• Published 21st Oct 2012
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The Assumption of Applejack -or- Appletheosis - Blue Print

Applejack deals with ascension to godhood.

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Chapter Eleven: Eirene

Chapter Eleven: Eirene

The chase had wound over hill and dale, through snow and rain, from mountain top to ocean trench, and it was only mid-afternoon of day three. Neither Applejack nor Luna had Rainbow’s top speed, but they weren’t too far off. Luna had bounced off of the sonic shockwave twice, and Applejack once so far. AJ wasn’t really certain what continent she was racing past by now. Even though she wasn’t able to stay long in any one place, it was fascinating to see how chaotic the ecosystems of other lands were. Snow could still be seen on the ground in the heat of summer, while confused flocks wandered in circles without pegasi to guide them, entire swaths of land barren of even desert shrubbery. Even if a pony used the Everfree as a baseline, it was still obvious to Applejack that her world was sick and confused in the places where ponies hadn’t put things in order. Perhaps… Perhaps Luna was partly right. Still, Applejack refused to give her the satisfaction. She had to outmatch the goddess somehow to prove that they were equals, otherwise Luna would keep on disrespecting her.

Luna was still close on her heels. Whatever endless fountain AJ was draining was at least giving her enough to dodge the princess. Both of them were covered in dust, sweat and grime. Luna had caught up to Applejack and tackled her somewhere over Saddle Arabia during the second day, skipping her off the dunes and leaving a crater outside some nameless little village. AJ had barely managed to get back in the air before Luna could come back around for another pass.

Neither of them had slept since the first night. AJ could only imagine the strain on the elder goddess, raising the moon while flying at just slightly subsonic speeds. She herself was almost numb with exertion, but as long as she convinced herself that she needed to keep going, the strength came from somewhere. AJ was suddenly distracted by a harsh laugh from Luna.


AJ looked back at the princess in confusion. They were currently zooming across one of the hideously barren areas, nothing was anywhere nearby as far as she could see. Concentrating through her exhaustion fogged mind, she extended her senses to see what Luna was ranting about. There was nothing on the surface of the land. It was as dead and lifeless as she herself felt. Far beneath it she could feel the slow seeping of trapped water and desiccated seeds. None of it had the trace of Luna’s magic. Something from above caught her notice. Without seeing it, she had the sudden realization that there was currently a massive, burning stone heading straight for her. Flipping over mid-flight, she kicked out her hooves and simultaneously pulled at the deep aquifer below her. She bounced off of the meteor while a massive geyser burst from the earth, impacting the stone and shattering it in a gout of steam. Luna was forced to pull up to dodge the debris. Applejack, seeing her opportunity, swung low around her geyser and came up underneath the princess, only to be smacked in the face with a hoofball-sized chunk of asteroid.




Applejack had taken advantage of the billowing steam and artificial rain to sneak up on the mocking princess. Her trusty bucking hooves shot out, impacting Luna savagely in the belly. “Bucks McGillicutty ‘n’ Kicks McGee, say howdy.” Luna dropped from the sky like a stone, but she managed to magically grab Applejack and drag her down for the ride. The two of them closed, kicking and striking with hoof, wing and horn. They struck the earth with a bounce, continuing to fight for several minutes.

Finally they rolled to a stop. Applejack had Luna’s foreleg in a joint-lock, while Luna was shoving Applejack’s chin as far back as it would go. Applejack grunted out, “Jest… Give in… Ah’ll listen ta what y’all… have ta say, but ya… gotta… say uncle.”

“No! You, ah! You give in! Ow!”

“… Fine, we both… let go… On tha count a… three, deal?”

“Fine, one.”



The two goddesses, mighty in magic and body, two of the greatest, most majestic beings to ever grace creation, flopped apart in a messy heap. They lay there panting for a moment before Luna finally spoke. “We are impressed. Thou hast much more fighting prowess than our sister.”

“Wait, y’all are sayin’ Ah’m a better fighter than Celestia?

“Of course, she’s terrible at this sort of thing. That’s why I was able to beat her back to the very doors of the temple of Harmony when I fell to the Nightmare.”

“Wait, whut?”

