• Published 28th Feb 2022
  • 402 Views, 3 Comments

Cat Guard - Blackcatsuperfan1

A hero story of a creature from another world

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The end of a old world and being beginning of a new world

We start our story on a far away planet called katniss where a kind and peaceful race called the the cat guards were meditating and thinking about their place in the universe until the evil Metal wolf invaded their world. And let me tell you it wasn't that hard for Metal wolf to take over the planet and once Metal wolf had taken over the planet Metal wolf made the ones peaceful guard cats turn from peaceful beings into deadly assassin.

A thousand years later a blonde haired cat guard named Darkness fell in love with a kind and loving black haired female cat guard name Enchantress.

A picture of Darkness and Enchantress.

And let me tell you Darkness and Enchantress they hit it off like no tomorrow but the other cat night guards thought that a warrior and a doctor wouldn't be able to get along. And let me tell you their personalities are what you would call unstable like Darkness personality is like a person who would like to go to work all the time.

Annoying his personality you could see how their personalities would clash with each other like Darkness he also like one of those people who doesn't like to talk a lot or be one of those people who answer a lot of questions.

And let me tell you Darkness is like one of those war veterans. And you know how goes to end up working so well together you'll need to know Enchantress. So let me tell you that Enchantress is one of those people who likes to help her fellow cat guards even if she was not asked to do it. And helping her fellow cat guards Enchantress felt that her place was never on the battlefield.

And knowing that her place was not on the battlefield is Enchantress found out her place was in the medical board treating her fellow cat guards. And to let you know if she thinks it is for your own good she will make you do it.

And now hearing her job in the medical ward her job is the reason why they met you see Darkness was coming back from a mission. And after coming back from a mission Darkness just wanted to leave the medical ward and go back onto another mission to get stronger. But Enchantress knew that he need his rest.

And now that you know enchantress personality Enchantress wouldn't let Darkness just making himself weaker by dieing from the lack of strength from his injuries.

And let me tell you Darkness might not be the most socialist guy in the universe but when it comes to the fine art of battle he is a genius. And that's why when the two got together every guard cat thought that they wouldn't last by the class of their power levels.

And if you're wondering what I mean Darkness was born with a power level of 2,000 while Enchantress was born with a power level of 500. And let me tell you to the cat guards rank you by strength of your power level. And with a power of 500 Enchantress would be centered a low class citizen.

And unknown to them Darkness and Enchantress had made their relationship work so good that they had a son named cat claw. But thanks to metal wolf the cat guards were forced to have their children sent off to other planets to conquer them. and knowing that they had a son Darkness and Enchantress had no choice but to send their son to another plant to conquer.

And after sending their son to a another planet to conquer five year years have passed and Darkness and Enchantress had another son. And to their surprise their newest son was born of a power level of 3, 000. but unknown to them if they didn't send their son to another planet it would be the last time they would all be alive.

And wondering what I mean let me tell you that metal wolf was starting to fear that one day a great cat guard would rise up and get to a point where he could overflow him.

But luckily for Darkness and Enchantress Darkness knew that their son would be ready in time to overthrow Metal wolf. And to let you know if Darkness saw away to free their people he would take it. And seen that there was a way for his son to and the evil rule of Metal wolf.

And wanting to stop the rule of the evil Metal wolf Darkness convinced his wife to send their son to another planet. And unknown to them this would be the last day that they would ever see their son because unknown to them Metal wolf was draining the life force from the planet killing it from the inside.

And sending their son to another planet enchantress hugged her son knowing that she wouldn't be able to raise him herself like other cat guard parents had done before. And just like that the time for their son to leave was set upon them. And knowing that it was the time enchantress put their son into the ship and programmed the ship coordinates to the planet that they knew their son would grow into a strong warrior.

And right after they sent their son off to a new planet the planet started to implode on itself. When the planet was starting to implode on itself Darkness and Enchantress saw that this would be the last day that they would ever see their son. And knowing that this was the last day that they would see their son enchantress started crying knowing that she would never see her son again.

And knowing that she would never see her son again enchantress said to the heavens" goodbye destruction take care of yourself fill your heart full of love". And knowing that he would never see his son again Darkness said to the heavens" destruction be brave my son and revenge the cat card race show that Metal wolf that the cards are not to be messed with".

And just them the planet exploded. And after the planet exploded all the guards were gone all a step one that was heading towards a planet. And back at metal wolf Metal wolf was excited that there were no more cat guards to stop him. And thinking that there were no more cat guards to worry about getting stronger to overthrow him metal wolf didn't see the one cat guard ship that passed his ship.

And on a certain planet outside of the city of canterlot a family of unicorns where stargazing. When the family of unicorns were stargazing a unicorn mare named Twilight velvet said to her husband night light with a happy tone" all Night light our life is so wonderful and I can't wait for our newest little one to get here". Then Night light looked down to her swollen belly knowing that soon there would be a new life coming into their world.

And seeing the happy look on his wife's face Night light said to Twilight velvet" I note honey I can't wait until our new little one is here too but I bet you the one who is the most excited is Shining Armor". And talking about shining armor Night light saw that Shining Armor was hugging his mother is pregnant belly not wanting to wait to be a big brother. When the family of unicorns were still watching the Stars Night light in Twilight velvet saw in the sky a bunch of shooting stars.

And seeing a bunch of shooting stars Shining armor said to his loving parents" ooh look Mommy look daddy a shooting star quick make a wish. And seeing the shooting star Shining Armor shut his eyes and made a wish to be the best Big brother in the world. And seeing their son made a wish on the shooting star Twilight velvet new what wish he had made.

