• Published 17th Nov 2020
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Worlds Apart: The Chosen of the Prognosticus - GMSeskii

A Void appears, threatening to destroy all worlds. Twilight is chosen to travel the multiverse and save it from an untimely demise. A reimagining of Super Paper Mario with ponies and a few twists. Each world is a different crossover. Complete!

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Egg Void

“Behold!” Eggman called to no one in particular. “The power of the Void!” His hover-chair lifted him to the top of his base, where he held up a small vial filled with the noxious purple substance, given to him so kindly by Mimi. “I give it to… The Eggsterminator!” He tossed the vial into the air where a six-limbed robot with a multicolored sphere for a head grabbed it and inserted it into its power core. “Yes, I know I’ve named a million things the Eggsterminator in the past, but until one actually proves good at Hedgehog exterminating, I’m going to keep using it. Now…” He watched with immense satisfaction as the robot changed before his very eyes. The smooth metal became almost furry with purple spines all over it. The core lit up with the swirling vortex of purple, devouring the sphere.

The robot leaped to the ground, little more than six floating legs affixed to a swirling mass of nothing. As it walked, it uprooted trees, erasing them from existence by doing nothing more than walking over them.

“Oh ho ho ho ho ho!” Eggman laughed. “How delightful! Sonic won’t even be able to get close! That hedgehog’s a goner for sure this time.”

“Hey! Egghead!”

“Ugh, his voice carries so well.” Eggman pulled out a megaphone and pointed it in the direction he thought he heard Sonic. “What is it!?”

“Just wondering how you think this is gonna go.” Eggman finally spotted him, standing right in front of the Eggsterminator’s path as if nothing was wrong. “What sort of inexplicable weakness in your machine am I going to find?”

“It won’t work this time, Sonic! I have the power of another universe at my fingertips!”

“Didn’t seem to work last time! And don’t you know that every time you try to awaken some sort of power to help yo—”

“I’m not listening to this nonsense,” Eggman pulled out a pair of specially-made Sonic-blocking headphones and sat back in his chair. He breathed out a sigh of relief. “This is so much better.”

He saw Sonic shrug and take a fighting stance. Knuckles and Amy flanked him. Morons. The Void would devour them the moment it got close. Eggman wondered if he might have to save them from being completely destroyed so he could gloat about it later. He’d think about that if they got too close.

“Wait… where are their other friends?” Eggman furrowed his brow. Tails was likely guarding the Blue Typhoon, but Toph and Twilight were both capable fighters, yet they were nowhere to be seen. A ruse of some sort. Sonic rarely went with this kind of plan, but Tails was known to employ them from time to time, and that Twilight had seemed rather intelligent. Or perhaps it was that butterfly—she seemed useless, but oftentimes the background individuals were the most dangerous. He quickly ordered his smaller robots to set up a few traps behind him just in case there was going to be some kind of ambush.

As the Eggsterminator trudged toward his opponents, Toph suddenly erupted from the ground at the machine’s feet. She kept herself rooted to the ground with clumps of earth around her entire waist, ensuring she wouldn’t be devoured by the cosmic void. Plunging her fists into one of the legs, she was met with a nasty surprise—the Void had changed the material so much it was no longer identifiable as metal, but some kind of spiny animalistic substance.

“Oh ho ho ho ho ho!” Eggman called. “Now do you see the true nature of your predicament?”

“Shut it, Stachy!” Toph shouted.

“...I need to make some anti-Toph headphones as well,” Eggman grunted.

Switching from the futile attempt to bend the Eggsterminator’s legs off, Toph started lobbing boulders at the robot. Most of them disappeared into its Voided center, but once Toph figured out the pattern, she predictably hit one leg in the exact same spot over and over, causing it to buckle.

“I think the Void devoured its intelligence systems…” Eggman groaned. “Hey! Eggsterminator! Squash the girl in the earth!”

It obeyed, lifting a leg and stomping on Toph directly. Naturally, she disappeared under the ground before it made contact, but it at least got her out of Eggman’s hair.

