• Published 28th Feb 2022
  • 402 Views, 3 Comments

Cat Guard - Blackcatsuperfan1

A hero story of a creature from another world

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Life and a start of a new journeys

Our story starts after 7 years where a friendly anthropomorphic cat Shooting Star was getting ready to go to work with his father Night light. And if you are wondering happen during those seven years let me tell you a lot of things had happened. And let me tell you the first thing that happened right after Twilight velvet and night light adopted shooting star baby Twilight was born after. And every creature then make sure that we don't get the two twilights confused I'm just going to call Twilight velvet by her last name velvet in Twilight as Twilight. And after Twilight was born Night light and Velvet started to notice that Shooting Star was different in many different colts and Phillies.

And if you are wondering how different shooting star was let me tell you the ponies of canterlot notice that Shooting Star was a little too strong for a average anthropomorphic kitten. And to tell you what I mean we'll have to go back 3 years we're Shooting Star was was getting ready for his first day of kindergarten. When Shooting Star was was getting ready for his first day of kindergarten a nervous Twilight freaking out about her first day of kindergarten. And seeing the nervous look on twilight's face Shooting Star said to Twilight to calm her nerves" Twilight you don't have to be nervous".

And hearing that from Shooting Star Twilight said to Shooting Star" but big brother what if no one likes me". And to stop Twilight from worrying about her first day at kindergarten Shooting Star said to Twilight" Twilight you don't have to worry about that and do you want to know why? And hearing her brother's question Twilight said to Shooting Star" doing star why don't I have to worry about that? And hearing Twilight's question shooting stars said to Twilight" because Twilight you'll have your big brother with you and I like you". And hearing that from Shooting Star Twilight started to figure out with her brother at her side there was nothing to worry about.

When Twilight and Shooting Star were at kindergarten the teachers started to notice that Twilight and shooting star or smarter than the average colt or philly is specially Shooting Star.
And after the teachers noticed that shooting star and Twilight were smarter than the average colt and philly especially shooting star the teachers also notice that shooting star was also more stronger than and faster than the average colt.

When the teachers notice that shooting star was more stronger than and faster than the average colt was 2 days after their first day of kindergarten because on the second day of kindergarten Shooting Star was walking happily through the school when Shooting Star heard Twilight's voice. And after Shooting Star heard Twilight's voice Shooting Star heard Twilight's voice sound like she was in trouble.

And hearing Twilight's voice sounding like it was in trouble Shooting Star decided not to take the risk Shooting Star ran to help his sister to see if his sister was in trouble. And after running to his sister it only three seconds for him to make it to his sister. When Shooting Star made it to his sister Shooting Star saw three colts surrounding sister. And after Shooting Star saw three colts surrounding his sister shooting star heard the three colts making fun of Twilight. And after hearing the three colts making fun of Twilight shooting star took the Apple that his mother had packed for his lunch and threw it at one of the colts that was making fun of his sister.

When the Apple hit the colts head the code that the Apple hit was a white unicorn with a yellow mane. And the cult who has shooting star had hit with the Apple was celestia's nephew known as Blue Blood. And after Blue Blood felt that Apple hit him in the head Blue Blood wondered who would dare throw a apple at the back of his head. Then Blue Blood heard shooting star say to him for him to stop bugging his little sister. Then Blue Blood and the other two colts with him turn themselves around to see Shooting Star standing behind them.

And after seeing Shooting Star behind them blue blood said to Shooting Star" listen Shooting Star this has nothing to do with you now be off". Then shooting star said to Blue Blood" oh yeah you bullying my sister isn't my business if you're bullying my sister then I say it is my business". And hearing that Shooting Star wouldn't back down Blue Blood thought that if he ordered Shooting Star to back down then he would have to follow the order. And thinking that Shooting Star had to follow his orders Blue Blood said to Shooting Star" shooting star as the next Air to the throne of Equestria and as the prince and nephew of the princes I order you to stand down".

And to Blue Blood's surprise Shooting Star said to Blue Blood" dude I don't care if your celestia's son besides if you think that the princess is going to give the crown to a colt that picks on other ponies then you're dumber than you look because and I got to say I'm more of a prince than you are". And hearing that from Shooting Star Blue Blood got mad at shooting star for thinking that he could be a better price than himself.

