my daughter and I'm only saying that because unlike my wife I don't want Grandfoals yet". And hearing that from her father Macintosha said to her father" pa did you really have to say it like that'. And seeing the look on Macintosha's face face Shooting Star said to Bright Mac" Mr Bright Mac I got to say that even though your daughter is very pretty or at least I'd wait until like I'm a little older like leasing my 30s". And hearing that Shooting Star a 15-year-old cat creature wouldn't impregnate his daughter until he was like in his thirties Bright Mac nodded saying that he accepted that proposal knowing that if his daughter and Shooting Star did envelope a relationship they would wait until Shooting Star was in his thirties.

And wanting to change the subject Shooting star look around the room and saw a picture of a orange or pony Philly. And after seeing the photo of the orange earth pony philly Shooting Star notice that the orange earth pony philly wasn't in the room. After seeing that the orange earth pony philly wasn't in the room Shooting Star said to Granny Smith" so Granny Smith your son and his wife have another kid". And hearing Shooting Star's question Granny Smith said to Shooting Star" first sunny don't call me call me Granny Smith just call me granny and secondly Bright Mac and Pear Butter do have another foal sun tell him about Applejack".

And hearing his mom's order bright Mac said to Shooting Star" you see Shooting Star a couple of weeks ago my daughter Applejack went to live with her aunt and uncle Orange in Manehattan to find her cutie mark". And hearing that Bright Mac's daughter Applejack went to Manehattan to find her cutie mark Shooting Star said to Bright Mac" really Bright Mac did she ever find her cutie mark because my dad Night Light once told me that Manehattan is a very strange place". And hearing the question from Shooting Star's Bright Mac said to Shooting Star" she did find her cutie mark lately she's been saying that she's been trying to find out who's this yellow and blue blur is I just hope that this blue and yellow blur is not a boy if you get my drift". Then Granny Smith said to Shooting Star" so let me get this straight Shooting Star you have some special abilities and you want my son to train you for you could get them under control right". And not wanting to hear the discussion about training right neck went out of the house to calm himself down.

And after going out of the house Shooting Star followed Bright Mac said to Shooting Star" I'm sorry Shooting Star I can hire you but I can't train you" And hearing that Bright Mac wouldn't train him Shooting Star said to Bright Mac" but Bright Mac I have all these abilities and if you train me I I can't learn to control my powers". And thinking about what Shooting Star said Bright Mac started to sing this song.

And nearing the first parts of the song a blastful of heat blasted Bright Mac making him train Shooting Star. And let me tell you the training that Bright Mac was doing with shooting star was tough but yet effective. And sometimes after training shooting star with hangout with his friends that the apples one day met. And let me tell you all the apples liked shooting stars friends all but Macintosha who seem like they had a rivalry. And let me tell you Apple family finally did eventually notice Rocka on Shooting Star's shoulder. And let me tell you the one who like Rocka the most was Bright Mac's and Pear Butter's newest foal Apple Bloom. And let me tell you couldn't separate those two because Bright Mac did try separating them but to Bright Mac's luck his luck he had no chance so the Apple family and shooting star decided to think of Rocka as a family pet. And to all those Winona fan don't worry rocka and Winona did have a falling out but after a big adventure they were best of friends.

And time did pass by while Shooting Star was doing his training Bright Mac and his family. And once where there was a 15-year-old cat creature was now standing a my strong warrior. And that's where the song ends . And unknowing to Shooting Star a dark figure on the moon thought of Shooting Star as a friend to her conquest.

I know everyone that is where I'm going to leave the story off if you guys are wondering what will happen with Shooting Star Apple family and the rest of Shooting Star's friends you'll have to wait until next time so.

To be continued in the next chapter.

Oh did anyone catch the reference on the sentence about Applejack writing to her parents about the yellow and blue blur.

Author's Note:

Also guys a person I know on YouTube wanted me to share this video with you guys see if you like it and if you guys feel like it like And subscribe to his channel.

Comments ( 1 )

There I fixed it so now you could see what they look like

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