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Beastly Machinations Part 1

Author's Note:






Beastly Machinations part 1

As the representatives for Canterlot High celebrated Erena’s victory, the Crystal Prep representatives, specifically Daemon, Yurika, and Harry were in the met up near the community restrooms, conversing with one another.

“Two wins so far.” Yurika pondered a hint of concern in her tone. “I’ll admit, those losers are proving to be quite a challenge.”

“No shit. Especially since Nightingale and Haze are some of Crystal Prep’s elite duelists.” Daemon said with a nod of agreement. “But regardless, we can’t jeopardize our mission. What do you think Harry?” Daemon looked to Harry, only to see the man dozing off on a bench, earning a deadpan look from both Daemon and Yurika.

“Seriously?” Asked Yurika. “Lazy bastard.”

“Well, he does represent sloth.” Daemon aid to Yurika with a shrug if his shoulders.
“Attention!” A voice said through the P.A. system. “The next match will commence in five minutes. All representatives for both Canterlot High and Crystal Prep are to report to the duel field by then. Those who fail to do so will be disqualified! Thank you."

“Well, that’s our cue.” Daemon said before flicking Harry on the nose, waking the boy. “Wake up, sleeping beauty! The next Duel is about to start!”

“Yeah, yeah!” Harry said with a yawn, stretching before getting up. “Next time, a simple nudge or a tap on the shoulder would be very much appreciated next time jackass!”

“Watch it, slacker!” Daemon said with a growl, casting a glare to Harry. “Remember, I embody the sin of wrath. Meaning I can easily pummel you into the dirt, so shut it before I kick your teeth in!”

“Noted”, said Harry with a carefree tone.

Once both sides have gathered, they waited to see who will compete in the coming match. They didn’t have to wait long as the commentator made her scene on the arena.

"Alright, ladies and gentlemen." The commentator announced to the crowd. “That’s two wins for Cantorlot High so far, but I wonder who will win this match. Well, let’s meet the competitors."

At one end of the Arena, the jumbotron showed a picture of a clawed hand looming over a claw.

Bruce then walked out of the entrance.
"From Canterlot High, we have Bruce Welker!" announced the commentator as the audience roster in applause, and Bruce pumped his fist as he relished in the applause. He stopped half way before raising his fist High, a large holographic t-rex appeared behind him and released a bellowing roar, further fueling the audiences excitement.

“My, my.” The commentator said with an impressed look. “Quite the entrance. But let’s see who your opponent will be, Mr. Welker.”

“Whoever it is, the wankers Dinosaur chum!” Bruce said as he strapped on his Duel Disk and placed his deck into the Deck slot. “When I Duel, I show no mercy, shiela.”

“Ooh. Strong words.” Said the commentator,impressed by Bruce’s spirit. On the opposite side of the arena, the jumbotron showed a symbol of a cog wheel with a pentagram inches middle.

"And Bruce’s opponent from Crystal Prep, is Harry Lector!" The commentator said as Harry made his way to the arena. But he wasn’t walking; instead he was hovering in what looked to be a floating cybernetic chair.

Aside from that, nothing else happened. No flashy entrance, just Harry in his hover chair, levitating towards to the arena.

Back in the bleachers, Dustin and friends watched Harry as he levitated to the arena in his hover chair.

"What is he sitting on?" Applejack asked with a quicker eyebrow.

"Don't know." Said Pinkie. "But it looks fun."

On the arena, Bruce cast a smug look upon seeing Harry.

"Heh. This'll be a cakewalk." Bruce then raised his Duel Disk. "You gonna load up your Duel Disk or what, mate?"

"I'm sitting in it." Hary said, patting on the right arm of the chair. "Me personally, Duel Disks are a bit of a hassle to use, and are pretty overrated. Why go for a Duel Disk, when you can Duel using a Duel throne?"

"Duel Throne?" Bruce asked with confusion. But his confusion immediately turned to shock. "Wait! I heard of those things!"

"Yes." Harry said with a chuckle. "In a Duel Throne, you can Duel minimum effort, and in great comfort."

"I ain’t ever heard of a “Duel throne” before.” Applejack said with confusion.

"That's because it's relatively new tech." Twilight elaborated, making the others look to her. "It just came out a few days ago, actually."

"Not to mention they're crazy expensive." Sunset added. "They go for about at least 10,000 dollars a pop."

"Hot damn!" Gilda said with whistle.

