• Published 31st Oct 2021
  • 488 Views, 3 Comments

Sweet Bitter Songs (OLD) - CreativeCreatures

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When you Wake

The chill night air stung against the farmer's lungs as she began her journey home. Halloween decorations dotted the streets as drunk kids sang slurred songs. Stars covering the sky in a beautiful variety of colors, glowing with the intensity of children's wishes. Wishes the farmer knew too well won't come true.
It was silly to think something out there could fix all your troubles, but it was relieving to think something or someone out there cared. Likely whatever is out there cares little for the humans of the earth, maybe they do the same tradition of wishes. Whatever, it's not like anything would happen now.
Leaving early from a Halloween party too crowded for the farmers' liking, AJ marched her way to her car. Her hands stowed carefully in her pockets as white wafts of air blew from her mouth. The blonde carefully examined the parking lot, cars riddled across the place. However, with so many cars, her car was nowhere to be found. Her brother might have taken it to bring their sister home, he would be back soon… right? No, of course he would, eventually.

Taking in the silence of nature, AJ approached an old rickety bench. It wasn't much, rusty metal holding loose logs of wood in place, but it was comfy. It had the feeling of history to it, history it oh so longed to share but little would listen. The possibility of someone famous sitting there, or maybe it meant little at all. Whatever happened to the bench it seemed so determined to stand after years and years.
Sitting down on the rickety bench, emerald eyes scanned its surroundings again. A small parking lot, black concrete floors holding heavy cars with ease, and trees riddled with history and wisdom stood before her. A single light flickers slightly as music from the Halloween party managed to cling to the farmer’s ears. Small clouds drifted through the air like there was nothing to lose, no one to lose.

What a sick world.

The songs of birds calmed as insects began their melodies of the night. A beautiful chorus for someone so undeserving.
AJ quickly bit her tongue to stop her mind from heading towards a dark road, a road she so hated yet loved. Closing her eyes and sitting back on the bench, the farmer forced herself to focus on her soundings again. Calm sleeping trees, beautiful flickering lights, a casual jack-o-lantern, and an orange fluffy-haired siren. Wait.
Biting back a sigh, AJ straightened herself in her seat to look at the unwelcome guest. It's not that the farmer disliked Adagio, if anything she wanted to be friends with her, now was just not a time she wanted to interact with anyone. The party was overwhelming.
The former siren took notice of the blond's forced smile, scrunching up her nose in confusion. It was hard to read the siren, her face calm and relaxed towards any inconvenience. However, something told AJ that the siren was surprised.

“Well that's new.” the siren purred, catching the farmer off guard. “You're running away from a party.”

“Let's not do this right now, please.” Applejack mumbled, having the siren smirk.

“Do what?” was the response.

“Tease, I get that's what you like to do but… I'm not in the mood for it today.” for a second the siren's features twisted to that of concern, before returning right back to the poker face she was so good at doing. The crimson eyes scanned the farmer, looking for what AJ didn’t know. After a minute the siren scoffed and sat beside the blond, saying little.
AJ didn’t move, nor did she tell Adagio to move. Out of all her friends, the blond has been by far the most open to becoming friends with the sirens, however, the sirens themselves didn’t share the excitement. Well, most of them.

“So why are you upset?” the siren asked in more of a demanding tone than a questioning one. Emerald eyes avoided spotting as they scanned the floor beneath her. The answer was at the farmer's tongue, but she didn't dare say it. She felt she didn't know the answer but she did.

“Are you going to tell me or will we have to sit here all night?” Adagio remarked, mainly sarcastically. Her words, however, went unnoticed to the blond. It was just silent, the casual melody hitting their ears.


“Huh?” the farmer snapped out of her mind, turning her head towards the siren. Silence followed as the siren scoffed softly, causing the farmer to frown in embarrassment.

“What's wrong?” Adagio asked, more softly this time. Small dots of dust fluttering around the two, illuminated by local lights. Little was said, the two sitting in silence. No answer was to come, at least not now.
Adagio watched Applejack stiffen as her mind wrapped around answers and excuses. The blond bit her lip as her eyes darted around. She wanted to leave this conversation, so that's what she was going to do.
Quickly standing up and muttering a goodbye, the farmer quickly began to walk away. A hand grabbed the farmer's arm. The hand was firm and unwilling to let go, causing the farmer to look at the owner.

