The Last Mare of Krypton, Applejack has repressed her powers and nature for as long as she could. She will not, cannot be someone else. Someone different. How can she be an apple when she's... Alien?
But the world has changed. An attack by tirek has left the the Mane 6 and Equestria reeling, and hope is a rare commodity. Applejack wants to hide and lament, but the hero inside her begs to come out.
But how will the world see her? Can she truly be an inspiration, or will they all fear her? Can Applejack be... Herself?
First in a series of stories about the Mane 6 becoming superheroes, Applejack will discover the Supermare inside her.
All I can say is great job on this first chapter. Excellent job on the exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up in all the right places. And, actually, considering Applejack is the "farm girl" of the Mane Six AND the physically strongest (in addition to the comparisons of Applejack bearing the Element of Honesty and Superman fighting for TRUTH, Justice and the American Way), yeah, I can see where she would make a good Superman. And, yeah, I could see where an alternate version of Tirek's attack could have gone this badly. I can also understand Applejack feeling guilty about not doing more now that she knows she COULD HAVE.
As for Lex Luthor, I'm going to guess that it's probably going to be one of three possibilities
1. The Flim-Flam Brothers sharing the role (one of them the mad scientist version, the other the businessman version) since they ARE already Applejack's arch-enemies to begin with.
2. Filthy Rich (going for the purely businessman version and considering Filthy is one of the character tags).
or 3. Spoiled Rich ends up becoming Luthor (as she is ALSO one of the character tags). In this case, Filthy eventually divorces her and leaves her for Applejack (which would put Filthy in the role of Lois Lane and give Spoiled one more reason to hate Applejack/Supermare).
As for the rest of the Mane Six:
1. Rarity: Given she is ALREADY the Mane Six's best detective and martial artist, she is probably going to be Batmare.
2. Rainbow Dash: She is either going to be Flash (even though that seems a little TOO insultingly obvious) or Green Lantern (she DEFINITELY has the willpower for the role).
3. Pinkie Pie: She is very likely going to be either the Flash (a little less obvious than Rainbow Dash, but she IS faster on land than Rainbow is in the sky and, it would free Rainbow up to be Green Lantern), the Maretian Ponyhunter (considering having Maretian powers like super-strength, super-speed, super-toughness, intangibility, flight, shape-shifting and telepathy WOULD be a darn good explanation for how she can do most of the things she can) or Plastic Mare.
4. Twilight: Probably going to be either Oracle, a good guy pony version of the Ultra-Humanite (well, in the Golden Age comics, the Ultra-Humanite started out as a mostly ordinary man with extraordinary intelligence who happened to be confined to a wheelchair) or Captain Marevel (combining elements of Billy Batson's origin and Freddy Freeman's disability in normal form). The first one seems like the most likely though.
and 5. Fluttershy: Most likely Vixen (given it wouldn't be hard to visualize her gaining the power to duplicate the abilities of any one animal at a time), but possibly Aquamare (since it's possible she could gain the ability to breathe underwater, super-equine strength, durability and senses [from her body becoming adaptable to life in the deep waters] and the power to telepathically communicate with and control any aquatic animal).
Any, or even ALL of these guesses could be (and probably ARE) wrong though.
I'm definitely going to be looking forward to more of this.
wow what a long comment! that means a lot!
1. Yeah! I got the idea from a rainbow dash as superman fic. She makes a lot of sense, but she's not humble like supes. I wanted someone who could embody that parental aspect, that caring guardian feel. You nailed my reasoning!
2. Applejack's guilt plays a MAJOR role in this story, chapter 2 adds even more onto her plate! It's coming in a few days!
3. i won't spoil anything, i'll just say that the first idea ROCKS but isn't what i went for, and you are ALMOST right (i can confirm since i don't want any shippers to be disappointed that AJ loves rarity in this version)
4. You'll be happy to know you nailed 3 of your guesses! Damn you're good!
I am more than happy for this to be the first comment! Thank you for this! Chapter 2 is coming very soon, and feel free to comment any time and as much as you want! Very engaging to hear your thoughts!
Okie-dokie. Thanks very much for the response.
Will you also be doing made-up superheroes?
Whoa. Excellent work on the exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up in all the right places. As much as I hate to admit it, Spoiled actually WAS making surprisingly good points to Filthy when they were talking about interviewing Applejack. And, yeah, that was a truly emotional flashback with Applejack and her parents. And Filthy made some pretty good points when going to Applejack to hire her as a reporter.
VERY certainly looking forward to more of this.
An excellent question! Seeing as DC has a deep deep catalogue of characters, I'm not SURE I will, but I might consider it!
1. Thank you! I feel like this chapter was an improvement, honestly! Though that might be because I LOVE writing flashbacks!
2. Astute observations! I can't reveal too much but let's just say that there is more to everything here than meets the eye! Thanks for the flashback compliment, those scenes meant a lot to me! Yeah, Filthy is an odd sort of voice of reason in this one, trying to get Applejack back on her feet!
Excited to see your thoughts about the next chapter!
REALLY good job on this latest chapter. Again, the exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up are really well done. Loved Applejack's inner reflections on not just her family and friends, but also concerning the assorted other ponies she interviewed and encountered. And, yeah, Filthy actually gave a pretty good reason why he was legally unable to help. Well, at least AJ was able to be a big help here.
Very definitely looking forward to the next part.
thanks as always for the comment! Yes, the introspections were my favorite part, and you're gonna start seeing Applejack acting a lot more Superman-esque in future chapters!