And with anger in his Blue Blood walked over to Shooting Star. And after Blue Blood went over to Shooting Star with one hoof Blue Blood try to hoof punch Shooting Star across the snout. When Blue Blood hoof punched Shooting Star across the snout Blue Blood started to wail and twitch in pain from punching Shooting Star in the snout. And the reason why Blue Blood was wailing and twitching in pain was because when blue blood had punched the force had made Blue Blood break his hoof.

And after New Blood broke his hoof the wailing and twitching attracted their teachers attention. And after getting a teacher's attention the teacher asked him what happened to Blue Blood. And hearing their teacher's question Blue Blood tried to make make it sound like Shooting Star was bullying them. And hearing that Blue Blood was trying to make Shooting Star look bad Twilight said to the teacher that Blue Blood was picking on her and that when Shooting Star came to help her Blue Blood had punched Shooting Star across the snout.

And hearing a rational explanation from Twilight the teacher decided that Shooting Star was not the bully but was a nice young anthropomorphic cat who was just protecting his sister. And seen that Shooting Star was only protecting his sister the teacher decided to take Blue Blood into the hospital because of his broken hoof. And before the teacher took blue blood to the hospital the teacher said to shooting star" shooting star you are a good kitten because all good kittens protect their little sisters. And for protecting your little sister you and your sister get to leave school early today and five gold stars for your sister you get five stars on your next test".

And hearing that from his teacher shooting star said to his teacher" no Miss hope shine don't give me those stars and if you are wondering why I don't want those Stars it's because I was just doing the right thing and knowing that is the true award but if you want to give them to somepony give them to Twilight". And after hearing that from Shooting Star the teacher decided to give the Stars to Twilight knowing that Shooting Star wouldn't have it in the other way the teacher took blue blood to the hospital.

And after the teacher took Blue Blood to the hospital Twilight and Shooting Star decided to walk home to tell their parents about what their day was like. When Twilight and Shooting Star were walking back to their house Twilight said to Shooting Star" Big brother why did you give me your stars when you deserve them". And hearing Twilight's question Shooting Star said to Twilight" because Twilight I was doing what any pony would do besides Twilight you need those stars more than I do because if you're going to get into princess Celestia's School of gifted unicorns then you'll need all the good grades you can get no let's get home before Mom and Dad worry.

And after that day Blue Blood made it a life goal to pick on Twilight and Shooting Star. And every time that Blue Blood would pick on Shooting Star or Twilight Shooting Star with always stand up to Blue Blood say to him that he would never be the next ruler of the Equestria and that he would be a better ruler than him. And with all the bullying from Blue Blood Shooting Star never let Blue Blood get to him because Shooting Star knew that he would become somepony great while Blue Blood would just be a regular Prince that would never get the throne of Equestria. And being the prince blue blood made shooting star life to where he wasn't able to make no friends.

And making it where Shooting Star wouldn't make friends but Blue Blood didn't know that with making him not be able to make friends would make Shooting Star look like the kindest creature to the older ponies eyes.

And now we take you 3 years later where our favorite anthropomorphic kitten was done getting ready to go to his father to his work at Celestia's school of gifted unicorns. And hearing that he was going with his father to his work shine shooting star remember it was yesterday that Twilight got her recommendation to get into Celestia's school for the gifted unicorns and knowing that it was yesterday shooting star always knew that she would one day get into the school.

And after Shooting Star was done getting ready Shooting Star saw that not just he was going to his dad's work but his little sister and mother were going to. Then Shooting Star found out that they were not just going to his father's work but going to the school also to the Twilight takes her entrance exam to see if she could get into the into the school. And knowing that they were going to the school to see if Twilight could pass the exams Shooting Star knew that even if Twilight didn't pass the test she would get into the school. And after 20 minutes of walking Shooting Star and his family made it to Celestia's school of gifted unicorns.

And after shooting star and his family arrived at Celestia's school of gifted unicorns shooting star saw that Twilight's exam test was to hatch a dragon egg. And after seeing that Twilight's exam test was to hatch a dragon egg shooting star saw that she was about to try until shooting star heard a voice he recognized say to somepony" come on Moon Dancer freeze the pond if you think you're so good at Magic". And knowing that that voice sounded familiar Shooting Star knew that the owner of that voice would only bring trouble.

And knowing that the owner of that voice would bring trouble shooting star knew that he had to get to the pony who the familiar voice was bullying. And knowing that he had to help her pony he was being bullied shooting star knew that if he apologized to Twilight then he would be forgiven for not watching her past her test exam.
And knowing that he would be forgiven for missing his sisters exam shooting star ran to the pony who was being bullied.

