• Published 5th Apr 2020
  • 275 Views, 0 Comments

Unfortunate Loyalties - Fluskie

Two mares, Flusk Flurry and Scarlet go multiverse jumping. They come upon a universe where both the moon and sun are at battle and meet some..'Familiar' faces.

  • ...

The Fun Has Been Doubled!

Author's Note:

Again, if you didn't see the description of this story, this isn't my best work and I'm not proud of it. I apologize for it being pretty terrible.


Flusk screamed as she nearly got taken out by a powerful blast of magic that hit the wall behind her and ricocheted to the floor, fizzling out into nothing. The blast noticeably made Scarlet behind her jump a little and look around cautiously for the source of the magic.

They were definitely not in Equestria anymore..Well, they were in a version of it at least. Not of their world though. They were surrounded by worn-down walls and ripped tapestries of what looked like to be from Princess Celestia and Princess Luna’s reign. Scarlet recognized the crescent moon and the brilliant sun images on the tapestries. The two sisters were even slightly visible. If it were not for a large beast-like tear through the both of them and a little less dirt, that tapestry would be in perfect condition. Much couldn’t be said about the smashed windows and bug-infested curtains though.

“S-Scarlet?..” Flusk said, sounding rather panicked.

“Shut up, will ya’? I’m trying to figure out where we are.”

“I-I think t-they know..”

“What are you talking about, are you seeing things again? Get your eyes checked for Celestia’s sake.”

“Celestia?..I knew it..You both really are ‘sun walkers’.”

“Flusk, if this is your way of getting my attention, it isn’t working. What the fuck even is a sun walker?”

“T-That wasn’t me!”

“Then who the fuck was it because it sure sounded lik- HOLY SHIT!”

Scarlet shouted, backing up a little as she saw a figure of a pony trotting out from the shadows. Both of their jaws dropped as the figure came into the only faint light that seem to exist from the outside. It was Flusk..But it wasn’t Flusk. This ‘Flusk’ wore dark armor with purple upon it from head to hoof, her helmet even hiding a bit of her right eye. There was even a crescent moon, the same from the tapestry placed on the flank part of the armor. As for her mane, it was a faded dark blue as if the color was taken out of it. It flowed over her shoulders, even longer than Flusk’s own mane as the farther it got, the lighter it became. The mare stared at them with no emotion. She seemed very cold..One look and you could tell she lacked the ability to feel empathy for others.

"I-It's me?!" Flusk asked, rather panicked.

"Of course it's you, I told you, this is what you find sometimes when multiverse jumping! Your evil self! God damn, I wonder if you even listen to me sometimes." Scarlet complained.

"Your evil..Self?" The other Flusk asked.

The other Flusk approached a little closer and stopped, her hoof gear making a small clunk noise on the ground below her.

"Listen, edgy pony..Whatever you are! You're wearing armor and you look over all just..Evil. So, without making me kick your ass, please move back like..20 feet. Or..Hooves." Scarlet said.

"Why should I do that.."

"Because fuck off, that's why."

"Scarlet, don't be mean. I don't think she actually wants to hurt us."

"If you're sun walkers I do. Only who bow down to the night's glory are safe from my wrath." The other Flusk replied.

"I don't give a shit about your night, sun, bullshit. Leave us the hell alone!"

"So careless and pathetic.." The other Flusk mumbled under her breath.



Scarlet found a sudden loss of breath as if she couldn't inhale any air at all. She struggled, batting at her throat with her hooves as an invisible force pressed threateningly around her throat. She found her body being lifted from the ground into the air and right near the other Flusk's menacing face. Her eyes were narrowed on the struggling pony as her horn glowed purple, continuing to choke Scarlet. She was going to suffocate her to death..Flusk worked up the guts suddenly to gallop right over to the other Flusk, turn around, and smash her right in the face with her back hooves with all of the strength she could muster.

"AAAAH!" The other Flusk screamed.

Scarlet was released from the magic and collapsed to the ground, filling her lungs with as much air as she could, gasping hard. She didn't know when next she wouldn't be able to breathe again. The other Flusk stumbled backward, clutching her left eye as it seemed that Flusk was able to hit her right in her sensitive spot. She was too busy holding her hoof over her eye to notice Flusk assisting Scarlet back on to her hooves. They would have escaped right then and there but they wouldn't be able to leave in time. The other Flusk seem to recover quickly as well as she removed her hoof from her eye, there being noticeable red veins in the white of her eye as it was slowly turning red, becoming rather irritated it seemed. She panted with both anger and exhaustion.