Sonic rushed in, skidding to a halt just as he felt the vortex start to suck him in.

“Yes, you can’t even get close!” Eggman sneered. “There’s nothing you can do, Sonic! You can’t have the earth handhold you to victory!”

Sonic opened his mouth, saying something.

“What was that? I’m afraid I can't hear you over the sound of my evil plan working.”

Sonic tapped his foot impatiently.


“He’s waiting for us,” Twilight said from behind Eggman.

“Gah!” Eggman whirled around, pointing a finger at her. “How did you get here?”

Twilight was flapping in midair, Cosmo riding comfortably on her back. “We teleported,” Cosmo offered helpfully.

“Teleportation is cheap,” Eggman grunted. I should have ordered my robots to account for that. “Luckily, I have security measures.” With the push of a button, electric rings grabbed Twilight’s hooves and Cosmo’s arms and legs, pinning them uncomfortably in midair. “And two hostages! Oh ho ho ho ho ho!”

“Eggman, listen to me,” Twilight said. “You can’t trust Mimi.”

“Obviously. And I can’t trust you.” He pressed a button to wrap another set of rings around her mouth and horn. “You’ve got weird magic and I don’t want you trying to mess with my mind like that red girl was. Your little magic plan has failed.”

“We just wanted to talk!” Cosmo said. “We knew you wouldn’t trust her, so… so I came. I can’t use magic, and you know me.”

“Only in passing.” Eggman slumped into his seat, resting his chin in one of his hands. “Oh, all right, say what you came here to say. It better not take too long, I have hedgehogs to turn into shish-kabobs.”

“Mimi tricked you, she didn’t tell you what the Void actually is.”

“And what is it?”

“It’s the start of a curse that… seeks to end all worlds.” Cosmo looked him dead in the eyes. “All worlds.”

Eggman frowned. “Really? And who would want to do that?”

“Some guy named Count Bleck. Mimi and Lulu worked for him. And Twilight’s met him—he stole all her friends.”

Eggman glanced to the bound and gagged Twilight. “Really? Destroy all worlds? Nobody would be that stupid. What’s the benefit? You won’t be around to revel in the victory, there’ll be nothing to rule over.”

“He wants to make perfect worlds in their place.” Cosmo tried to lean forward, but all she could do was crane her neck. “Please, Eggman. You’re just helping him destroy our universe!”

“If I were helping, I would be able to detect a sharp spike in dimensional instability. And let me check right now…” He pulled up the value on his chair’s console. “Oh look at that, an increase of two-thousand percent, nothing to worry ab—” He caught himself. “Oh, dear.”

“Yes.” Cosmo kept her gaze locked with his. “Eggman, I implore you, end this now and let Twilight and Toph return to their quest to stop this evil Count’s mission of destruction.”

Eggman deflated. “Why can’t I ever just have my Eggman Empire? Why?” With an exasperated flail of his arms, he swiveled to face the Eggsterminator. “I order you to self-destruct!”

To the surprise of no one—not even Eggman, at this point—it did not self-destruct. It kept on its rampage.

Eggman sighed. “Shadow, you can come out now and act all smug and superior.”

Shadow appeared as though teleporting, arms crossed and frown somehow smug.

Eggman pressed his face into his hand. “Yes yes, just… how many replica emeralds do you need to take that out?”

“Three,” Shadow said, holding the dull crystals in his hand. “I already took them.”

“Wise guy…” Eggman grumbled.

Shadow threw the three replica emeralds into the air. “Chaos… control!

Time froze for everyone but Shadow. Shadow, in the few seconds of stopped time he had, entered a spin attack and blasted through three of the legs under the Void with ease, hitting the ground hard enough to make a crater under the fourth. He jumped away so he would be far from the Void when it started devouring again.