And at the pony who was being bullied our favorite bully unicorn Blue Blood was mocking a younger Moon Dancer. When Blue Blood was bullying Moon Dancer Moon Dancer used her magic to freeze the pond and to prove that she was good at Magic to shut Blue Blood up. And after Moon Dancer used her magic to freeze the pond Blue Blood was not impressed. After Blue Blood wasn't impressed by Moon Dancer's magic freezing the pond Blue Blood said to Moon Dancer" Moon Dancer that doesn't prove anything if it's really Frozen go stand on it the ice".

And to prove that she had froze the pond Moon Dancer galloped over to the middle of the pond to prove that the pond was completely Frozen. In no time moondancer was in the middle of the pond standing on the ice. When Moon Dancer was in the middle of the frozen pond unknown to her moondancer had not completely Frozen the pond. And not knowing that she hadn't completely Frozen the pond cat standing on the ice until she heard something cracking.

When Moon Dancer heard something cracking Moon Dancer look under her hooves and saw that the ice under her was cracking. When the Moon Dancer saw that the ice under her was cracking Moon Dancer tried to run off the ice but unknown to Moon Dancer's know how moondancer was not quick enough to get off the ice. When moondancer tried to to get off the ice Moon Dancer fell through the frozen pond.

And after Moon Dancer fell through the frozen time blue blood thought that for letting Moon Dancer fall into the frozen pond he would get into trouble. And thinking that he would get into trouble for letting Moon Dancer fall into frozen pond blue blood ran away from the pond to make sure he didn't get into trouble. And after Blue Blood ran away from the frozen pond running away from the pond was a perfect idea but unknown to Blue Blood there was a creature that watched Moon Dancer fall through the ice and watch Blue Blood run away not even trying to help Moon Dancer. And after the creature that saw Blue Blood running away the pond the creature decided that he would have to be the creature who would have to save her.

And the the creature who knew that he had to be the one you have to save Moon Dancer was our friendly and philomorphic cat Shooting Star. And after shooting star figured out that he had to be the one who would have to save Moon Dancer shooting star ran into the frozen pond to save Moon Dancer. And after Shooting Star ran into the frozen pond Shooting Star found out when he was in the water that when he was in the water the water made his fur heavy.

When Shooting Star was in the water Shooting s
Star saw Moon Dancer passed out from the coldness of the water. And after Shooting Star Moon Dancer Shooting Star grabbed Moon Dancer. And after Shooting Star grabbed Moon Dancer Shooting Star used his amazing speed and strength to catapult them out of the frozen pond. And before outside of the frozen pond two Pegasus guards were doing their daily patrol when one of them name Armor Scratch saw a anthropomorphic cat and a unicorn philly go catapulting out of the frozen pond.
And after Armor Scratch saw a anthropomorphic cat and a unicorn philly go catapulting out of the frozen pond Armor Scratch pointed to Shooting Star and Moon Dancer then said to his partner" Shining Helmet look those two need help". Then Shine Helmet turned muscle and saw that Armor Scratch was pointing at Shooting Star and Moon Dancer.

And seeing that Armor Scratch was right Shining Helmet said to Armor Scratch" you like Armor Scratch run away from home we need to help those little ones". And back at Shooting Star and Moon Dancer say not just gotten out of the frozen pond. And after shooting star and Moon Dancer got out of the pond Moon Dancer and Shooting Star started shivering from the air around them from being went from the water of the frozen pond. When Moon Dancer and Shooting Star started shivering from the air around them shooting star started to pass out from the cold air but the last thing that Shooting Star saw was a head from a fully grown dragon popping out of a tower.

And after seeing the head of a full grown dragon popping out of a tower Shooting Star said to himself" it looks like Twilight made it into the school". And right after shooting star said that shooting star started to pass out but before star passed out shooting stars saw two Pegasus guards coming straight for them.

And back at Twilight night light and Twilight velvet Twilight had found out that she had just gotten her cutie mark. And after Twilight found out that she had gotten her cutie mark princess Celestia was about to a graduate her when out of nowhere to Pegasus guards came up to Night Light Twilight velvet. And after the Pegasus guards came up to Night Light Twilight velvet one of the guards came up to Twilight velvet and asked her" excuse me ms are you the mother of Shooting Star? And hearing the question from the guard velvet said to the guard" well yes sir yes I am is there a problem? Then the same guard said to Twilight velvet" yes yes there is it seems that your son risked his life to save a unicorn philly by the name of Moon Dancer".