“Answer my damn question.” the siren hissed, “I may not know you well but I'm damn sure you're hiding something.”

“Why are you so curious all of a sudden? It's not like you gave a damn before!” AJ shouted before her mind could follow, causing her to freeze once it caught up. Adagio sat still, her expression finally showing one of pure surprise. “Im… im sorry.” the farmer managed to stutter out before looking away in shame.

For a while Adagio didn't move nor speak, she just stared at the farmer. Perhaps she was stunned since this was the first time the farmer shouted at her, or perhaps she just didn't expect such hostility from a fairly peaceful peacemaker. Whatever the reason it managed to stun the siren into silence, allowing the farmer time to pry her hand away and run off. Off, into the dark abyss of the night.


Leaves crunched under the farmer as she opted to just walk home. The trees passed her by solemnly, she paid little attention towards this. The sidewalk under her clicked with every step, kids running by dressed up and ready for treats. Everything was like a hazy memory of past joy.
Innocence met scary for one night. One night, everyone mostly loved. Applejack was once such a person, but tonight she cared little. All she wanted was to get home and lay in bed, forget this week, maybe even the year.

“Hey!” a voice called out to the farmer, causing the blond to stop and turn around. Behind her beautiful black heels approached the blond, owned by the very siren who once sat on the bench. Her large locks of curled hair bounced as she took a step, steps closer towards the one who ran from her.
The thought reminded the farmer of a tiger stalking its prey, waiting for the right moment to pounce. However, that thought was silly, they were people not animals. Even if sometimes it felt like they were all savages too. this time felt off though, she looked the same but… a familiar necklace sat tied on her neck.

Before AJ could think more on it, the siren grabbed her arms and dragged her into a dark alley. Trash littered the corners as the walls were painted in unreadable yet colorful drawings. Ladders led to nowhere as a dead end began to approach menacingly. The farmer didn't want to be here… no it was too familiar.

“Do you know how rude it is to walk away while in a conversation?” Adagio hissed to dead ears. AJ just watched her surroundings pass, a bead of sweat beginning to form. Almost before thought, the farmer began to scratch her neck. This action proved to calm her yet she still didn't know why she did it.

“Oh and now you're mute?” the siren growled, shoving the farmer against a wall. This managed to snap the blond out of her confusion, but did not seem to be enough to get her to talk.

“What is your problem?” no response.

“Why are you acting like this?”

“What is wrong with you?”

Nothing. AJ said nothing. Emerald eyes watched the dangling red gem in front of her, half in shock and the other half of curiosity. How did she fix it?

“Oh…” Adagio followed the farmers eyes and smirked devilishly, “you're curious how i got this back huh.” like proving a point the siren grabbed the gem with one hand, the other holding the farmer against the wall. “Some nice person named C sent me a package the other day, and had them fixed with one extra.” Emerald met crimson.

“I admit I’m surprised you just noticed it.” AJ muttered but her voice didn't seem to want to work. “Where do you think you were going? Your car’s not around.”

“How did you know that…?” the farmer asked, confused by the siren's last remarks.

“Who do you think took it?” Adagio purred. “Your brother?”

The farmer froze, examining the siren's face for any evidence of lying. Nothing, none was found.

“You can't be serious…” AJ muttered, the siren just nodding. “Why?”

“Cause we wanted to talk to you.” a new voice approached from the dark, it was a long lean purple skinned siren by the name of Aria. known as the more sarcastic and violent of her sisters. Beside her stood Sonata, a blue skinned ponytail haired girl, always eager for food and well anything the others were doing.

Adagio scoffed before speaking. “Took you two long enough.”

“Ya, ya. Do you know how hard it is to find a parking space for that car? It was so huge!” Aria flung her hands in the air, only to get Adiago to glare at her.

“Whatever, just do as we planned.” Adagio turned her attention back to the farmer, who at this point was locked in confusion. The two sisters also had their gems, the same gems they tried to use to rule the school and then Equestria. She had to tell Sunset.

As the two sisters approached, Adagio let go of the farmer, leading the farmer to take the chance to run. After punching Aria in the gut for getting to close, Applejack went for a mad dash down the alleyway.

