The Day of the “Best Young Fliers” competition was very special to Rainbow Dash. But she was not the only pony to discover something about herself that day. This is the tale of 3 other ponies and their own self discovery.
(This is a collection of short stories used to try out new styles and formats. As such, I am sure there will be some who only like one or two the stories and not all three.)
(They do all take place in the same continuity and most of the events will be taking place around Cloudsdale and during the Episode “Sonic Rainboom”)
Damn, I remember when this was submitted to EQD.
Anything with Doctor Hooves in it is usually warrants an instant-like from me, but this was pretty well written and deep too. Nice work!
1065444 Ditto.
Loved Derpy and the Doctor's stories, thank you for protecting Pinkie
Scoots story was a little confusing, I thought Scoots already knew RD and was a fan already by that time, tough I could be mistaken...
All in all, MOAR!
Trust me I did my research on every story, especially the scoots one, and while Scootaloo had been introduced in the show by this episode she hadn't shown any hero worship to Dash yet and they hadn't even shared a scene yet.
So far the only scene Scootaloo had gotten was her introduction at diamond tiara's party, and Dash wan't there.