"Bah! Whatever!" Bruce said with a shrug. "Duel Throne, Duel Schmone. You're going down regardless!"

"We’ll see about that." Harry said with a wicked grin.

The massive holographic screen appears, showing both Bruce and Harry's life point gauges.

“Duelists, shuffle your decks!” The screen declared, and Harry and Bruce did just that. Once their decks were shuffled, and Bruce both placed his deck back in the Deck slot of his Duel disk while Harry inserted his in a compartment in the right arm of his Duel throne.

“Selecting first turn player!” The screen announced before showing the image coin. “Heads or tails?”

“I'll choose Heads.” Larry said with a smirk.

"I pick Tails." Bruce said, and the coin on screen was then tossed. Sure enough, the result was Tails.

“Bruce takes first turn!” The screen announced, and Bruce and Harry drew their hands. Well, Bruce his hand while Harry’s was displayed on a screen on the left arm of Harry's Duel Throne. “Begin!"

“Let’s Duel!” Both Harry and Bruce declared, signaling the start of the Duel.

Bruce LP: 8000
Harry LP: 8000

"Hope yer an animal fan, mate!" Bruce said as draw his sixth card. "Because I'll play Polymerization, and fuse both Des Kangaroo and Big Koala from my hand!"

A large vortex appeared above Bruce, and two monsters appeared on either side of him. One was a green kangaroo wearing a purple vest, red shoes and a pair of boxing gloves, and the other was a giant sized blue koala. As soon as both monsters appeared, they were sucked into the vortex.

After a brief moment, a new monster appeared, causing the ground to shake violently upon entering the field. The monster was a giant sized green koala with a yellow underbelly, a long tail, and it had the same garments Des Kangaroo had.

"Meet my big friend, Master of Oz!" Bruce declared as the giant sized marsupial glared at Harry, its fists ready to strike.

[Master of Oz/LV: 9/EARTH/Beast/ATK: 4200/DEF: 3700]

"Whoa!" Rainbow Dash declared in awe. "Talk about bringing in the big guns!"

"And I'll finish by laying a facedown!" Bruce said as a large face-down card appeared. "Try beating that, skinny!"

"Oh, I will. Trust me." Harry said as he swiped his finger on the screen, drawing his sixth card, examining the cards displayed on the screen.

"First, I play a monster face down." Harry said as a face-down card appeared on infield, but faced horizontally. "Next I play Double Summon, and I'll use it to play Bokoichi the Freightening Car in defense mode!"

Suddenly, a large reddish-purple train car with face appeared, emitting a mechanical wail.

[Bokoichi the Freightening Car/DARK/LV: 2/ATK: 500/DEF: 500]

"What?" Bruce said in confusion. "How's that thing gonna help?"

"You'll see." Harry selected his next card. "Next I activate Machine Duplication. Now by targeting a monster I control whose attack points are 500 or less, I can bust out two other copies of that same monster." Harry then tapped the deck visible on his Duel Throne's screed, scrolling through list of cards before picking the two cards he needed. "And I think I'll bring out two more Bokoichis, this time in Defense mode!"

As Harry said this, two more Bokoichis appeared onto the field, each releasing a mechanical wail.

"I don't get it." Spike said, utterly confused. "Why would he summon three copies of Bokoichi? They don't even come close to the strength of Master of Oz!"

"I think we're about to find out." Said Sugarcoat with slightly nervous expression.

"Next I activate Book of Taiyou!" Hardy declared as a large spell book that emitted a feint yellow glow appeared. "This allows me to flip one face-down monster face-up to Attack Mode! And that comes in handy when I gave this!" As soon Harry said that, the book shinned bright as his face-down monster was flipped over, revealing a large purple locomotive with a goblin-like face. "Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive!"

[Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive/LV: 4DARK/Machine/ATK: 1400/DEF: 1000]

"Wait! What!?" Bruce exclaimed in a mix of both shock and confusion.

"That's right! Now that he's flip summoned, I get to draw one card." Harry explained with a grin. "Not only that, but I can also draw 1 additional card for each face-up Bokoichi the Freightening Car I control, so since I have three Bokoichis, that's a whopping four cards added to my hand." Harry emitted a chuckle before doing just as he explained.

"WHAT!?" Pinkie yelled in shock.

"No way!" Rainbow Dash declared, just as shocked as the others.

"I'll finish up by playing a card face down." Harry said as tapped the screen of his Duel Throne, causing a large holographic card to appear face-down.