Time resumed. Eggman had to piece together what happened after he saw the results, but for all his shortcomings, Eggman had an intellect the size of a mountain. It wasn’t too hard for him to play the detective. Three legs crumbled underneath the Void and the fourth fell into a hole, toppling the robot over. The Void started devouring chunks of rock, soil, and underground metal pipes Eggman had laid long ago for some forgotten project of his. As the Void sunk into the ground, it ate more and more earth and rock, until material was flying into it from every direction.

It was too much material for the relatively small manifestation. It clogged like a dirty sink, sputtering with a few bursts of dark energy before dissipating into nothing. The rocks it had been trying to devour fell into the hole it had just made, crumbling into a pile of dust at the bottom.

Eggman released Twilight and Cosmo. “Get out of my base.”

Twilight teleported both of them away with a flash of amethyst magic.

Eggman sighed, drifting back into his base to sulk. It just wasn’t fair. This always happened. He had the perfect plan and then something went wrong.

Perhaps he needed a different strategy...


It was not long before everyone collected at the temple of the Master Emerald. Twilight, Tippi, Cosmo, Toph, Cream, Amy, and Sonic waited while Tails and Knuckles removed the Master Emerald from the Blue Typhoon.

“What’s taking them so long?” Sonic asked, tapping his foot anxiously.

“The Master Emerald is pretty large,” Twilight pointed out.

“Though Knuckles is able to carry it all on his own…” Cream added. “And he ran with it, once, like it weighed nothing.”

“Who cares why they’re taking so long?” Amy asked, sliding up to Sonic. “The longer they take, the more time we have with each other!”

“I just discovered why Sonic wants them to hurry up,” Toph muttered.

“What are you implying!?” Amy shouted.

“I have the facts.”

“You didn’t state any…” Tippi said.

Toph snorted, interrupting Tippi. “Didn’t say I was giving facts out, did I?”

“There they are!” Twilight called, pointing to the sky.

“Joy,” Toph deadpanned.

A four-winged airplane with a yellow nose flew over them, the Master Emerald hanging from it by a tether. Knuckles sat on top of it, waving. With a swift motion, he cut the rope, sending both himself and the Master Emerald into a freefall. As planned, Twilight caught them both in her telekinesis—straining against their combined weight, but still able to lower them down to the center of the temple. The relic fit snugly in its pedestal, flashing brightly upon returning to its home.

Twilight blinked. “Uh, Tippi?”

Tippi fluttered around the pedestal. “The Pure Heart is still here, but hidden. Putting the Master Emerald back changed nothing…”

“So that means we can put it back in the Blue Typhoon!” Sonic gave Knuckles a thumbs up. “Isn’t that great?”

“Egh…” Knuckles grunted. “When we don’t need it anymore I’m turning that ship to scrap myself. Being used as a battery is an insult to the Master Emerald!”

“I don’t think it minds…” Tippi said.

“Shut it, buzzy.”

“So, what now?” Toph asked. “We brought the Master Emerald back, no Heart.”

“They are drawn to love…” Tippi said. “Knuckles, is there anything related to this place that connects to ancient love, or something?”

Knuckles shrugged. “I don’t really know the history.”


“Oh oh!” Amy waved her hand. “I know! Perhaps we need to have a passionate display of the fulfillment of previously unrequited love…”

“Uh…” Sonic took a few steps back. “I don’t like where this is going…”

“Come on Sonic, the fate of the world depends on it!”

“Forcing it won’t bring it forth,” Tippi said. “It needs to be Pure. That’s why they’re called Pure Hearts…”

Amy stamped her foot on the ground. “I had him on the ropes! He couldn’t say no if the fate of the world depended on it!”

“I wouldn’t put it past him,” Tails said as he arrived, presumably having landed the plane somewhere nearby.

Amy twisted her hammer over her head. “Wanna repeat that?!”

Twilight jumped between them, wings extended. “Let’s not smack skulls together. There has to be something we can do. Just…”

At that point, the orange door opened, revealing Vanilla. “Thanks for the tea, Iroh! I’ll be sure to drop by again sometime. And… oh.” She glanced at the large number of people surrounding the Master Emerald. “It looks like they completed their mission while I was visiting!”

