The angry and broken Sunset Shimmer ("The Demon") and scared and extremely powerful runaway Apple Bloom ("Rogue") are recruited by The X-Mares, a group of "Hu-Mares" with mutations that make them remarkable. But can they save a world that hates them when Discord, The Master of Manipulation, plans to turn the world's leaders into "Hu-Mares"?
Celestia Aldrich is a "Hu-Mare" with incredible mental powers, a speaker for the rights of her kind, and a party animal who doesn't quite understand the gravity of her fight. Bob Smith is a "Hu-Mare" with the power to bend reality itself, hellbent on revenge against a world that took his mother, took his life, took his soul. These two very different "Hu-Mares" meet and form the first class of the "X-Mares", with the hope of stopping a mad woman from destroying the world, and perhaps of convincing that same world they are not the enemy. But fate may have other plans...
If theses are mutants I wonder what inhumans are like?
An interesting question, but this is supposed to be an X-Men only universe, so no other marvel characters or concepts will be explored, sorry.
However, if there WERE to be inhumans: I guess that the inhuman gene could be a sort of pony gene forced on them by some alien entity? I must admit, I know a lot about Marvel but I don't now the difference.
Well the Celestials messed with homo sapiens at the beginning of time, which led to early mutants like apocalypse and the omega levels
And later the kree empire did the same thing experiencing as well. Except the inhumans still had enough intelligence to create a secret society land called attilan the ever moving city.
Today inhumans are genetic and the terragin mist is used to grant inhumans their powers and awaken humans who have the dormant inhuman genes activated.
Suprisingly terrigan mist is poisonous to mutants
interesting, but i can't see myself including it since this is only x-men related. but thanks for the info!
using john de lance as the villain is kind of insulting considering he is a real life person its rather rude to do that to a man who has done alot of good in his life
also you should have just used the term mutant it feels very forced to say hu-mare
The intention was just as an easter egg, honestly, but i see what you mean. i really didn't mean to insult him, it was just a lapse of judgement. I'll change his name.
The Hu-Mare thing is just for fun, honestly, i don't feel like changing that.
I'm sorry you didn't like the story, i hope that i can at least make up for it by changing the name.
well glad your changing the name and i wish you luck with yoru story
thank you
Hey how's it going with the next chapter