"Ooh, a train and a here train cars. I’m shakin’ in my boots." Said Bruce out of sarcasm. "What am I gonna do?" Bruce then drew his next card. "Oh I know! Play this! Card of Sanctity! So now we both draw until our hands consist of six cards."

In the bleachers, the other representatives for Crystal Prep watched the Duel.

"I hope your friend knows what he's doing." Haze said to Yurika."I've got a feeling that Aussie douche is no pushover."

"Fret not, muscles." Yurika said with a determined. "He may be lazy, but he's not stupid."

"Alright! From my hand, I summon Beast King Barbaros! In Attack mode!" Brice declared as the monster appeared. It had a centaur-like body shape, the upper half was that of a tan-skinned man with red eyes and a large blonde mane, while the lower half was that of a black feline, and it was armed with a drill-like Lance and a shield. Once it appeared, the creature released a mighty roar.

[Beast King Barbaros/LV: 8/EARTH/Beast-Warrior/ATK: 3000/DEF: 1200]

"You're overgrown hairball doesn't scare me." Harry said with a smug grin. "Plus, you do realize by summoning him without any Tributes, his attack points are reduced to 1900, right?"

(Beast King Barbaros ATK: 3000 - 1900)

"Then it's a good thing I have this!" Brice said as he revealed his next card. "Wild Nature's Release!"

"Huh?" Harry asked in surprise.

"With this, the defense points to of a beast or beast-warrior I control are added to its attack points! Like Beast King Barbaros for example!" Bruce announced as Beast King Barbaros emitted a red aura and roared.

(Beast King Barbaros ATK: 1900 - 3100)

"Whoa!" Spike exclaimed in astonishment. "3100 attack points?"

"But I'm just getting warmed up, mate!" Bruce selected his next card. "I'll juice up my Master of Oz with the Equip Spell, Big Bang Shot, granting a 400 attack buff!" Bruce cried out as Master of Oz bumps his fists together while emitting a bright yellow aura.

(Master of Oz ATK: 4200 - 4600)

"Not only that, but my Master of Oz gains the effect of inflicting piercing damage to you when he attacks a Defense Position monster." Bruce explained with a taunting tone, but Harry didn't seem alarmed.

"Holy crap!" Gilda exclaimed in total disbelief. "4600 attack points! Man that dude's not wasting any time, is he?"

"That means once that Master of Oz attacks, that creep will lose about nearly half of his life points." Soursweet said with an impressed smile on her face.

"That's Bruce for you, my dear." A familiar voice said. The gang looked to see Scout and Blueblood had joined them.

"Blueblood? Scout?" Rainbow asked with a hint of distaste. "What are you two doing here?"

"What does it look like, skittles head?" Scout shot back. "Weir watching Bruce wipe the floor with this pasty faced freak."

"Master of Oz, send that Dekoichi to the junkyard! Outback attack!" Bruce declared, and Master of Oz followed the order by sending a fist to Dekoichi.

"You fell for it!" Harry said with a smirk before revealing his face-down card. "You sprung my Sakuretsu Armor!"

"What!?" Bruce cried out in shock.

"This Trap of mine destroys your overgrown marsupial, stopping it dead in its tracks!" Harry explained with maniacal laugh as Dekoichi emitted a glossy shine. Once Master of Oz's attack landed, it only destroyed itself.

"Crap!" Bruce growled in fury. "But nothing I cant come back from! Beast King Barbaros, avenge your fallen comrade!" Barbaros then ran towards Dekoichi, his lance poised to strike. Once entered attack hit, the monstrous locomotive exploded into tiny particles of light.

"But since Dekoichi was in Defense mode, I take no damage." Harry said with a smug grin. "And surely you do know what happens once your turn ends?"

"Yeah, yeah. I'll just place a card face-down and end my turn. But Barbaros is destroyed due to the effect of Wild Nature's Release." Bruce said as Barbaros released a pained roar before shattering to bits.

"Goody, it's my turn then." Harry swiped the screen on his Duel Throne again, and observed his hand displayed on it. A wicked smile forming on his face again. "First, I play monster Reborn to bring back Dekoichi." Dekoichi then reappears back to the field. "Now, I sacrifice two of my Bokoichi's to bring out a much better machine!"

Both Bokoichis suddenly transformed into large purple ball of light before taking off into the sky. Once the balls collided, a large column of purple light appeared on the field. And in it, there was the massive silhouette in it.

