• Member Since 26th Feb, 2020
  • offline last seen July 15th

Buster Knutt Reborn

Welcome back to the cum zone


Comments ( 18 )

So pleased to see my absolute fave fic from you back up here.

The fantasic combination of depravity and descriptive fucking is pretty close to the peak of smut on the site for me.

I feel blessed knowing you are back. You are like one of the best writers on this site.

Yes!!! I missed this one! I’m so glad to see it back.

Still wish there was impregnation with this one like the others.


If it makes you feel any better, I have been kicking around other ideas involving the CMC and Diamond that will be probably be more in-line with what's expected of me. The messy orgasms, the cumflation, the impregnation. Just give it a while, and I'll probably get around to it eventually.

30k fapping material? As virile as I am sir, theres no way on this planet im going to remain hydrated.

the thunderous clap of Dusk's hips against her dummy thicc ass was more than likely alerting all the security guards in the building.

Plump has officially become in the same category is moist in my mind. It's going to be hilarious moist plump me one more word that runs into that category without being overtly sexual. Needs to be very uncomfortable without being obscene.

I love this and can't wait to see what they do next.

Love it on to the next chapter

“Right, all three of you,” Dusk announced in a leading tone. “Naked time. Chop-chop.”

Whenever I read about dusk I give him as English accent similar to the doctor, the Chop-chop cemented it for this story

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