"You..Come..Into my Queen's old kingdom..As disgusting..S-Sun filth?!"

"We didn't necessarily want to be here but-" Flusk began but was soon interrupted.

"I..Am of the Queen's highest-ranked royal guard! You..D-Dare..Kick me..IN THE FACE?!"

"Equestria doesn't have a queen, dumbass." Scarlet replied.

The ground beneath Flusk and Scarlet suddenly started to rumble and shake, causing both of them to almost lose their balance, just barely holding on. There was a loud cracking noise as it split off and turn into two big pieces, separating Scarlet and Flusk from each other. The two pieces floated in the air, teetering a little beneath Flusk and Scarlet's weight. They watched as the rest of the floor crumbled to pieces and fell far below into what looked like a big endless black hole underneath the castle. Flusk almost slipped off her piece of the floor just looking at the giant scary thing.

"I didn't work e-everyday from a runt..To a powerful warrior w-who protects her Queen at all costs..T-To be disrespected by two weak sun walkers!"

They both felt their floor piece jolt forwards as the other Flusk flung the two straight for an impending wall. Flusk screamed and began to cry as she tried to find a way off of the piece of the floor without possibly dying. She also did this while holding on to it for dear life so she also wouldn't die from falling off and suffering a very painful death. Meanwhile, it seemed Scarlet had the right idea in mind. With the few seconds they had left before they hit the wall, she leaped off her's and jumped on to Flusk's. She did a mini hop and shoved Flusk off with her as they began to spin in the air, clinging on to each other. It all felt like it was in slow motion as Flusk screamed and Scarlet gritted her teeth, hoping for the best. They heard the pieces of the floor smash hard into the wall when an invisible force suddenly cradled them. Flusk opened her eyes to see Scarlet had made them a force field before they disappeared into the dark hole.

"Scarlet, you did it!" Flusk cheered, wiping a stray tear from the corner of her eye.

"Yeah, yeah, now get off. Your fatass is making my legs go numb."


Flusk got off Scarlet, allowing her to get up and blow a strand of her mane out of her face. Scarlet carefully carried the force field to a nearby patch of grass beside the endless hole considering the floor seemed to be ripped right out. The force field gently popped and plopped them on to the grass. They both turned around to see the other Flusk standing on a window sill not very happy at all. The fight didn't seem over yet..

"You fools.." The other Flusk spoke.

"Is it really us who's the fool or is it you?" Scarlet asked.


She screamed in anger, crouching on the window sill she stood on and launching herself off it. She soared through the air, headed straight for the little patch of grass both Flusk and Scarlet stood on. They both galloped the other way so they wouldn't be landed on in case she somehow landed that far of a drop perfectly.


There was a loud gunshot heard as both Scarlet and Flusk whipped their heads upwards to see another very familiar face. It was Scarlet! But not their Scarlet of course. In her magical grasp, she held a gun which she had pointed straight for the now falling evil Flusk. She seem to be blind one eye as her left eye was more faded than the other. She had a long red and cream-colored mane styled just like the normal Scarlet. However, she seem to wear more scars and perhaps more supplies as she wore a saddlebag on her back with Princess Celestia's cutie mark on the side of it. She adjusted her mane a bit just as the other Flusk was able to grip on to a cliff before she fell into the endless hole of darkness. She gritted her teeth and grunted but she pulled herself upright to where Flusk, the other Scarlet, and well..Scarlet stood.

"Get back." The other Scarlet said, pointing her gun at the wounded evil Flusk.

"S-Sun..Scum....I-I'll..DESTROY YOU!"

"Not in that condition you won't."

The other Scarlet shot again and Flusk flinched, not exactly wanting to look. Scarlet just watched. It was unclear if she approved of her alternate self but it was clear that she wanted to see some swearing come out of her mouth more than just 'get back' and little things like that. Where was the 'don't give a shit' attitude she saw with all the other Scarlet's? As she thought this, the evil Flusk hissed and pressed her hoof into her arm which was currently dripping with blood. She must have lost some of her armor leaving her a weak spot to shoot..

The other Scarlet turned her head downwards to Flusk and Scarlet below her. She cupped her hooves together and shouted.

“Well don’t just stand there, get out of here while you still can!”

Scarlet nodded as Flusk felt her grab her hoof and yank her the other way. They galloped away from the scene, climbing over a few large pieces of the crumbled castle, making their way into an overgrown forest. The thought of leaving that other Scarlet behind lingered in Flusk’s mind but for Scarlet, she knew it was the right thing to do. The other Scarlet would manage. If she was anything like her, there would be a lot of fight left to be had even before the other Flusk was dead.

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