• Member Since 9th Jun, 2021
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Let see what new adventures would take us


After losing multiple times by the team fortress Mercs, Marasmus send them into a new world hoping to banish them and never come back, but the world that the Mercs have entered will help them return home and defeat Marasmus.

Chapters (10)
Comments ( 16 )

Does Team Fortress have any girls in it?

Yes and no

There are girls but there not playable.

Wow! These ponies are just ungrateful, pacifist fools. They AREN'T even happy that they won't have to deal with Chrysalis or her Changelings anymore?

Edit: Why is this disliked? Please explain!

Pyro grabbed one of the changelings Slammed it on the ground killing it, he grabbed another punching it over and over until it was lifeless, he grab another one twisting it’s neck until its head came off, grabbed another changeling this time after killing it he swarm get around as a weapon hitting the other changelings with such force. The changelings blood scatter around after Pyro massacre, Chrysalis looked at the blood horrified, she lived long enough to hear stories of terrible things but this creature no, this monster was far worse than anything that Equestria have ever seen.

What a hypocrite! Besides, she was a total idiot for attacking Pyro first!

First chapter in and Chrysalis is already fucking deceased.

Let's continue.

...... i'm jest wondering on how crazy things will get down the line after this crazy moment.

Who are they? Do they appear in this story?

Which characters are you referring

Heh Chrysalis is already dead! Killed by the Pyro. Which team is it? The REDs or BLUs?

It's the red team Because there are the only ones that have actual history and back story the blue team doesn't

Comment posted by Shark deleted May 22nd, 2024
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