"I don't know what that is..." Gilda said with hint of worry, "but I don't like it."

"Join the club!" Rainbow Dash said just as worried as Erena hid behind in fear. Even Bruce was a bit fearful.

"Make way, fools! For I'm bout to bring out one of the best mechanical titans ever forged! I present to you all... Dovelgus, Generaider Boss of Iron! In Defense Mode!" Harry said as the column vanished, revealing the massive Machine. It possessed no head, but it bore a face on its midsection, as well as a face of both knees and holding a hammer in a kneeling position.

[Dovelgus, Generaider Boss of Iron/LV: 9/EARTH/Machine/ATK: 1500/DEF: 2500]

"Oh my!" The commentator announced in slight fear upon seeing the monster. "That's one of the scariest things I've ever seen!"

"Well, he's not only intimidating in looks, toots." Harry said to the commentator before looking back to Bruce. "He also has a pretty nifty effects. Allowing me to sacrifice any number of Generaider and/or Machine-type monsters in order to Special Summon the same number of Gradier and/or Machine-type monsters from my hand in Defense Mode! As long as they are both different names, both from each other and from the monster sacrificed."

"Aw crap!" Bruce said with shock and fear.

"That's right, Crocodile Dundee!" Harry chuckled at Bruce’s response. "I sacrifice my remaining Bokoichi along with Dokoichi, and bring out two new mechanical marvels to take their place. As long as they are both different names, both from each other and from the monster sacrificed." Harry said as both monsters turned a into a red energy ball before Dovelgus slammed both with his mighty hammer, creating a large pool of molten metal. Suddenly, a mechanical arm jutted from the pool of molten metal.

"Oh... my!" Fluttershy whispered fearfully as Spike hid behind her.

"I don't like the looks of this!" Sunset said with worry.

"Christ!" Scout said with a creeped out expression. "It's like Terminator meets Night of the Living Dead!"

"For our first machine, let's all welcome the mechanical monarch himself," Harry said with a grin as the mechanical figure emerged from the molten metal. "Perfect Machine King!"

The monster appeared to be a large red and white bulky robot with glowing blue eyes that stared at Bruce.

[Perfect Machine King/LV: 8/EARTH/Machine/ATK: 2700/DEF: 1500]

"Whoa!" Indigo Zap said in a mix wonder. "I should be worried for that Bruce guy, but I can't help but find that Perfect Machine King cool."

"Sometimes, you gotta respect the classics, eh?" Harry said, his wicked grin still visible. "And of course, you probably already know what he does, no?"

"Yeah, yeah." Bruce said rudely with a roll of his eyes. "He gains 500 attack points for every other machine you control. I'm not a freaking rookie, ya know!"

(Perfect Machine King ATK - 2700 - 3200)

"Well, his majesty may be archaic nowadays, but my next monster is something more modern." Harry chuckled as another figure emerged from the pool of metal. The creature resembled a mechanical dragon whose head and arms each composed of a glowing futuristic pistol.

"Whoa nelly!" Applejack said, her worry increasing. And the others could relate.

"Ever heard the phrase "don’t bring a knife to a gunfight"? Well my Desperado Barrel Dragon is the embodiment of that phrase!" Harry declared as the mechanical dragon released a robotic roar.

[Desperado Barrel Dragon/LV: 8/DARK/Machine/ATK: 2800/DEF: 2200]

"And with Desperado Barel Dragon in play, my perfect Machine King's attack points now reach to a staggering 4200." Harry declared as Perfect Machine King sparked with electricity, signifying his rising power.

(Perfect Machine King ATK - 3200 - 3700)

"Big deal!" Bruce scoffed. "That hunk of junk is still in Defense Mode!"

"Oh I know. Next, I activate Pot of Greed, granting me two additional cards." Harry said as he swiped the screen twice, adding his next two card in his hand. "And I'll use one of those cards, Foolish Burial, allowing me to send a monster from my Deck to the graveyard."

"Huh?" Erena said out of confusion. "I don't get it. So far, he's been playing defense. Why hasn't he attacked yet?"

"Maybe the slacker is just scared." Scout said with a smirk. "Only the cowards go for defense."

"I wouldn't say that, Scout." Blueblood said, earning a confused look from Scout and the others. "If he was cowarering, he would be showing it."

"You mean he's planning something?" Sunset asked, worrying that Blueblood may be right.