“Excellent!” Iroh said, poking his head through the door. “My my, what a large crowd! You’ve sure made a lot of friends this time!”

Twilight rubbed the back of her head. “Uh, yeah, but… we can’t make the Pure Heart appear. No idea what will trigger it.”

“Oh, you’ll figure something out,” Vanilla said, walking around the Master Emerald. “I’m sure of it.”

“Mom!” Cream said, running up to her. “You were on the other side of the door?”

“I was! It’s quite a welcoming place too, you should visit sometime.” She picked her daughter up and embraced her. “You’ll love Iroh and his tea.”

Cream hugged her back, a mother reunited with her daughter… and it was at this moment the Pure Heart revealed itself, spinning above both of their rabbit heads, showering the group in a beautiful sunlike glow.

“Woah…” Sonic said.

Familial love,” Tippi said.

“What color is that?” Toph asked.

“Yellow,” Twilight responded, not taking her eyes off it.

Cream reached up to touch the Heart—but it rejected her, bouncing away from her hands. It smacked Cosmo right in the face, knocking her over. But as she fell to the ground, the Pure Heart fell with her, landing in her lap.

Cosmo slowly stood up, the Pure Heart in her hands. “It’s so… so kind. And warm and…” She hugged it close to her chest. “Better than any sun I’ve ever felt!”

“It accepted you…” Tippi said. “You… you must be another one of the heroes of prophecy.”

“W-what!?” Cosmo stammered. “M-me?”

“There was a plant, wasn’t there?” Toph asked. Twilight nodded in agreement.

“B-but I’m not some adventuring hero!” Cosmo shook her head rapidly. “I’m just a guide!”

“I don’t think the Heart lies,” Twilight said. “Plus, you did just save us by talking down Eggman.”

“A-all I did was tell him what you would have told him! If he’d let you talk—”

“That’s the thing, he didn’t let me talk. But people might listen to you when they can’t handle me.” Twilight lifted up Cosmo’s chin with a wing, making sure she saw her smile. “I can’t think of anyone better.”

Cosmo had nothing to say to this.

Sonic, on the other hand…

“Hey! What gives? I’m the world-saving hero here, I should get that!” He reached out his hand to grab the Pure Heart, but it pushed him back. “Hey! Don’t you get an attitude with me, buster!”

The Master Emerald flashed, beaming something into Sonic’s head. He took a few steps back. “Okay, no need to get all confrontational about it, geez.”

Cosmo looked down at the Pure Heart in her hands. “I guess… I guess I really am meant to carry this.”

“You’ll do great, Cosmo!” Cream encouraged.

“I’m sure you’ll do many wonderful things in the other worlds,” Vanilla added.

Tails walked up to her, careful to touch her and not the Heart itself. “Cosmo, you have the heart of a hero. I know you do.”

Cosmo couldn't help but flush slightly. “O-oh. If you say so…”

“Now go through that door and be a hero. I’m going to go put the Master Emerald back in the Blue Typhoon. Maybe… I’ll be able to join you?”

“I’m not sure that’s how being a hero of prophecy works…” Tippi said.

“Then I’ll do what I can from the sidelines!” Tails chuckled. “I did that for Sonic for a long time. I’m really good at it.”

Cosmo giggled. “Oh, Tails. I’d give it to you if I could. But… it looks like it’s mine. Destiny just keeps coming.”

“Get used to it,” Toph added.

“It never stops,” Twilight agreed.

With a nod, Cosmo lifted the Pure Heart high. “I… We... got a Pure Heart!”

Author's Note:

Cosmo had joined the party!

Cosmo’s Abilities: A Primer.

Press [REDACTED] to have Cosmo enter ‘floatation mode’ where she can use the petals of her body to catch wind currents and reach distant places! She can also glide with this!

In battle, Cosmo, uh… Well, she doesn’t have all that much, but if she’s in a place with lots of ambient plant magic she can tap into that, serving as your party’s healer!

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