And knowing what kind of wish Twilight velvet said to her son Shining armor" Shining Armor you don't need to make a wish because I know you're already be the best biggest brother".

And after hearing hey Mom that he would be the best big brother ever from his mother the family of unicorns saw one of the shooting stars coming straight at them.

When the family of unicorns saw the shooting star coming straight at them Night light moved his family out of the collision of the shooting star.
And after moving his family out of the collision course of the shooting star Night light saw that the shooting star had crushed near them. And after seeing that the shooting star had crushed near them Twilight velvet set to Night light with a with a tone in her voice" honey that was close that shooting star almost hit us".

Then Night light said to Twilight velvet to calm her nerves" I know honey your lucky that I pushed us away and Shining Armor noticed it". Then Night light smelled something burning. And after smelling something burning Night light said to Twilight velvet" honey do you smell something burning?

Then Twilight velvet said to Night light" yes honey and also your maine is all fire". And after hearing that his mane was on fire Night light did the one thing any reasonable stallion would do he freaked out. When Night light was freaking out about his mane being on fire Night light said to Twilight velvet with a scared tone in his voice" put out put it out".

Then night light saw that Twilight velvet used her magic to put out the flames on Night lights mane. And after having the flames on his mane put out night light notice a sound of infant crying. And after hearing the crying of a infant Night light said to Twilight velvet" honey do you hear that?

Then Twilight velvet heard the crying of a infant.
And after hearing the cry of a infant Twilight velvet and night light heard the crying was coming from where the mirror had crash. And knowing where the crying was coming from night light nocturnal instincts kicked in. And with Twilight velvets nocturnal instincts kicking in Twilight velvet ran towards the crying infant.

And after scene Twilight velvet running towards the crying infant Shining Armor and night light followed night light to see if she would need any help with the crying infant. When Twilight velvet reach the shooting star Twilight pellet saw that the shooting star was not in fact a shooting star but a ship made of some weird metal that she had never seen before.

And after seeing the shooting star was actually a ship Twilight velvet heard that the crying was coming from inside the ship. And after hearing the crying was coming from the ship Twilight velvet took one step towards the ship. When Twilight velvet took a couple steps towards the ship Twilight velvet saw the ships hatch opened showing a anthropomorphic kitten.

And after seeing the anthropomorphic kitten Twilight velvet look at its eyes and just knew that she had to take care of the anthropomorphic kitten. And knowing that she had to take care of the anthropomorphic kitten Twilight velvet new in her heart that taking care of the anthropomorphic kitten was the right thing to do. And back at Shining Armor and Night light Shining Armor and Night light stopped following Twilight violet.

And after they stop following Twilight velvet Shining Armor and Night light Twilight velvet trotting over to them with something in her for hoof. And with Twilight velvet in their sights Night light said to Twilight velvet" velvet honey there you are I was so worried I thought". And before Night light was done talking Twilight velvet cut him off then said to him" Night light honey keep it down you'll wake him".

And wondering who she was talking about Night light said to Twilight velvet" him who's him? And hearing his question Twilight velvet showed night light the anthropomorphic kitten. And after seeing the anthropomorphic kitten Night light saw the look on Twilight velvet's muzzle. And after seeing look on Twilight well it's muzzle Night light already knew what she was thinking.

And knowing what she was thinking Night light said to Twilight velvet" oh no no no no no velvet I know what you're thinking but the answer is no".

And hearing that from Night light Twilight velvet said to shining armor" Shining Armor hold your your little brother". And wanting to become a guard in the future shining armor took the anthropomorphic kitten out of his mother's for hoof and and put him into his own. And with shining holding the anthropomorphic kitten Twilight velvet said to Night light" come on honey he needs us. Then Twilight velvet notice that shining armor sat on the ground and started playing with the anthropomorphic kitten.

And seeing Shining Armor playing with the anthropomorphic kitten Twilight velvet said to Night light" besides night light could you say no to that cute little face and besides look how Shining Armor is taking to him.

Then Night light look at shining armor and saw that he was playing with the anthropomorphic kitten like they were real brothers. And after seeing the two playing with each other Night light new that there was no use on talking Twilight velvet out of not taking in the anthropomorphic kitten. And knowing that he had no chance of talking Twilight velvet out of taking care of the anthropomorphic kitten night light knew that he would have to just accept that the anthropomorphic kitten was a part of the family.

And after accepting that the anthropomorphic kitten was now part of the family night light said to Twilight velvet" okay honey you win and besides I don't want to sleep on the couch so if he's going to be part of the family he's going to need a name".

And hearing that the anthropomorphic kitten was now part of her family Twilight velvet went over to to Shining Armor and picked up the anthropomorphic kitten" I knew you we're going to see it my way that's why I have the perfect name for him".

Then Twilight velvet said to Shining Armor and Night light" honey shining armor say hello to your new son and brother Shooting Star". And knowing that he now had a new sibling and another sibling coming on the way shining armor allowed to his mom that he would become the best brother ever and that maybe one of them would call him bbbff.

And unknown to them by taking in little Shooting Star they didn't know that they would be raising the greatest hero Equestria would ever see. Now my audience it is time for me to go staying in tune next time to see what happens with shooting star see what enemies he would encounter and face.

To be continued

Author's Note:

I hope you guys like it let me know in the comments also you guys could vote on which story you guys would like me to create next the options are these

Option A: spiky doo
Option B: dragon crush
Option C: Apple vs Griffin
Option D: Total drama a Equestria Island