And hearing that her son risked his life to save another pony velvet went into mother Bear mode and started worrying about her son. And wondering about her son velvet said to the guard" he did where is he tell me now". When Velvet was still in mother Bear mode the guard said to Twilight velvets" now Miss velvet your son is in the miracle hall when we found him he had lost a lot of his body heat". And after hearing that one of her subject was in danger princess Celestia said to her guards" guards take Shooting Star to my personal Chambers".

And hearing their orders the guards went to the medical hall to take Shooting Star to Celestia's personal chamber. And hearing that celestial wanted to take Shooting Star to her personal Chamber velvet said to princess Celestia" princess Celestia why would you want your guard to take my son to your private chamber? Then princess Celestia said to Velvet" because Twilight velvet for I can use my magic to heal your son".

And hearing that princess Celestia is going to use her magic kill her son Twilight velvet told princess Celestia that she was okay with her using her magic on Shooting Star. And now we take you to a sleeping Shooting Star who had just awaken from his sleep. And after shooting star woken up from his sleep the first thing he saw was his head between princess Celestia's chest fluff. When Shooting Star Shooting star saw that he was between princess Celestia's chest fluff Shooting Star turned apple red knowing that he was headfirst in princess Celestia chest fluff.

Then shooting stars said to himself"holy Celestia my head is in the middle of princess Celestia's chest fluff if Shining Armor was here he would be totally jealous".

And at a royal guard academy a certain unicorn guard named Shining Armor felt like he should be jealous at his little brother. And wondering why he should be jealous of his little brother Shining Armor said to himself" I don't know why but something's telling me I should be jealous of my little brother". And back at Shooting Star Shooting Star saw that princess Celestia started to wake up. When Shooting Star saw that Celestia was waking up Shooting Star said to princess Celestia" princess Celestia may I ask you what happened the last thing I remember saving that philly.

And seeing his confusion princess Celestia said to Shooting Star" you see shooting star you you lost a lot of your body heat and I can see that look on your face we did not mate. And before you ask didn't mate with you because one your mother is scary when she goes into mother bear mode".

And hearing that from princess Celestia Shooting Star said to princess Celestia" you got that right princess Celestia also princess Celestia can you tell me what happened to that philly I saved?

And hearing the question princess Celestia said to Shooting Star" you mean Moon Dancer Moon Dancer is all right thanks to your bravery to sacrifice yourself to save her now will you please tell me how this mess happened? Then Shooting Star told princess Celestia about how Moon Dancer fell through the ice and that Blue Blood didn't do anything to save her. And hearing that her nephew didn't do anything to help Moon Dancer out of the frozen pond Celestia said out loud" by me that nephew of mine what am I going to do with him? Then Shooting Star said to princess Celestia" princess Celestia if you don't mind me saying this but you need to put your hoof down because one Blue Blood is a arrogant jerk".

And hearing about what her nephew was like princess Celestia said to Shooting Star" well then Shooting Star what do you think I should do about my nephew". And hearing that this was his perfect way on getting revenge on Blue Blood Shooting Star said to princess Celestia" princess Celestia I think you should find blue blood to the Royal guard academy because you know the guard will probably toughen him up and plus my own brother's there and he says it's doing him good".

And hearing the idea of sending Blue Blood to the Royal guard academy princess Celestia knew that it was a good idea. And knowing that it was a good idea princess Celestia new that if she sent her nephew to the royal guard academy then the Royal guard academy would straighten Blue Blood out. Then princess Celestia said to Shooting Star" shooting star that idea sounds perfect after today I will send my nephew to the Royal guard academy to straighten him out". Then princess Celestia said to Shooting Star" also shooting star moon dancers father the principal of my school would like to thank you by giving you a free scholarship to my school".

And hearing that he would have a free scholarship to princess Celestia's school Shooting Star figured out that he missed Twilight's entrance exam. And remembering that he forgot to watch his sister's entrance exam Shooting Star said out loud" oh no I forgot to watch my Twilight's entrance exam". And hearing the name Twilight princess Celestia said to Shooting Star" Young Shooting Star you do not need to worry about your sister Twilight Sparkle your sister has passed her exam".

And hearing that from because Celestia Shooting Star said to princess Celestia" that's good princesses Celestia also princess is there anything you want to tell me? Then princess Celestia said to Shooting Star" yes shooting star her sister did so good that I decided to make her my personal student and now I want to ask you will you accept the offer to go to my school? Then Shooting Star said to princess Celestia" I don't know princess Celestia I'm not a unicorn or a alicorn like you he's on it?