Wind blew by the farmer as she rushed past confused kids and tired adults. Crickets halted in their songs as feet stormed by. Ripping a phone from her pocket and fumbling to call the police, AJ heard the sirens close behind.
She had to get somewhere, preferably somewhere with a crowd of people, but where? Panic overtook the blond as she considered all the outcomes of different places. She couldn't go to the police station, they will figure it out and just go for another of her friends. Definitely couldn't go home, hardly anyone was home but granny! Where?
The party.

Forcing her feet to run faster, Applejack slid across the sidewalk and began running towards the party. It was in Rainbow's house, so at least it wasn't far. The main problem was hiding among the crowd. Her costume was a scarecrow, and frankly fairly easy to find. Maybe she could find Pinkie or Rarity to give her a costume to hide in.

A car rushed by as the farmer jumped over a fence to get to the party faster, AJ recognized a familiar breaking bench, she was close. Dashing past the bench and towards the house AJ didn't realize the footsteps disappear behind her. Adrenalin carved her out as a mission was soon to be completed, or well was.
A bright green eyed student jumped out of the bushes beside the farmer and pinned her down. His eyes resembled that of a hypnotized worker of the sirens, but still a student nonetheless. She couldn't hit them, well she could but..

Biting back an apology, an orange fist hit the student smack dab in the face. The student shot up to cover his now bleeding nose as AJ then kicked him in the knees. The boy tumbled down as the farmer shot to a stand and rushed back towards the party. If there was one hypnotized student, there must be more around. She had to hurry.
Breaking into the party before quickly shutting the door, AJ rushed past many dancing bodies. She took off her hat and left it on a vacant table before checking her phone, it seems the police never picked up.

Growling, AJ slumped down among the crowd to get a better hiding ability. Loud music blared in her ears as students shuffled by in dance. Costumes of many colors covered the dance floor, none of which the farmer was looking for. Lights flickered on and off as food tables sat surrounded by famished kids. The party was just like how she left it.
The blond scanned the room, looking for any familiar face. Slipping by multiple fairly drunk students, AJ did indeed manage to find a familiar face… just not one she was looking for. Adagio stood with her two sisters looking around the room, calmly hiding their necklaces behind coats and hair. Luckly the sirens hadn't spotted the blond yet, but it was only a matter of time until they did.
Staying near the walls, the farmer managed to find an empty bathroom. Closing the door once she entered and locking it, the blond took a step back to catch her breath. Why was she so scared? Was she scared of how they got their necklaces back? Or how they even got her car keys? What about what they were planning?
No she was scared for one reason only, what they would do to her friends and family. Applejack didn't know if the others knew yet, but either way she had to tell them. Sitting down against the door just in case, the farmer began to text her friends.

“The sirens have their gems back, i don't know how but you need to get everyone out of the party before the sirens realize!”

No response came, a soft hum echoed from behind the door. The sirens were singing.


“What do you mean they got them back? I'm looking at them right now!” a familiar rainbow avatar answered.

“They are singing, no one seems to be affected though…” a picture of a butterfly responded.

“Is this a prank? If so, it's not funny.” The rainbow reacted again.

“No! This is not a joke!” orange figures desperately typed, the song got louder.

“Sunset and the others went home, it's just me Flutters and Pinkie, where are you even?”

“Why don't you believe me?” a voice grew closer.

A sudden knock began to sound on the other side of the door. It seemed to be another student begging to be let in, perhaps to relieve themselves. AJ gave no answer awaiting the student to leave, but they didn't. Shortly after the student started banging on the door with aggression one usually wouldn't have, screaming she was in there.

“AJ? Why are some students looking for you? Someone just asked me where you are.” a pink balloon avatar asked.

“Girls, what's going on? Why are we all texting?” a sun soon questioned.

“Applejack says the sirens got their powers back.” the rainbow answered, followed by more banging on the doors. Multiple people were out there now.

“If Applejack says that it must be true!” with a bing a diamond reacted.

“You can't be serious, why would they even have it back!”
“It's possible Rainbow, I'm on my way over, get people out of the party.” the sun spoke.

“You can't be serious…” even more banging was at the door now, who knew how many kids were out there. The farmer stood her ground as her phone kept buzzing with texts. Holding her weight against the door, AJ desperately tried to keep the students at bay. However, the students were not the only ones trying to get in, behind the farmer a small window creaked open followed by a familiar smirk. The white painted bathroom walls screamed like a holding cell as hands reached out from the window. No one could really fit through but their hands could definitely grab stuff.