"Cowards do go for the defensive strategy, but so do people who are waiting for the opportune moment to strike." Blueblood said as he examined Harry. "And judging by his demeanor, I would say he's leaning towards the latter."

"I'll end my move by placing 1 card face down." Harry said as another large face-down card appeared onto the field,"your move."

"About bloody time!" Bruce said as he drew his next card, and then examined his hand. "Alright bloke! First, I also play pot of Greed. So now I get an additional two cards." Bruce said before drawing his next two cards. "Sweet, and I'll put 'em to good use. The first one being Monster Reborn, so come on back Master of Oz!"

Suddenly, the familiar colossal marsupial appeared back on to the field, bumping its fists together and growling.

"And the second card..." Bruce then revealed the card in question, "Feral Fusion!"

"Feral what?" Harry asked in slight shock.

"Feral Fusion!" Bruce repeated with a taunting. "What this does is it allows me to summon a Fused Fauna monster from my extra deck by using materials from not only my hand or field, but my Deck as well!" Bruce said, making Harry gasp in shock.

"Wait!" Twilight gasped. "Did he just say from his deck !?"

"Oh yeah!" Dustin said with a grin. "I believe did."

"So now, I fuse Berserk Gorilla, Fenrir, and Maji-Gire Panda from my Deck to bring out a new king of beasts!" Bruce said another vortex appeared above Bruce, along with a gorilla, a panda and a wolf. Then the three monsters were sucked into the vortex, before a new monster made its appearance. "Say hello to Fused Fauna Silverback King!"

[Fused Fauna Silverback King/LV: 8/DARK/Machine/ATK: 2400/DEF: 2200]

"Yikes!" The commentator announced. "I wouldn't want to mess with that."

"You wouldn't, sheila." Bruce said to the commentator before looking back to Harry. "Especially with his special effect, one that adds the defense points of all Fused Fauna monsters to their attack points until the end phase! And that includes himself!" As Bruce said this, the Silver Back king flared its nostrils as it's attack power increased.

(Fused Fauna Silverback King ATK - 2400 - 4400)

"4400 attack points!?" Pinkie asked in shock. "Wowie! Looks like Bruce has it in the bag!"

"Next, I play Enraged Battle Ox in Attack Mode!" Bruce exclaimed ad a humanoid bull clad in armor and holding a battle axe appeared.

[Enraged Battle Ox/LV: 4/EARTH/Beast-Warrior/ATK: 1700/DEF: 1000]

"And Enraged Battle Ox has a special effect of his own. Allowing any Beast, Beast-Warrior, or Winged Beast monster I control to inflict piercing battle damage whenever it attacks a monster in defense mode! My Silverback king already has this effect, but my Enraged Battle Ox and Master of Oz now have it too." Bruce declared as both Enraged Battle Ox and Master of Oz emitted a bright orange aura.

"Let's see the lazy gear head weasel his way out of this." Scout said with a smirk.

On the other side of the bleachers, the representatives of Crystal Prep were on the edge of their seats upon seeing this.

"Aw man!" Quicksilver said with slight worry. "Talk about going beast mode!"

"Silverback King, let’s show that Perfect Machine King whose really royalty!" Bruce declared as the bestial hybrid charged at the mechanical monster, its horns ready to strike.

"I think not!" Harry said with a shit eating grin when suddenly, Silverback King was enveloped in electricity, stopping it dead in its tracks. And both Master of Oz and Enraged Battle Ox too relieved the jolt.

"What the...!?" Bruce exclaimed in shock.

"By banishing my Electromagnetic Turtle from the grave, I can put an immediate end to your battle phase." Harry said, making Bruce gasp.

"I don't remember you playing..." Bruce announced, but then had a look of realization. "You bloody rat! That's what you sent to the graveyard earlier with Foolish Burial!"

"Correct you are!" Said Harry with a laugh. "Oh it's always amusing seeing my opponent fall for my traps."

"He had the perfect defense set up before Bruce could even attack!" Dustin said with a look of shock. "Talk about a low blow!"

"Alright, I'll end my move by playing a face-down!" Bruce said in frustration.

(Fused Fauna Silverback King ATK - 4400 - 2400)

"My turn, then." Henry swiped the Duel Throne's screen for his next card, and he had wicked grin upon seeing what he drew. "I activate yet another pot of Greed. Granting me two more cards." With another two swipes of the screen, he examined his hand carefully, smiling as he had a strategy in mind.