And hearing that Shooting Star needs some time to think on the offer princess Celestia walked out of the room then said to Shooting Star" Young Shooting Star take all the time you need also shooting star call me Celestia".

When princess Celestia was finally out of the room shooting star was thinking about the offer to go to princess Celestia School. When Shooting Star was thinking about the offer to go to princess Celestia's School the song go the distance with cream in the background.

When Shooting Star was thinking about the offer to go to princess Celestia's School shooting star but ot about what it would be like to go to Celestia School of gifted unicorns. And wondering what it would be like going to Celestia school or gifted unicorns shooting star realize that he wouldn't fit in with a bunch of unicorns and taking a bunch of classes of all a subject that he wouldn't be able to do. And seeing that he wouldn't be able to do the assignments that they would be doing.

And knowing that he wouldn't fit it in Celestia school for the gifted unicorn shooting star looked at the open field outside of canterlot. And looking at the open field outside of canterlot shooting star wondered what can be out there. And wondering what can be out side of the city of canterlot shooting star imagined himself being a great adventure and going the distance of showing the amazing feats of the world.

And thinking of exploring the world seeing new creatures and ponies brought a smile to his face. And with the smile on his face shooting star realize that maybe he would be if he goes on adventure to explore the land of Equestria maybe he would become a great hero. And thinking that he might become a great hero Shooting Star knew that going to princess Celestia's School wouldn't be a good idea.

And after the song ended shooting star realize that his destiny was to adventure off and explore the land of Equestria meet new ponies and creatures and even to become the equestria's for the worlds greatest hero. And outside of the Celestia's personal chamber princess Celestia and Shooting Star's family were waiting for Shooting Star. When Shooting Star's family were waiting for Shooting Star Shooting Star had came out of princess Celestia's personal chamber.

And after coming out of Celestia's personal chamber Shooting Star said to princess Celestia" princess I mean Celestia I got to tell you I'm honored for the free scholarship for your school but I just got to say that your school is just not for me is". And hearing that from Shooting Star princess Celestia said to Shooting Star" I know Shooting Star you feel like your destiny has something to do with you leaving canterlot and I have talked to your parents and they agreed with me that your destiny call for you to travel out of canterlot".

Then Shooting Star look at his parents and saw that they were all right with him leaving canterlot. Then shooting star realize that there was only pony that wouldn't want him to leave. And knowing that there was only pony that wouldn't want him to leave shooting star look at his sister who was looking sad knowing that her brother second brother would leave her.

And seem to look on Twilight's face shooting stars said to Twilight" Twilight I know you don't want me to leave but some then tells me that destiny will have us meet again one day". And hearing that that destiny would one day bring them back together again the sad look of Twilight turns into a smile knowing that her brother would become the greatest of what ever his destiny would make him become. And no knowing that he had his sister's support Shooting Star and his family went back to their home to celebrate Twilight on getting into Celestia School of the gifted unicorns and the start of his journey. When Shooting Star and Twilight were celebrating their experts shooting star said the Twilight" by the way Twilight what did you do to get into Celestia School of the gifted anyway".

And hearing Shooting Star's question Twilight told Shooting Star about how she hatched the dragon egg and about how her magic went out of control. And hearing on how she could do all that Shooting Star felt sorry for the creature who crosses Twilight. And on the next day Shooting Star was ready to start his journey. And after Shooting Star was ready for his journey. And after Shooting Star was ready for his journey Shooting Star said goodbye to his family and friends that didn't listen to Blue Blood. And after seeing his goodbyes Shooting Star was off to start the beginning of his journey. When Shooting Star was starting his journey shooting stars wonder what would he become in the future.

And unknown to Shooting Star Shooting Star would become the greatest hero that Equestria and the world would ever know.

And before we and our story can we take you to princess Celestia and Blue Blood. When Blue Blood was in front of princess Celestia princess Celestia told her nephew that he was going to go to the Royal guards academy. And to make sure her nephew would not go out of it princess Celestia said to her nephew that he did not have a choice and that he was going no matter what.

And hearing that he was going to the Royal guard academy no matter what Blue Blood said to his aunt in a over dramatic way" nooooooooooo".

And now let me tell you Shooting Star would become a great hero but that is a tell for another day

To be continue.

Author's Note:

Tell me if you like this chapter in the comments also thinking about doing a Scooby-Doo version of mlp but tell me which version you guys like better but didn't do the missing it again or the new studio if the Blue falcon let me know in the comments