“Why are a lot of kids gathered around the bathroom? Whose in there?” the butterfly asked.

“Idk! This is actually starting to creep me out- it's like a damn zombie movie!” the rainbow responded.

“I just got here, where are the sirens?” the sun reacted.

Eyeing her phone AJ only managed to see bits of the conversation. A loud raspy voice rang out demanding the kids to step aside, at least Rainbow was trying to help. Hands banged against the door and familiar voices tried to pry away the students, one letting out a screech.

“Their eyes!” a familiar shy voice screeched, “AJ wasn't lying!”

No shit. The farmer thought to herself. The hands from the small window grabbing at anything they could, luckily the bathroom was big enough to keep a fair distance. The mirror showed a struggling farmer as the toilet just sat still in practical surprise. The light flickered like someone was cutting it, but no one was. This was a perfect scene for a horror movie the farmer oh so wanted to not be in.

“Who's in there!” a raspy voice asked, letting out a grunt like they were shoved away from someone.

“Who do you think!” AJ responded, sensing the door push forward only for her to shove it back. How many students were there, they managed to break the lock.

“AJ?! What do they want with you?”

“Hell if i know!” the hands reaching from the window began to scratch the walls. The students behind the door kept shoving away the friends, breaking the door with continued effort. Bits of splinters began to ring out as cracks started to grow. There had to be a way out of here, but how?

AJ scanned the room, a toilet, a mirror, a vent, a crowded window…. A vent. It was big enough to slip through but if the farmer made a move from the door the students would surely break in. She needed something to block the door.
Growling, the farmer ripped her stitched jacket off her shoulders and shoved it under the door, making a temporary lock. She dove from the door and grabbed a plunger, starting to hit the vents bottom open. The door shifted a bit, forcing the farmer to throw the plumber up hoping for a reason. Nothing. The plunger got stuck in the bars, but it was still reachable. The door moved more.
Her heart raced, at least her friends weren't being attacked… right? She had to get out of here to protect them but something told her it would just lead to a dead end. However, stubbornness always wins in a fight.

Prying the plunger from the bars, AJ began to hit the sides of the vent. She hoped one of the screws would come loose but it didn't seem to be working. Of course it wouldn't work… this was a stupid plan anyway. The door moved more.

Taking a breath, AJ held the plunger up and began to hit the hands away from the window. Maybe she could find a way out if she got them to back away… or.

AJ lunged the plunger into the mirror, shattering it slightly. She pulled up the broken bit and then the plunger, jumping onto the toilet. Here goes nothing.
Taking a leap of faith, AJ grabbed hold of the bars and dangled, hoping her weight would at least bend it. Her wish was answered when the vent broke open leaving her to fall. Grabbing the vents head, AJ shoved the hands from the window back. She forced the vent head to stay with the plunger, using the stick to jam it into the windows cut. Pulling the sticking part of the plunger AJ then placed it under the door to serve as an extra door stopper, this would give her more time.

Jumping back on the toilet AJ once again jumped towards the vent, grabbing onto the roof's side. She managed to drag herself up by using the glass shard to cut lines into the vent to stick her hand through. Her legs dangled from the vent before AJ finally managed to reach a turning point in the vent, laying on her back as she finally got to a flat layout. The door was heard creaking as wood split more. The windows block was heard shattering against the floor, it wasn't effective apparently. Whatever, she had to find a way out, not just for her friends but also herself. She heard wood break as students burst through the door screaming randomly, they didn't find her. However, they found her phone.

AJ climbed through the vent holding tightly onto the glass shard for protection. How a simple calm night led to a battle like this was beyond her, but she was determined to find the reason for how this all started.
Kicking a vent to make an opening, AJ slipped out only to find herself outside. She wasn't far from the bathroom window, so she quickly dove behind a bush. Taking a breath, the farmer cursed her situation before staying near the wall to sneak away.

“I’ll say, you're causing quite a commotion.” a voice spoke out from the darkness, “you should have just not run.”

The blond froze as a familiar orange curl bounced in her face. Looking up, the orange haired owner smirked before kicking the farmer straight in the face. A sting of pain shot through the farmer as she grabbed her nose. Fresh red blood dripped from her face as another kick hit her, this time leaving her dazed.


