• Member Since 6th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen July 11th




The raiders had been thorough; an entire farming village wiped out, no survivors. Even if there had been, there was no shelter left, and the snow kept falling. Silence, and the wails of the wind...but as Novo steps away, a child cries.

Many thanks to Pasu-Chan for an amazing cover art piece. Their work can be found here, https://www.tumblr.com/pasu-chan

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 12 )

...... All I can say is you have me hooked


Whoa. Just how old IS Novo?

Does this mean Skystar's their sister? By how much younger?

A great start of what I’m sure is gonna be a great story!

Interesting. Never seen this dynamic before.

I am surprised in seeing a new chapter after it was so long ago.

Yes working on this has definitely had its ups and downs but I look forward to seeing it thru! Glad to see there's still interest in it

Ok had to reread chapter 1 but yay another story that isn't dead

Wow that's an amazing little fic but it wasn't touched since 2019 why.

Life n procrastination are a hell of a thing

An excellent chapter, always a good time when this fic is able to update. I'm excited to get to reading the next chapter soon!

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