"And what's with the smile?" Bruce asked, a little on edge.

"You're about to find out." Harry said with a wicked chuckle. "First I switch all my monsters into Attack Mode! Then I'll reveal my trap card! DNA Surgery!"

"What!?" Bruce asked in disbelief!

"Uh oh!" Erena uttered, not liking where this was going.

"You have got to be freaking kidding!" Scout declared in shock.

"With it, I can change the types of all monsters on the field to the type of my choosing." Harry said his grin widening. "And I'll choose Machine type." As soon as Harry said this, all of Bruce's monsters we from animalistic to full blown robotic.

"And let’s not forget that Perfect Machine King gains 500 hundred attack for each machine present on the field!" Harry laughed as his Perfect Machine King's power increased.

(Perfect Machine King ATK - 3700 - 4200)

"4200 attack points?!" Rainbow asked out worry for Bruce. "Aw man! How is Bruce going to beat that!?"

"Next I activate Terraforming. Allowing me to add 1 Field Spell from my deck to my hand", Harry announced as he did as the card instructed. "And now comes the fun part! Perfect Machine King, put that flea bitten aberration down!"

As soon as Harry said that, Perfect Machine King launched itself towards Silverback King.

"Not happening, mate!" Bruce said as he revealed his facedown card. "Draining shield will not only save my Silverback King, but it'll also increases my life points equal to that rust buckets attack points!" A huge barrier then appeared around Silverback King, blocking Perfect Machine King's attack.

Bruce LP: 13,700

"Alright Bruce!" Scout rooted for her friend. "Nice comeback!"

"Hell yeah it was!" Gilda cheered as well, so did the others.

"You may have blocked my first attack, but luckily I still have Deaparado Barrel Dragon's special ability." Harry declared as three large holographic coins appeared. "During the Battle Phase, I can toss a coin 3 times, and then destroy 1 face-up monsters on the field, up to the number of heads. And the best part is that if the result was 3 heads, I get to draw 1 card."

With that said, the first coin was tossed into the air before landing, revealing 1 heads. The second was then tossed, and the result was a second heads. And the second coin was tossed, and again, the result was heads.

"Oh no!" Sunset gasped in fear.

"Dammit!" Bruce declared in shock.

"Uh oh. You know what that means." Harry declared as Desparado Barrel Dragon fired three energy blasts, destroying all three of Bruce's monsters as Harry added another card to his hand.

(Perfect Machine King ATK - 4200 - 3700)

"No freaking way!" Scout uttered, not believing what she saw. "He nuked Bruce's entire board.

"Now Dovelgus, attack this fool directly with Vulcan's Hammer!" Harry ordered as, and Dovelgus ordered by slamming his hammer onto the ground, sending a massive Shockwave that not knocked Bruce off his feet, but also seemed to inflict some minor physical damage.

Bruce LP: 12,200

"I'll end my turn by playing a face-down." Harry said as another giant face-down card appeared.

"Ugh... Christ." Bruce grubted as he got back o his feet. "I'll admit, it kinda smarts! But I ain't goin' down without a fight!"

To be continued...

Comments ( 14 )

Damn, Harry is so brutal in this duel! I hope Bruce win this duel even though he's a gaint prick.

This is a pretty fun duel to see.
Especially in seeing machine decks, fun to see like with dragon decks.

Curious on what Spike will do during the Friendship Games event too?

(Master of Oz ATK: 4500 - 4900)

Where did the extra 300 ATK came from?

Bruce LP: 13,7000

You accidently left a extra 0 at the end there

In order:
1.) I probably might.
2.) The 400 attack buff to Master of Oz was granted when equipped to Big Bang Shot. As Big Bang Shot grants an equipped monster 400 ATK and the effect to inflict piercing damage.
3.) My apologies.

Overall, I appreciate your feedback. It's very appreciated it.

Well, I guess we'll just have to wait and see, my friend.

Master Of Oz had 4200 ATK, so Big Bang Shot would have made it 4600.
But apparently Oz was somehow 4500 ATK prior to Big Bang Shot being equipped, so where did the extra 300 ATK came from?

Oh. I thought Master of Oz had 4500 attack points. I fixed the problem.


How are things going?

Good. Currently working on part 2.

How are things going?

Good. Busy as all Hell, but good.


What are your plans now?

I'm just curious if you were going to make a actual Yu-Gi-Oh deck based off of the once you've designed in your story?

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