Adagio stared down as the one who caused all this trouble. It was funny how avoidable this was, and the farmer claimed to be a hero. Then again the farmer never claimed such a role, honestly something the siren respected about her.

Picking up the limp figure, the siren cried out to her sisters who quickly approached. Aria seemed pissed when she saw the farmer as Sonta simply held a victorious smirk.

“Why are you…” The farmer muttered, causing the sisters to look at her.

“You see, we noticed something about your lil rag tag group. Out of all your precious friends you fit in the least. You're like an outsider, a puppy following its owner.” Aria spoke, gaining a giggle from Sonata.

“Ya! You don't fit in with them at all! Let alone we learned about the little accident that happened in your past.” Sonata joined in, her voice more happy than the other two snarling predators.

“And yet after everything they did you forgave them? Just like that? Two of them tried to kill you and even now you forgive?” Adagio took charge, bringing up memories the farmer tried hard to forget. “Admit it, you dont belong with them.”

“What do you want…?” the blond repeated, this time more demanding. She didn't like the situation she was in, and she liked the truths they were telling even less. It's true how before two of her now best friends tried to kill her over a misunderstanding, but she couldn't blame them. One was tricked and one was just confused. Ya, confused, let's go with that.

“Right to the point huh… alright.” Aria scoffed.

“You and Adagio are so alike!” Sonata chirped before getting elbowed in the chest by Adagio.

“Shut up Sonata.” Adagio started, glaring at her sister, however she quickly put her attention back on the farmer. “We want you to join us.”


This had to be a prank, a stupid prank. Maybe it was a dream? Ya hopefully. Applejack join them? She was just a normal farmer, nothing important about her. Hell, she was probably one of the most boring people she knew! So why her?
Why not ask.

“Why?” Applejack asked, her voice going against her will, “why me.”

“Why not.” was the simple answer. Adagio pulled another red gemmed choker out of the black box she had been previously holding. Another gem… they aren't going to- right?

Eyeing the box to see if any of this was fake, all the farmer could make out as wired was a carved in C within the box's skin. Nothing else seemed odd, a normal black box with red fluffy insides.
As the blond was distracted, the main siren took the time to put the gem around the farmer's neck. It fit perfectly, they must have found the right one. However with all of this, nothing happened. The sirens stepped back watching the stunned farmer but no change. Nothing.

“Great, we got fucking tricked!” Aria growled, Sonata just tilting her head in confusion.

“Shut up, C said it would take a second.” Adagio growled, getting another grown from Aria.

“But it's been a second- it's been more than a second.” Sonata remarked innocently, gaining two sets of eyes glaring at her. “What?”

Before the other two sisters could express their disappointment with the youngest sister however, a bright green light came from the necklace around the farmer's neck. A splitting scream escaped from AJs mouth as she found her legs buckled down, causing her to fall to the floor in agony. Green mist surrounded the girl as her hands desperately grabbed at the necklace, trying to pry it off. No luck.
Magic coursed through the farmer as she felt herself change, but that wasn't the painful part. No, the painful part was her head. Whatever this thing was doing, it was changing her head greatly. Thoughts of corruption and control climbed into her head as she felt herself fade. Felt herself be pushed aside for a new, better, version.

A version the siren were oh too happy to accept.

Author's Note:

Sorry if this was rushed. Please tell me how I can imporve or what you liked!

Comments ( 3 )

An interesting Halloween story. Having the sirens be evil, but not 100% evil, and mocking while still somewhat empathetic, was a nice touch. It made for a fun hook, as I legitimately didn't know what their angle was. Adagio's empathy stood as a compelling contrast with their semi-sinister intent.

Proofreading after posting the story into Fimfic but before publishing might be helpful, you have a lot of paragraphs that don't have consistent spacing between them and some inappropriate capitalization. Regarding the story itself, it felt a little off-putting to have threads that were never tied (Like the mysterious "C" and 2/6 of the Rainbooms having apparently tried to kill Applejack, good god), but it works if we just think of this as a spooky lil' ghost story that doesn't need big explanations.

Regardless, good job, this was an interesting read (though I am biased, being a lover of EQG AJ :heart:).


I will keep working on the proof reading, also the mysterious C and the rainbooms will be further explained in another story I plan to submit. so keep your eyes out.

thanks for reading!

I so want to see what happens next.

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