• Member Since 20th Dec, 2018
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago



Comments ( 6 )

What can I say but thank you! This was a charming little story, and a perfect present. I can tell you it gave me a little boost to receive and read this.

Personally, I loved the way you introduced Polar Front and Cinnamon Steam. In just a few sentences and paragraphs, I knew the characters, got a good feel for what they were about and a sense of their relationship. They felt like a couple who had been together a long time and who adored each other, so well done for that.

Also, well done for the references to Wildfire Book 2 and Book 4. As all good subs know, mare polish makes the best polish for a wooden desk.

Finally, the D/S stuff was very well written. These are a couple who have been together a while but are new to the BDSM scene. So, rightly, they seek advice from a more experienced Dominant. And, I can safely say, it will do the ego of the mare in question to be called a local legend in the scene.


Finally, the D/S stuff was very well written. These are a couple who have been together a while but are new to the BDSM scene. So, rightly, they seek advice from a more experienced Dominant.

Thank you! This is honestly exactly what I was going for, and probably the hardest part for me to write as I've never written this kind of dynamic before. I really appreciate your kind words.

Aww this story is so sweet. I've been reading the Wildfire stuff since book 1 ended. So I think you did great on it.

Thank you!

The Wildfire stories were my first real entry to pony fanfiction, and are still some of my very favorites to go back and reread over and over again. it seemed a small thing to give a little back.


I was given permission to do something too with it, but I can't start working or posting it for quite some time. And I agree, I love going back and rereading the stories too. His was the first story I came across that did BDSM that didn't make me uncomfortable to read.

Well done, especially with the character descriptions of Polar and Cinnamon. Economy of words goes a long ways.

While Polar may have thought he was insensitive, Wildfire would be the first to say I look with my wings and see with my hooves. Polar's embarrassment seemed genuine and the mares thought it cute.

The BDSM light was just right for this stage in their relationship. The desire to be the sub and the dom's desire to move forward in a real way.

Hope to see more from this cute couple.

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