“She doesn’t tell that part of the story? She only resorted to the Elements because she was about to get soundly trounced. Mind you well, she is far more powerful than the both of us, but she has cast so many geasa upon herself that only a tiny sliver of it is really hers to use.”

“Huh, Ah din’t know that about geese. Well, Ah- Ohh… Ah don’t feel…”

“Haha. There it is… Welcome to the godsleep, Applejack. See you in your dreams…” Luna let out a massive yawn and collapsed to the dirt and mud. Applejack wavered for a moment longer on the edge of consciousness, watching stray meteors and gushing water fall around her, before following Luna into the dark.


Everything around her was completely black. Applejack tried to fan her wings nervously, but was surprised not to have them. She raised a hoof to her forehead and felt a distinct lack of horn. She shifted nervously on her hooves. There really didn’t seem to be much of anything to do, so she sat down and waited. An unknown time later a blue pegasus with a light blue mane trotted out of the darkness. Her entire coat was spangled with stars and planets. Applejack was more than a little surprised to realize that this was Luna. “Uh, hi princess.”

“Well-met, Applejack.”

Luna opened her mouth as if to say something else, but shook her head and sat down instead. The two of them sat in silence for an unknown length of time, not looking at one another. Finally, Applejack broke the silence. “Ah’m sorry fer, uh, runnin’ off ‘n’ kickin’ y’all in the stomach and such. Ah think y’all’re crazy, but yeh didn’t deserve that.”

Luna smirked at Applejack, “I apologize also, for the meteors and such. I may have misjudged thee. I hope thou canst fathom why?”

“Eeyup, Ah did put on a bit of a show, didn’t Ah? Anyhow, Ah said Ah’d let ya say yer piece. Ah suppose this is tha place fer it.”

“Yes… I should let thee speak thy mind as well, though. Hast thou any questions for me?”

“First, that is tha biggest gol-durn cutie mark Ah’ve ever seen. It goes right up yer neck. Is it somethin’ ta do with y’all bein’ a goddess?”

Luna blushed slightly. “No, actually, my cutie mark is these planets here on my flank. I was so excited when it appeared that I went to a unicorn shaman to have it tattooed onto the rest of my coat. It's a lost art I’m told. I guess I still think of myself this way. Where we are now is an ordinary dream. It tells us nothing of what we are, just how we think of ourselves. Thou, for example, still hast thy old cutie mark.”

“That’s another thing. Y’all said we were enterin’ tha godsleep. What’s that supposed ta mean?”

“Well, simply put, we overtaxed ourselves. The power of an alicorn is inexhaustible if they have the will to command it, but it comes at a cost. Eventually, when their concentration slips and their will falters, they must recharge their physical vessel.”

“How long’re we gonna be out?”

“I don’t think we exhausted ourselves too excessively, it could be anywhere from a day to a week.”

“That’s quite a while.”

“Yes, I suppose. Thou art speaking to a mare who spent a thousand years on the moon.” Applejack, wisely, kept quiet and waited for Luna to continue. “I suppose I should tell thee what I had originally meant to. I fear for thee, Applejack. Thou hast been under so much stress, some of it at my hooves. The gods have always been a troubled bunch. Even our sister, Sol Invicta as the ancient pegasi used to call her, has fallen to jealousy and spite before.”

“Now, y’all ain’t been usin’ tha whole royal ‘we’ while we’ve been in this dream. Why d’ya always use it when ya talk about yer sister?”

Luna’s eyes dimmed with embarrassment “We, I only use the royal ‘we’ when I speak to… inferiors. Thou art no inferior to Celestia or myself. When I say our sister, I mean thine and mine.”

Applejack thought about that for a moment, not liking any part of it. “Fer the sake of peace, I’ll jest let that pass.”

Luna nodded quickly, “Yes, my thanks to thee. Peace is the essential manifestation of harmony. If thou wouldst allow me, I have a way to pass the time while we rest. I had meant to tell thee of my fall, and perhaps that of another. Here, I can do better than that. I can show thee.”

Applejack nodded, “That sounds fine, show away.”

Luna closed her eyes. Slowly, glimmering specks of light filled the void above the two little ponies, and a cool, billowing cloud formed beneath them. Luna finally spoke, not opening her eyes. “Look across the clouds a ways, you will see me as I appear now. Back then I was called Night Glider. This is the night I changed.”